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Frank Coutinho's UQ Wrestling Results
North Shore Saloon and Garland Brewery presents;
TNA Impact Wrestling
Memorial Auditorium – Lowell, MA Att: 2,888

Commentators; Professor Mike Tenay, Jason Gentry & Mickey Ward
Referees; Brian Hebner & Gino Colucci Woman; O.D.B.
Ring Announcer; Christy Hemme

1. Shannon Moore; Mooregasm (Neckbreaker) Pin over The Rich & Famous Timmy Danger with Eddie Diamond. Timmy lost points when he heard a few cheers as he was introduced. Moore used his patented Halo (Corkscrew Senton) to set up the pin. 3:24

2. Jamin Olivincia; O Drop (DDT) Pin over Antonio Thomas. Thomas almost took Jamin to The Promise Land (STO) but Olivincia had a Hidden Foreign Object that he used to smash Thomas to the chops. He followed with a Diving Knee Smash to set up the pinned on the dazed Thomas. 4:40

3. Mickie James won by DQ over Madison Rayne with Gail Kim. It was a certain light’s out after Mickey used a tornado DDT on Madison but Gail jumped on O.D.B. O.D.B. slugged Gail and called the match altough Mickey had what could have been a 10+ count on Madison. 9:08

4. Caribbean Crunch (Chavo Guerro Jr. and Hernandez won by DQ over The Beasts (Flash Flanagan and Glen Osborn) with King Kenny Bolin. The match was going bad for the Beasts who couldn’t seem to counter Chavo’s speed and Hernandez strength. Kenny Bolin handed Flash a folded steel chair and glen entered the ring with a chain. Three more members of Bolin Services; Rob Conway, jack Black and Rocco Bellagio also ran to the ring. This was a Donnybrook with Shannon Moore and Mickey ward joining the Crunch. Bolin Sevices backed off but were obviously DQ’d. 7:38

5. X-Division Title – Hotshot Johnny Devine (Champion) with Dave Prazak; Devine Intervention (Moonsault) Pin over Showtime Eric Young (Challenger) with O.D.B. In an Unusual Ending Prazak went to O.D.B.’s corner and Blindsided her with a Trash Can to the head. Prazak stole O.D.B.’s flask and waited for a distraction to slam the flash to Eric’s skull. Devine climed the ropes for his finisher. Hotshot Johnny Devine retains the X-Division Title. 8:15

6. Pope D’Angelo Dinero; DDE D’Angelo Express (Double Knee Facebreaker) Pin over Façade. Façade tried his Spinning Heel Kick but The Pope caught his foot and twisted Façade to the canvas. Façade was unable to gain an momentum after the twisting fall. 4:44

7. Colt Cabana with Daffney; Colt 45 (Backbreaker Drop) Pin over Petey Williams. Petey was in total control after an Atomic Spike and hooking in the Canadian Destroyer (Front Flip Piledriver) but he never completed it as Daffney was able to use Pepper Spray to Petey’s eyes. Colt followed with a Brain Basher. Williams was KO’d. 8:51

8. Mr. Anderson won by Count-Out over A.J. Styles. During OOR Action as the wrestlers were heading back to the ring, DOC and Knux came to ringside and used a Chain to smash A.J. in the head. Styles collapsed to the floor as Mr. Andrson unaware of DOC and Knux re-entered the ring. A.J. missed the count. Mr. Anderson seeing what had happened left the ring, grabbed a chair and chased DOC and Knux. He then returned to ringside to check on A.J. Styles but A.J. pushed Anderson away. 11:45
Smokey Joe’s Ribs and Direct Insurance presents;
TNA Impact Wrestling
Kay Yeager Coliseum – Wichita falls, TX Att: 3,578

Commentators; Jeremy Borash, Jason Gentry & rickert
Referees; Brian Hebner & Gino Colucci Woman; Taryn Terrell
Ring Announcer; Christy Hemme

1. Rock n’ Roll Ryan Howe; Inverted DDT Pin over Jack Black with King Kenny Bolin. The fans were appreciative of Howe and his persona (Rock Star with a guitar). King Kenny, who was using a belt to choke out Howe, didn’t appreciate Howe so he tried to crown Ryan with the guitar Ryan had at ringside. Rockstar Spud ran to the ring and pushed Kenny who slammed the guitar onto Jack’s head. The 500 pound Black crash to the canvas dazed and became a victim as he attempted to get to his feet. 5:51

2. Trailer Park Trash with Elvis Pridemore from Somewhere Down South pinned Dylan Bostic. While T.P.T. distracted referee Gino Colucci, Elvis used a Rusty Tail Pipe to smash Dylan in the forehead. T.P.T. and Elvis decided that the pin wasn’t enough so they beat on Bostic in the post-match using a bottle of Jack Daniels and a Rusy Hubcap. The Rock Stars (Ryan Howe and Rockstar Spud) ran out to rescue Bostic causing T.P.T and Elvis to scamper. 3:36

3. Ink, Inc (Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal) beat Jersey Shore (Robbie E and Joey Ryan). Jesse Neal; Belly to Belly Suplex Pin over Robbie E. As Robbie E was whipped to the ropes Joey tripped him by mistake. It altered the match and allowed Shannon Moore to use his Halo (Corkscrew Senton) move, tag out and have Jesse use his finisher. 8:52

4. O.D.B. with Eric Young; Dirty Dozen face Smash Pin over MsChif with Cookie. Cookie tried to help by throwing powder to O.D.B.’s face but missed and hit MsChif. O.D.B. followed with a Driving Tackle that took the breath from MsChif while Eric prevented Cookie from entering the ring when he dumped a bucket of fried chicken over her head. O.D.B. was a bit angry after the match as she said to Eric; “You idiot. You wasted the chicken.” 5:52

5. Gunner; Fireman Carry Facebuster Pin over South Side Pretty Boy Jay Bradley. During OOR Action Gunner reverse an attempt by Bradley to hit him in the stomach with a steel char edge. Gunner then slammed Bradley’s head into the steel steps causing a gash on Bradley’s forehead. After re-entering the ring Gunner used a Spine Buster to set up the pin. After the the pin Gunner grabbed Bradley by the hair and pulled up his bloody face & head to show the fans; “He ain’t pretty anymore.” 6:08

6. Kid Kash with Daffney; Dead Level (Brainbuster) Pin over Jerry Lynn. Lynn was in control and used his Tornado DDT to finish the match. Colt Cabana came to ringside to help Kah while Daffney distracted referee Brian Hebner. After a few smashed to an exposed turnbuckle, Cabana used his Colt 45 (Backbreaker Rack Drop) to set up Jerry for the pin. 9:35

7. Cowboy James Storm; Eight Second Ride (STO) Pin over Carlito Colon with Sarita. Sarita tried to stuff a plate of Smokey Joe’s Robs into the Cowboy’s face but he reverse the move and got both Carlito and Sarita. Sarita was covered with Rib Sauce and screaming on the side of the ring and Carlito was temporarily blinded by sauce as Storm used a falling Face Wrecker to set up his finisher. 8:43

8. TNA Tag Title – British Invasion (Magnus and Doug Williams) and Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels and Kazarian); Double Count-Out. During OOR Action both Magnus and Kazarian the legal men got whipped into each other and both were KO’d. Williams and Daniels pail little attention to the KO’s as they were fighting up the ramp and to the back stage area. The British Invasion retain the TNA Tag Title. 11:56
Callahan’s Grill and Binford’s Supply presents;
TNA Impact Wrestling
Civic Center – Peoria, IL Att: 4,148

Commentators; Professor Mike Tenay & Tazz
Referees; Earl Hebner and Paul Turner Woman; O.D.B.
Ring Announcer; Jeremy Borash

1. “Rapid Fire” Tony Gunn; Bang Bang You’re Dead (Double Drop Kicks) Pin over Shiloh Jonze. Shiloh is always shows the fans an attitude when introduced had little if any reaction from the fans. This along with the points lost upset his game. During OOR Action Jonze tried to smash a wooden soda case to Tony’s head but the move was reversed. As the wrestlers re-entered the ring Gunn hit Shiloh with his finisher. 4:34

2. Rodney Mack; Cobra Clutch Submission over Chris Silvio. Chris was able to keep the match fairly even using rougher style moves like Raking to Eyes and tying Rodney in the ropes to pummel him until Referee Paul Turner broke it up. Silvio was arguing with Referee Turner when Mack hit Chris with a Spear move and then finished the match. 4:25

3. Tracy Brooks with Mickey James and Cookie with MsChif; No Contest. O.D.B. was hit from the ring during the action that was mainly 4 wrestlers because James and MsChif were constantly interfering. MsChif was thrown from the ring then Tracy & Mickey used a Double Suplex on Cookie. O.D.B. re-entered the ring and immediately declared a no contest even though Cookie was clearly pinned. 6:49

4. Enforcer King Mo; Royal Pain Elbow Smash Pin over Jesse Sorenson. Mo set up the finish after reversing a Headlock DDT hold that Jesse had hooked. 5:42

5. Lance Hoyt and Wes Brisco with Garrett Bischoff; Double DQ. This match was way out of control. Brisco had a microphone that he tried to use for a smash to Hoyt’s head. Knux of Aces and Eights came to the ring with a chain. Rodney Mack and Tony Gunn came out to help Lance. Referee Paul Turner couldn’t keep track of the players without a program so he call the match. 6:33

6. Jay Lethal; Lethal Combination (STO) pin over Zema Ion. Zema used a vicious Choke Hold on seberal occasions when Referee Earl Hebner wasn’t looking. Zema climbed the ropes and executed a 630° Senton that Jay somehow was able to kick from. A Top Rope Gut Wrench then a Jumping Spin Kick set Zema up for the pin in this high flying match. A standing ovation was given to both wrestlers although Zema returned the compliment with a middle finger from each hand. 8:23

7. Main Event Mafia (Sting and Kurt Angle) won by Count-Out over Aces & Eights I (D.O.C. and Knux). D.O.C., who was the legal man, was hit in the head with a Ball Pein Hammer when Garrett Bishoff ran to help Aces & Eights. He aimed the hammer for Kurt Angle but was pushed by Wes Brisco who also ran out. Angle, the legal man slipped back in the ring when Samoa Joe and Magnus came out to help The Mafia. 9:51

8. Jeff Hardy won by DQ over Austin Aires. In an Unusual Ending, Bobby Roode could not stay away from this match. As Jeff climbed the ropes for a Swanton Swan Dive, Roode reached in the ring and tripped Referee Earl Hebner. Roode walked off as though he was innocent but Referee Paul Turner, at ringside, pointed to the guilty Roode. 12:36
Aunt Bea’s Chicken House & Black Heart Cola presents
TNA Impact Wrestling on Spike TV
McKenzie Arena – Chattanooga, TN Att: 2,752

Commentators; Jeremy Borash, Jason Gentry & George Vessichio
Referees; Brian Stiffler & Todd Sinclair Woman; Taryn Terrell
Ring Announcer; Christy Hemme

1. Raul LaMotta won by Count-Out over Jason Wayne. LaMotta attacked Jason with a Sharp Foreign Object during the pre-match cutting Jason on the forehead. During OOR Action Raul slammed jason’s head into the Steel Steps and then used a S.O.S. – DDT to KO him on the concrete floor. 5:13

2. Randy Royal won by DQ over Elvis Pridemore from Somewhere Down South with Trailer Park Trash. Trash used a Rusty Hubcap and then some Bicycle Handle Bars to beat on Randy during some distractions. Not satisfied, Trash entered the ring and pushed Referee Todd Sinclair to the canvas. Sinclair immediately called for the bell. 4:39

3. Garrett Bischoff with Wes Brisco; Throat Slam Suplex Pin over Amazing Red. During OOR Action Bischoff and Brisco performed a Doubleteam Brain Crusher on Red, dragged him to the ring and pushed him in for the finish. 4:54

4. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin) beat the Family (Jesse Godderz and Rudy Switchblade) with Tara. Sabin; Cradle Shock (Driver) Pin over Jesse. Shelly set up the finish with a Shell Shock (STO). Tara tried desperately to interfere but Tracy Brooks at the Commentator’s table ran over to confront Tara. When Rudy Switchblade tried to stop Tracy Alex Shelly slammed a chair over his head. 10:31

5. Gail Kim with Madison Rayne; Eat Defeat (Facebuster) Pin over Roxxi. Roxxi was about to use her Voodoo Drop on gain when Madison threw a cup of Black Heart Cola into Roxxi’s face. Gail followed by slamming Roxxi’s head into the corner post several times and then used her finisher. 7:06

6. The Blueprint Matt Morgan; Hellevator (Side Slam) Pin over Eddie Kingston with Mo Green. Kingston had an Undetected Foreign Object that Mo slipped to him that he used to slam into Matt’s stomach several times. Mo’s Coolies; Craig Steel and Chris Silvio came to ringside tp help Eddie. They were immediately countered by the Motor City Machine Guns; Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin. Morgan trapped Kingston in the corner and used his Blueprint Stomp to set up the pin. Mo Green appealed to Referee Brian Stiffler that Morgan had extra help with The Motor City machine Guns while his own wrestlers were only at ringside to help him and not Kingston. 6:16

7. CAGE MATCH (Stipulation – Loser leaves TNA) - Brother Devon; Pin and Escape over D’Lo Brown. D’Lo was in control and used a few Body Slams and a Flying Elbow to get the near Pin. During a distraction DOC walked up to the Cage Wall; found a Cut Hole and handed Devon some Brass Nucks through the hole. Devon slashed D’Lo to the chops and then Raked his Face along the Wall. D’Lo collapsed to the canvas and was pinned. Devon climbed to victory. 13:11

8. TNA Title – Bobby Roode (Champion) with Austin Aires; The Payoff (Bridging Suplex) Pin over Rob Terry. Terry about to used his Chokeslam to put away Roode was blindsided when Robbie E ran the ring and used Pepper Spray into Rob’s eyes. Robbie E slipped a Folded Steel Chair onto the ring canvas and Bobby Roode immediately used a Neckbreaker onto the steel chair. Referee Brian Stiffler who was totally distracted turned to see the finishing pin. Bobby Roode retains the TNA Title. 10:29
Midland Beef and M. Tasso Tours presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling
J’s Place – Brantford, Ontario Att:2,281

Commentators; Bobby Cruise and Nigel McGuiness
Referees; Gino Colucci & Todd Sinclair Ring; Maria Kanelis

1. James “Moose” Thomas; Running wall Pin over Anthony Nese. Nese performed a 450° Splash but the runway was empty giving Thomas time so use a Moose Kick as Nese got up and then use his finisher to end the match. 4:36

2. Jigsaw pinned Bulldog Raines. In an Unusual Ending during OOR Action, Bulldog tried to hit Jigsaw with a Chain. “Moose” Thomas was waiting for an interview OOR and almost got hit by the chain. Thomas used his Moose Kick to lay out Raines then threw him in the ring. The Ko’d Buldog was easy picking. 5:45

3. Adam Pearce won by Count-Out over Grizzly Redwood. Grizzly used an Ironwood (Neckbreaker) move to gain what seemed like a pin that caused Pearce to retreat OOR. Grizzly followed him only to be hit with a piece of lumber. Pearce used a Spiked Piledriver on the ramp and then ran back to the ring. The KO’d Grizzly was unable to make the count. 5:08

4. The Blossoms (Hanna and Holly) beat Double D Express (Daffney and Daizee Haze). Hanna; Doubleteam Blossom Bomb Pin over Daizee. Daffney tried to hit Holly with a Foreign Object when she was in the ring and then tried to use Hair Spray to the Eyes. The Hair Spray move got reversed and Holly used the spray to Daizee’s eyes. The Blossom Bomb ended the match. 8:23

5. The Jackson’s (Young Bucks Matt & Nick) beat The Guardians of Truth (Mosh and Thrasher) with Truth Martini. Nick; Roll-Up over Thrasher. The Guardians interrupted a TV promo that the Jackson’s were doing with George Vessichio in Cannoli Corner. This cost The Jackson’s 200 points from their total. Nick Jackson was pinned by Thrasher with a Stage Dive Leg Dive Powerbomb Doubleteam Combination but Referee Gino Colucci missed the pin. While Mosh and Thrasher were arguing with Referee Colucci Nick ran over and used the Roll-Up on Thrasher. 12:41

6. Mark Briscoe with Jay; Briscoe Bomb (Doubleteam; Cut Throat Driver and Diving Leg Combo) Pin over Mike Mondo with King Kenny Bolin. This was set up with a Reverse Chairshot on Bolin and Mondo. 9:16

7. Team Ambition (Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish) won by Count-Out over American Wolves (Davy Richards and Eddie Edwards). Richards and Fish were the legal wrestlers. The match eventually went OOR where O’Reilly threw some sand into Richards eyes and then slammed his head and body into the steel steps several times. Fish and Edwards were fighting on the ramp where Edwards used a Brain Basher to KO Fish. O’Reilly slipped back in the ring and raised his hands after Referee Gino Colucci’s count reach 10. Colucci who was having a bad day called Team Ambition the winners. 11:11

8. Ring of Honor TV Title – Roderick Strong with Truth Martini won by Count-Out over Lo Ki (Senshi). Lo Ki used a Skull Crusher and a Guillotine Leg Drop to gain an edge OOR. Lo Ki wasn’t watching Truth Martini or The Guardians who came to ringside. The Guardians used a Stage Dive and Truth followed with a Loaded “Book of Truth” smash to the skull. The Guardians helped Strong back to the ring. Roderick Strong retains the ROH TV Title. 10:43
The Moon Under Water and Homer Nesbitts Creamery presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling on Sinclair Broadcasting
National Guard Armory – Lexington, TN Att: 1,972

Commentators; Kevin Kelly and Vic Travagliante
Referees; Brian Gorie & Paul Turner Ring; Bobby Cruise

1. Craven Verro; Hell’s Kitchen Express (Top Rope Flying Clothesline) Pin over Raphael Constantine. Rafael was able to launch a Moonsault and near pin but got caught off guard when Craven used a foreign Object smash to the chops to reverse to advantage. The dazed Rafael was ripe for the finish. 6:15

2. Rockstar Spud and Ted McNalor; Double Count-Out. OOR Brawl went up the ramp and through the Custodian closet when every boom and mop was used as a weapon. The wrestlers took the brawl to the Food Court where they threw pizza and soft ice cream at each other. They finally went out the front doors and collapsed on the lawn. The Count-Out had long passed. 4:47

3. Paredyse (filling in for Brutal Bob Evans) won by DQ over Matt Taven with Truth Martini. In an Unusual Ending, The Guardians (Mosh and Thrasher) came to ringside. Martini used his Loaded Book of Truth for a Smash to the head of Paredyse. The Guardians attacked to ring beat unmercifully on Paredyse. Referee Brian Gorie call the match and called for security to break up the massacre. 3:54

4. Marcus Anthony; Belly to Belly Suplex Pin over Mohamed Ali Vaez with Prince Nana. Nana tried to hit Marcus with the Ghanaian Money Bag but missed and hit Mohamed by mistake. Marcus used a Corner Body Crusher to set up the finish. 5;37

5. Beautiful Girls (Angelina Love and Velvet Sky) won by DQ over Shooting Stars (Gail Kim and Madison Rayne). Angelina caught Gail in a Lights Out (Lifting STO). Madison sensing the finish ran into the ring trying to smash a coffee cup to Angelina’s head. Velvet Sky countered Madison and a Brawl started in the ring. When Referee Brian Gorie cleared the mess, he declared a DQ in favor of Beautiful Girls. The Shooting Stars protested vehemently but the protest was ignored. 11:25

6. Homicide with Prince Nana; Frog Splash pin over Jay Brisco with Mark. In an Unusual Finish, Jay who was in control used a Jay Driver to get a near pin. The Embassy; Sheik Bashir, Sonjay Dutt and Princess Mia Yim came to ringside. Mia distracted Referee Paul Turner while Nana choked Jay with a robe cord. Bashir and Dutt attacked mark Briscoe and Piledrived him on the concrete floor. Prine Nana smashed his Money Bag to Jay’s Skull then Homicide used the Frog Splash. 7:02

7. S.C.U.M. (Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino) beat C & C Wrestling Factory (Cedric Alexander and Caprice Coleman). Jimmy Jacobs over Alexander. Coleman used a Scissors Kick and Alexander followed with a Flying Forearm that left Jacobs helpless on the canvas. Alexander covered with an Inside Cradle but Referee Brian Gorie was distracted by The Briscoes who were screaming at Referee Paul Turner about the last match. Steve Corino ran in the ring and turned the wrestlers over. Jacobs pinned alexander with and inside Cradle. 13:45

8. Ring of Honor Title – Mike Bennett (Challenger) with Maria Kanelis; Box Office Smash (Wrist Lock Sit-Out Slam) Pin over Delirious (Champion). Delirious was about to use his Bizarro Driver when maria reached in with a microphone and slugged Delirious in the skull. Mike followed with his finisher. Mike Bennett is the NEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW Ring of Honor Champion. 11:29
Bayou Bistro and Swiift Oil Company presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling
Sports Complex – W. Monroe, LA Att: 2,046

Commentators; Vic Travgliante and Nigel McGuiness
Referees; Paul Turner & Todd Sinclair Ring; Princess Mia Yim

1. Flash Flanagan with Kenny Bolin; Whip Flash (Diving Neckbreaker) Pin over Rodney Mack. Rodney caught Flash in a Blackout (Cobra Clutch) but before Flash could submit Glen Osborn came to ringside. Kenny Bolin distracted referee Paul Turner while Glen climbed through the ropes and smashed a Metal Sign over Rodney’s head. 5:03

2. Jay Bradley and Randy Terrez; Double Count-Out. In an Unusual Ending during OOR Action the wrestlers brawled to the back stage area and then into the food court. They wrecked to Pop Corn machine as they crashed through it. Several other tables of food and memorabilia were left in ruins. 5:48

3. The Embassy (Sonjay Dutt and Sheik Abdul Bashir) with Prince Nana beat The Bravado Brothers (Harlem and Lance. Sheik Abdul Bashir; Magic Carpet (Frog Splash) pin over Harlem. The Embassy had plenty of help. Sonjay and Bashir used chairshots to slow down The Bravados in the pre-match. After the match started Princess Mia Yim came to ringside and smashed Lance with a microphone. Homicide came to ringside and distracted Referee Paul Turner while Prince Nana used his money bag for a smash to Harlem’s head. Nigel McGuiness got in the ring and announced that he would let this decision stand but he was replacing Princess Mia Yim with Holly Blossom because the Princess couldn’t stop herself from helping the Embassy. 12:22

4. Charlie Haas won by Count-Out over The Necro Butcher with Truth Martini. During OOR Action The Guardians came out to help The Butcher. Sheldon Benjamin ran out to help Haas. Sheldon got in between Mosh and Thrasher and whip them to a shot head smash. Charlie used a Cement DDT on the shocked Butcher while Truth Martini had backed off. The Necro Butcher failed to make the count. 6:23

5. Knockout Tag Title – Dynamite Girls (Mickie James and Tracy Brooks) (Challengers) beat Mexican-America (Rosita and Sarita) (Champions). Mickie James; Doubleteam Suplex over Sarita. Rosita and Sarita got and early edge as they attacked during the pre-match. As the tide changed, Rosita tried to throw some powder into Mickie’s eyes. Mickie ducked as Tracy hit Rosita. The powder went into Sarita’s Face and eyes. Mickie and Tracy used the Suplex finisher. Dynamite Girls are the NEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW Knockout Tag Champions. 12:36

6. Bazooka Joe; Bazooka Bomb (Running Corner Smash) Pin over Dave “Fit” Finley. Dave tried to wear down Joe with Blatant Chokes and then tried to hit Joe with the Shillelagh but missed. Bazooka Joe used a Running Knee Lift to set up the eventual finish. 7:39

7. B.J. Whitmer; Adrenaline Pike Pin over Tommaso Ciampia with Prince Nana and Princess Mia Yim. Ciampia used his usual moves to gain the edge. Rake the Eyes, Rope Burns and a Wicked Kick to the Groin but a distraction proved to be fatal. Nigel McGuiness who had gone to the back stage returned to the commentator’s table. He noticed Princess Mia Yim at ringside, walked over and ordered her to leave. Prince nana protested and Tommaso got distracted. B.J. hit Ciampia with a spinning neckbreaker and then ended the match. 8:13

8. Kevin Steen pinned Rhino with Truth Martini. This was an unusual ending that was not without controversy. The fans truly hated Rhino and Truth giving Rhino extra points on his total. Rhino was able to use his Spear finish and gain a pin on Steen but Referee Todd Sinclair missed the pin when Martini was distracting outside the ring by arguing with Nigel McGuiness about the Haas/Necro Butcher match. After kicking out Matt Taven who had wandered to ringside tried to smash a chair over Kevin’s head. Kevin grabbed the chair and used it on Rhino. 6:36
E Town Deli and Larry’s Tire Mart presents;
Ring of Honor Wrestling on Sinclair Broadcasting
Inman Sports Club – Edison, NJ Att: 2,318

Commentators; Bobby Cruise and Kevin Kelly
Referees; Brian Gorie and Gino Colucci Ring; Holly Blossom

1. Caprice Coleman; Comatoser (Cutter) Pin over Cliff Compton with King Kenny Bolin. Compton gained an edge in the match by using a leather belt handed to him by Bolin to choke out Coleman. Compton was able to slam Coleman’s head to the canvas dazing him. Unfortunately for Compton he was tripped by mistake as Bolin was attempting to trip Coleman. As Compton got up Caprice hit him with a Scissors Kick and then his finisher. 4:56

2. Young Buck Matt Jackson and The Family’s Rudy Switchblade with Jesse Godderz and Tara; Double Count-Out. Jesse and Tara couldn’t stay out of the match and they constantly interfered. Nick Jackson came to ringside. Tara distracted referee Gino Colucci while Jesse tried to use a metal chair for a smash to matt’s head. Nick countered and both entered the ring. This was a brawl that referee Gino Colucci called out of control when he turned to see. 4:40

3. Erin-Go-Wilde (Kelly Kelly and Taylor Wilde) beat M and M (Maria Kanelis and Princess Mia Yim) with Prince Nana. Kelly Kelly; K-2 (Legdop Bulldog) Pin over Maria. Princess Mia OOR had a Fire Extinguisher that she set up to use the foam to Kelly’s. Taylor Wilde hit Princess Mia with a Missile Dropkick causing the foam to hit Maria. Taylor grabbed the Extinguisher and sprayed Prince Nana. Kelly used a Flying Forearm to set up the finish. 8:12

4. Sheldon Benjamin; T-Bone Suplex Pin over Danny Maff. Danny attacked Sheldon during the pre-match catching him off guard. This cost Sheldon points from his total but not enough to stop his quickness against the burly Maff. Sheldon set up the finish with a Dragon Whip. 4:42

5. Mike Quackenbush; Déjà Vu DDT Pin over Elix Skipper. Elix, whose attitude had changed to the dark side over the past few months, was accompanied by Daffney as they interrupted a promo interview that Mike was doing with George Vessichio in Cannoli Corner. This cost Mike 100 points from his total for this match. Daffney wasted no time in throwing Elix a small Foreign Object that Mike intercepted and threw into the crowd. During OOR Action Elix slammed Mike’s Head into the Steel Steps then as they re-eneterd the ring Daffney scratched Mike’s eyes with her fingernails. Daffney threw a cup of coffee that hit Elix by mistake. The Battered Quackenbush followed with a Flying Dropkick and then finished the match. 7:56

6. Matt Hardy with Steve Corino of S.C.U.M.; Twist of Hate (Top Rope) Pin over Michael Elgin. Michael was about to use his Spinning Sit-Out Powerbomb to pin Hardy when Jimmy Jacobs ran to the ring, took advantage of a distraction and smashed his Railroad Spike to Elkin’s head. Elin was KO’d and an easy pin for Matt Hardy. 8:31

7. Adam Cole; Corona DDT Pin over “God’s Gift” Q.T. Marshall with Barrister R.D. Evans. Marshall used a Vicious Choke Hold several times and seemed to be in control of the match but Evans not satisfied tried to help by smashing his Judge’s mallet to Adam’s head. Cole grabbed the mallet and used it on Marshall. Cole used a Jumping Spin Kick to set up the ending. 6:15

8. Ring of Honor Tag Title – All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus) (Champions) beat Danger Danger (Brian Kendrick and Paul London) (Challengers). Kenny King; Royal Flush (Cutter) Pin over Brian Kendrick. London tried desperately to reach Brian but Titus stopped him using a Skull Crusher. Kenny set up the finish with a Guillotine Leg Drop. The All Night Express retains the ROH Tag Title. 13:56
The Aces and Marian’s Bakery presents;
WWE Wrestling – Monday Night Raw
Allen County War Memorial – Fort Wayne, IN Att: 11,670

Commentators; Jim Ross and Jerry “King” Lawler
Referees; Justin King & Scott Armstrong Ring; Lilian Garcia

1. Alexander Rusev with Sylvester LeFort and Jason Jordan; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action LeFort hit Jordan with the Gong-Bell KO’ing him. The powerful but clumsy Rusev tripped on a table leg as he was heading back to the ring. Neither wrestler could make the count. 5:05

2. Mason Ryan; Neckbreaker Pin over Enzo Amore. Amore irritated the crowd with some Italian that the fans felt was derogatory; “Fuori daila mia faccia” (Get outta my face). During OOR Action Amore was able to choke Ryan on the Guard Rail seemingly giving him an advantage but as they re-entered the ring Ryan hit Enzo with a House of Pain Jawbreaker setting him up for the finish. 4:37

3. Psycho Rick Victor won by DQ over Slate Randall. Slate grabbed a Foreign Object (small piece of pipe) from Victor as he pushed Psycho from the Ring Apron. As Rick re-entered the ring Slate set him up for a Running Skull Crusher. Referee Justin King, saw the piece of pipe that Randall was still holding and DQ’d him immediately. Psycho Rick Victor started yelling; “CHEATER – CHEATER!!” 5:21

4. Natalya with Hornswoggle; Belly to Back Suplex Pin over Paige. Before Paige could use her RamPaige Sidekick, Hornswoggle ran in the ring and hit Paige in the leg with his End of the Rainbow Money Bag. Natalya used a slingshot Clothesline to set up for the finisher. 6:32

5. Rey Mysterio Jr. and Camacho; Double Count-Out. This became an OOR Brawl up the ramp and out to the Food Court. Mysterio used a 619 Tiger Kick to lay out Camacho but of course the count had long passed. 8:53

6. The Great Khali and JTG (Jayson A. Paul); Double DQ. Both wrestlers had chairs and were about to use them as weapons. Hornswoggle who was the first to throw a chair to The Great Khali entered the ring and kicked Referee Scott Armstrong. Armstrong surprisingly called the match a double DQ deeming it Out of Control. 5:42

7. Rhodes Scholars (Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes) with The Bella twins beat Prime Time Players (Titus O’Neil and Darren Young). Sandow; Silence (Sit-Out Slam) Pin over Titus. At the height of action Brie Bella threw a cup of hot coffee into O’Neil’s face. Cody followed with a Flying Knee Drop then tagged to Sandow for the finish. 12:56

8. Intercontinental Title – The Miz (Challenger); Skull Crushing Finale Pin over Ezekiel Jackson (Champion). As Jackson was about to lift the Miz for a Torture Rack, The Miz pulled out som Brass Nucks and slammed them to Ezekiel’s chops. Jackson collapsed to the canvas. For good measure the Miz lifted Jackson’s head and performed a devastating end all.. The Miz is the NEEEEEWWWWWWWWW Intercontinental Champion. 10:23
Butch’s Place and Tip Top Construction presents
WWE Wrestling (2012)
Prairie Capital Convention Center – Springfield, IL Att: 9,652

Commentators; Josh Mathews and Michael Cole
Referees; Mike Chioda & Chad Patton Ring; Tom Phillips

1. Jake “The Great” Carter won by Count-Out over “The Real Deal” Dante Dash. During OOR Action Dash tried to use a chair to Carter’s skull but the move got reversed. Dante was left lying in the cement aisle as Carter climbed back in the ring. 4:55

2. Evan Bourne; Air Bourne (Shooting Star Press) Pin over Satanic Solomon Crowe. Crowe tried to gain an edge in the match but was thrown from the ring after using a folded steel chair on the canvas in a Neckbreaker attempt. Bourne used a Reverse Piledriver to set up the pin. 4:39

3. Rosa Mendes; Hell Makeover (Neckbreaker) Pin over Rebecca Knox. Rosa savagely raked Rebecca’s eyes temporarily blinding her before using a Sledgehammer Smash and then a Falling Ax Handle that did in the newcomer. 5:02

4. Braun Stowman won by DQ over Bo Dallas. Brawn used Blatant Chokes throughout the match. Dallas was able to hook in an Elevated Arm Bar but Solomon Crowe ran to ringside and wrapped a leather belt around Bo’s Neck while Rosa Mendes still near ringside distracted Referee Chad Patton. Dallas was able to get the belt after using a Smashing Forearm on Solomon and throwing Braun OOR. Referee Chad Patton turned to see Bo with the leather belt and called for the bell. 4:41

5. Rob Van Dam; Frog Splash Pin over David Otunga. David threw Rob face first to the concrete OOR to begin the match. Rob lost a huge number of points from the fall. Otunga didn’t let up OOR as he used the top edge of a steel chair to repeatedly smash Van dam in the stomach. The match edge changed after the wrestlers re-entered the ring with Rob using a Running Knee Lift to down David. Van Dam followed with a Vandaminator Spin Kick and then climbed for the finish. Both wrestlers had to be helped from the ring. 11:32

6. Dean Ambrose with Seth Rollins pinned Trent Baretta. Baretta controlled the match and would have ended it after using a Gobstopper (High Knee) that resulted in Ambrose down for at least a 7 or 8 count but Rollins distracted referee Chad Patton while Roman Reigns ran to the ring with a chair. He smashed the chair over Trent’s head KO’ing him. After the match The Shield (Ambrose and his Coolies) walked proudly from the ring waving at the booing fans. 5:51

7. Team Co-Bro (Zach Ryder and Santino Marilla) beat Team Hell No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) with A.J. Lee. Santino Marilla; Calabria Stunner Pin over Daniel Bryan. A.J. Lee tried to spray perfume to Santino’s eyes but missed and hit Bryan by mistake. Layla El at the Commentator’s table, talking about her up and coming title match in a few days, ran over and pushed A.J. causing the miss. 13:22

8. World Title – C.M. Punk (Champion) with Paul Hayman and Sheamus (Challenger); Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Brock Lesner came out to help Punk while Santino Marilla ran out to help Sheamus. This became a Pier 6 Brawl that was never going to end back in the ring. C.M. Punk retains the World Title. 10:52
Nathan’s Famous and the Shake Shack presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012)
Barclay’s Center – Brooklyn, NY Att: 14,486

Commentators; John “Bradshaw” Layfield, Mick Foley & A.J. Lee
Referees; Ron Zapata & Charles Robinson Ring; Lilian Garcia

1. Alex Riley; You’re Dismissed (Cutter) Pin over Baron Corbin. Baron was sporting a Forearm Brace as the result of an injury from his last match against Kassius Ohno although his injury is in question. Corbin tried to use the brace, that was Loaded to smash Riley but Alex avoided the swing and it lead to a Lifting DDT on Baron. Riley then finished the match. 3:44

2. Golddust; Shattered Dreams (Low Blow Smash) Pin over Mojo Rawlex. Golddust lost points on his total when some of the fans cheered for him at the introduction. Golddust used a Falling Cranium Crusher and Flying Forearm to take Mojo out of the match and set him up for the pin. 5:54

3. Big E Langston; Single Leg Boston Crab Submission over Danny Burch. Danny came close to a pin using a London Bridge (Rope Hung DDT) but Big E was able to avoid the pin and eventually use a Driving Tackle to set up Burch for the ending. 4:12

4. Beth Phoenix won by Count-Out over Aksana. During OOR Action Beth used a Beth Valley Driver at the Guard rail to daze Aksana and then a Glam Slam on the cement to end Aksana’s chanses of making it back to the ring. 6:14

5. International Air Strike (Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel) beat Primo and Epico with Rosa Mendes. Tyson Kidd; Sharpshooter Submission over Primo. This was a tough match to referee for Ron Zapata as all 4 wrestlers were constantly in the ring. The Air Strike got the upper hand when they gave Primo and Epico a Noggin Knocker just as Rose sprayed some Bug repellant and hit Primo by mistake. Tyson Kidd the legal man used a Diving Neckbreaker on Primo to set up the finisher. 13:52

6. USA Title – John Morrison (Challenger) with Nikki Bella; Moonlight Drive (Corkscrew Neckbreaker) Pin over Fandango (Champion) with Summer Rae. The ballroom Brawler and Summer Rae danced their way down the ramp to “ChaChaLaLa.” During the match Fandango performed a Swinging Reverse (STO) but was the victim of Pepper Spray by Nikki. It proved to be fatal for the match as Morrison turned it to his finishing advantage. John Morrison is the NEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW USA Champion. 8:14

7. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) with Bray Wyatt beat The Rekking Crew (Curt Hawlins and Tyler Reeks). Harper; Kiljoy (Gut Wrench) Pin over Reeks. Bray Wyatt smashed a Jug of Hooch over Harper’s skull. Reeks tried to save his partner who was a victim of Greetings from the North (Chokeslam) by Erick. As Reeks tagged his dazed partner Harper ended the match with his finisher. 10:41

8. Ryback; Spinal Crack Pin over Randy Orton. Randy orton tried to enter the ring with a Forearm Brace but was stopped by Referee Charles Robinson who wanted to see the Medical Papers. Orton’s thunder had already been stolen by Baron Corbin in the opening match and with no papers orton had to remove the brace. A piece of metal fell as he took it off. During the match Randy pulled out some Brass Nucks as he was going to use an O-Zone (Neckbraker0 but they were grabbed and thrown to the crowd by Ryback. Ryback threw Randy in the corner for a Catapult Splash and then finished the match. 9:25
Flaming Ribs and Lone Star Brewery presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012) – Friday Night Smackdown
State Farm Arena – Hidalgo, TX Att: 8,764

Commentators; Jerry “King” Lawler & Jim Ross
Referees; John Cone & Mike Chioda Ring; Lilian Garcia

1. Antonio Cesaro with Zeb Coulter; Neutralizer (Mat Slam) Pin over Oliver Grey. Cesaro, part of Coulter’s nasty Real American Stable, took advantage of Zen holding Oliver while Antonio used a European Uppercut Smash to the chops. This set up the end. 2:36

2. Justin Gabriel; 450° Splash Pin over Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins seemed to have Gabriel lined up but missed a Suicide Leap from the Turnbuckle. Justin took advantage on the dazed Dawkins by using a Running Face Smash then the finisher. 4:29

3. A.J. Lee with Daniel Bryan; Shining Wizard (Running Knee Lift Enzugiri) Pin over Sasha Banks. As Shasha was about to use a Wheelbarrow Bulldog on A.J., Daniel Bryan reached in a tripped Sasha. As Sasha got to her feey A.J. used a Brainbuster to all but end the match. He Shining Wizard was frosting on the cake. 6:21

4. Bray Wyatt with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan wearing a Lamb Mask; Sister Abigail (Swinging Reverse STO) Pin over Mickey Keegan. Rowan used a Gator Whip to choke out Keegan. Harper added a Double Axe Handle as Keegan was getting it from all sides. A Spine Cracker by Bray set Mickey up for the finish. The Wyatt Family wasn’t satisfied with a win they continued to pummel Keegan after the match until 6 security stormed the ring and Referee Mike Chioda started a DQ count. 4:51

5. Christian; Killswitch (Facebuster) pin over Ted DiBiase Jr. DiBiase had Cristian in trouble as he used a Dream St. (Clutch Slam) but Christian beat the count and then used a Hidden Sharp Object that left a cut on Ted’s forehead. DiBiase was blinded by blood as Christian finished the match with his specialty. 9:54

6. The Undertaker won by DQ over Brock Lesner with Paul Hayman. In an Unusual Finish, as The Undertaker was lifting Brock for a Tombstone Piledriver, C.M. Punk stormed the ring in an attempt to stop the carnage. Referee Mike Chioda, notr having his best of days, immediately called for the bell. 8:12

7. John Cena; Attitude Adjustment (Fireman’s Carry Takeover) Pin over Wade Barrett. Cena was up against it from the start as Christian, at the Commentator’s Table, went to the ring to help Wade. During the pre-match they doubleteamed for a Piledriver that cost Cena quite a number of points. Later Christan tripped Cena and Barrett followed with a Wasteland (Carry Slam). Cena was able to overcome the Barrett advantage and hit Wade with a Double Fist Sledgehammer. Barrett who had been terrorizing rings in England became a victim of Cena’s finisher. 10:45

8. WWE Tag Title – 3 MB (Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater) (Challengers) with Jinder Mahal beat Booming Truth (Kofi Kingston and R-Truth) (Champions). McIntyre; Skull Crusher Pin over R-Truth. Jinder Mahal took advantage of distractions to grind faces into the mat and use vicious eye rakes. Referee Mike Chioda was temporarily KO and 3 MB took advantage by attacking with Chairs. R-Truth was KO’d and McIntyre was pinning him after using his finisher as Chioda woke up. 3 MB is the NEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW WWE Tag Champions. 13:38
The Peppermill Lounge and Potomac Oil presents;
WWE Wrestling (2012)
Verizon Center – Washington, D.C. Att: 12,418

Commentators; Josh Mathews and John “Bradshaw” Layfield
Referees; Charles Robinson & Ron Zapata Ring; Renee Young

1. Judas Devlin; The Betrayal (Smash with Bag of Coins) Pin over Troy McLean. Judas used a Crucifix Powerbomb to set up the pin but it wasn’t enough to satisfy him so he used the bag of Coins when Referee Charles Robinson couldn’t see the infraction. In the post-match Judas used a chair to beat on the rookie McLean. 2:38

2. Konnor (Conor O’Brian) won by Count-Out over Big Sawyer Fulton. During OOR Action Konnor had a chair while Big Sawyer used the Gong-Bell as weapons. Konnor caught Big Sawyer in the forehead with the chair edge then used a Fall of man (Flapjack Legdrop) on the cement. Big Sawyer couldn’t recover. 5:39

3. Erick Rowan with Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper; Greetings from the North (Chokeslam) Pin over Leo Kruger. Rowan threw Kruger from the ring where Harper greeted him with Brass Nucks to the stomach. Bray then used his Loaded Gator Boots to kick Kruger to the face. Harper and Wyatt threw Leo back in the ring where Rowan used a falling Face Wrecker to set up the finish. 4:54

4. Tyson Kidd won by Count-Out over Knuckles Madson. During OOR Action Judas Devlin came out to help Knuckles but was stopped by Justin Gabriel who came out to help his Air Strike partner. Kidd had the advantage and used a Driving Neckbreaker into the Guard Rail that left Knuckles unable to make the count. 4:36

5. WWE Woman’s Title – Layla El (Challenger); Bombshell (Spin Kick) Pin over Eve Torres (Champion). Eve seemed to have the match won after using a Flying Skull Crusher and a Guillotine Leg Drop but the pin went for naught when A.J. Lee (still angry for not having the title shot) distracted Referee Charles Robinson by flirting with him. Eve was livid and started arguing with Robinson. Layla El hit Eve with a Lay Out (Neckbreaker) and then used her finisher. Layla El is the NEEEEEWWWWWWW WWE Woman’s Champion. 6:14

6. Chris Jericho and Sin Cara; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action the wrestlers were whaling away at each other with little regard to the referee’s count. Up the ramp and into the food court. They even tipped over the bin with boiling water for the Hot Dogs. This was a mess. 9:36

7. Tons of Funk (Tensai (Sweet-T) and Brodus Clay) won by DQ over Real Americans (Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro) with Zeb Colter. Clay used a Splat (Running Splash) on Cesaro that would have ended the match. Tensai was OOR with a claw Hold on Swagger. Colter know the sure defeat threw a Pail that hit Referee Charles Robinson who immediately called for the bell. 10:02

8. Kane with A.J. Lee won by Count-Out over Edge. A.JU. was a constant hindrance to Edge. She threw cola in his face, she sprayed perfume to his eyes and even kicked him in the groin when Referee Ron Zapata was distracted. Edge was lucky to hold his own with Kane but finally got frustrated enough the leave the ring and chase A.J. to the back stage. Daniel Bryan stepped out with a Chair and smashed it over Edge’s head. The KO’d Edge was unable to make the count. 9:51
Big Moose Grill and Bluth, Inc. presents;
WWE Wrestling – Monday Night Raw
Budweiser Gardens –London, Ontario Att: 13.940

Commentators; Michael Cole, Vicki Guerrero & Mick Foley
Referees; Chad Patton & Scott Armstrong Ring; Lilian Garcia

1. Sami Zayn; 450° Splash Pin over Tyler Breeze. Tyler had a Hidden foreign Object that he tried to use in desperation but it was reversed and turned into a Brainbustaaaahhhhh!!!!! that set up the flying finisher. 3:54

2. Drew McIntyre with Jinder Mahal; Scot Drop (Reverse STO) Pin over Aiden English. Aiden was holding his own even as Mahal was interfering. Desperate times call for desperate measures so Jinder mahal threw powder into Aiden’s face. Drew followed with a Future Shock (DDT) that set up Aiden for the finisher. 5:10

3. Tyler Reeks with Curt Hawkins; Burning Hammer (DDT) Pin over Bull Dempsey with Konner. Konner used Dempsey’s Chain to smash Tyler in the skull. Bull followed with a Power Slam but somehow Reeks kicked out of a pin attempt. After Hawkins tripped Dempsey, Tyler used a Flying Legdrop and then finished the match. Bleeding from a gash on his forehead Tyler Reeks had his arm raised but he didn’t look like the winner. 4:23

4. Audrey Marie won by DQ over Brie Bella with Nikki. During a distraction Nikki ran in the ring and used a Piledriver on Audrey. Brie followed with a Blatant Choke and refused to let up. Sasha Banks was running toward the ring as Referee Scott Armstrong called for the bell. The Bella’s attacked Sasha as Audrey lay gasping for breath. Sami Zayn and Curt Hawkins ran out to pull The Bella’s from the ring. 5:11

5. Kassius Ohno won by DQ over Curtis Axel with Paul Hayman. Kassius hooked in a Ohno Blade (Inverted Headlock DDT). C.M. Punk came to ringside and jumped in the ring with a steel chair. Hayman tried to distract referee Chad Patton but it went for naught as Patton saw the infraction. Ounk was able to get a smash to the skull just as the match was called. Ohno, the winner, was carried out on a stretcher. 6:36

6. Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodrigues (Alberto’s manager and announcer); pinned The Big Show. Brie and Nikki Bella were near ringside for an interview with George Vessichio in Cannoli Corner. Brie and Nikki distracted referee Scott Armstrong just as Big Slow was about to use a Choke Slam on Alberto. Ricardo ran in the ring and used a Low Blow with a Fire Extinguisher on The Big Show. The Show crumbled to the canvas and was pinned. 11:46

7. Baretta-Tatsu (Trent and Yoshi) beat The Shield (Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) with Dean Ambrose. Yoshi; Buzzsaw Kick Pin over Reigns. Ambrose tried to help with a Sadistic use of a Sharp Object but Trent and Yoshi avoided serious damage. They used Double Drop Kicks to eliminate Rollins and Ambrose from the ring and then Yoshi used his finisher after Baretta used a Flying Forearm. 15:35

8. WWE Title – Mark Henry (Champion) and Dolph Ziggler (Challenger) with Kaitlyn; Double Count-Out. Kaitlyn was a constant irritation and Mark henry finally had enough. He left the ring to chase her but of course Dolph was right behind. This became a pier 6 Brawl with little attention to the time. The wrestlers threw chairs, food, a piece of the guard rail and even the press table. One vendor was left asking for money for the cups of soda dumped. Mark Henry retains the WWF Title. 8:25
Kelly’s Irish Pub and Johnson Floors covering presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-6)
Hershey Park Arena – Hershey, PA Att: 7,270

Commentators; Bill Cardille and Bob Luce
Referees; Izzy Moidel & Fred Atkins Ring; Wendi Richter

1. Paul Roma and Jerry Adams; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Headhunter Haku and his new manager Mr. Fuji attacked Roma and Adams. Haku held Roma while Fiji used his infamous Salt to the Eyes. Adams was taken out with a Savate Kick and Roma also felt the foot slam. Fuji to Cardille after the count-out; “Young Stallion is now a Squashed Cockroach. 3:31

2. Wild Samoan Sika; Stomach Vice Submission over Jose Luis Riviera. Jose had several chances in the match and came close after a Falling Elbow Smash but Sika was able to counter the moves. He set up the finish with a wicked Kick to the Stomach and followed with a Crushing Head Butt. 5:31

3. The Rougeau’s (Jacque and Raymond) beat the Moondogs (Rex and Spot) who each carried a large dog bone and a bag of Kibbles. Jacque; Reverse Flying Elbow Pin over Rex. After a Doubleteam Suplex on Spot, Rex tried to hit Jacque with his Dog Bone. Raymond was able to grab the bone and smash it to Rex’s skull. The dazed Rex was set up for the finish. 8:10

4. Susan Sexton; The Bulldog Pin over Mad Maxine. Susan hooked in he Drop Toe Hold but Maxine used a can of Pepper Spray to temporarily blind Susan. Maxine raked the eyes and performed a Vertical Suplex that was a near Pin. Susan recovered and hit Maxine with a Flying Dropkick and then ended the match. 7:02

5. Corporal Kirshner; Flying Legdrop Pin over The Assassin. The rough masked Assassin used his rough moves to gain an edge. An Eye Cleaver and then Smashed to the canvas floor slowed Kirsher down bot he was able to lunge and perform a Running Clothesline before finishing with the Legdrop. 5:41

6. The Hart Foundation (Brett Hart and Jim “Anvil” Neidhart) with Jimmy Hart beat the Hillbillies (Cousin Junior and Hillbilly Jim). Brett; Hart Attack (Running Leap Lariat) Pin over Junior. The Foundation was being interviewed by Bill Cardille for Studio Wrestling TV for the next Saturday. The Hillbillies interrupted the promo getting more time in the promo for themselves. Jimmy Hart was screaming and the Foundation lost 200 points from their total. The match was a wash until Jim Neidhart hit Junior with a Double Axe Handle that took his breath away long enough for the Hart finisher. 11:18

7. Soul Train (Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson) beat Studd-Bundy (Big John and King Kong) with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan. In this match that seemed to be going Studd-Bundy’s way the Strongman Ken Patura came out to help. As Studd was whipped to the ropes by Johnson, Patura accidently tripped Big John. John tagged out to Bundy who was facing Atlas. Tony and Bundy were near the ropes when Patura trying to make up for his mistake used a Chairshot aimed at Atlas. Tony turned and Bundy took the smash to the head. Bundy crumble to the canvas. Heenan and Studd were yelling at Patura as Bundy got pinned. 11:51

8. Tito Santana; Flying Forearm Smash Pin over Rowdy Roddy Piper with Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff. Orndorff was busy trying to help Piper. Mr. Wonderful had a Loaded Boot that he used several times to kick Tito. Orndoff also reached in to pull Santana OOR headfirst to the cement. Piper and Orndorff attacked Title OOR but were casual about reentering. Titp got a 2nd wind and used a Brainbuster on Orndorff and slipped back in the ring. As Piper reentered the ring Tito hit him with the Forearm Smash that nearly KO’d Roddy putting him away. 10:13
Flaming Ribs South and Chapman Insurance presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-6)
Cleveland Arena – Cleveland, OH Att: 9,248

Commentators; Slick Mick Kartch and Stomper Guy Mitchell
Referees; Dave Hebner & Chad Patton Ring; Howard Finkel

1. Swede Hansen from Slaughter Creek and Jim Young; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Swede used a Reverse Neckbreaker to lay out Young on the cement floor. As Swede started back for the ring Stomper Guy Mitchell said something the Swede that made him stop and start a verbal confrontation. Referee Dave Hebner counted 10 and both wrestlers were OOR. 3:46

2. Leaping Lanny Poffo and A.J. Petruzzi; Double Count-Out. The OOR Action was up the ramp and into the Food Alley. Petruzzi slammed Lanny’s head into a Pizza Booth where lanny was able to hit A.J. in the face with a Pizza. Poffo then dropkicked Petruzzi into the Soft Ice Cream Booth. The count had long past. 4:37

3. Johnny Rodz won by DQ over British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. Davey Boy was in control of the match when Johnny reached in his trunks for a Foreign Object (small piece of pipe). Davey hit the object out of Johnny’s hand and lifted him for a Running Power Slam. As he completed the slam and was pinning Rodz, Referee Dave Hebner saw the Foreign Object on the canvas and called for the bell. Everyone was shocked when he DQ’d Davey Boy. The Bulldog was screaming at Hebner as the Referee keft the ring. 4:23

4. Desiree Peterson; Running Leg Drop Pin over Candice Pardue. Candice couldn’t get going against Desiree so she resorted to kicking her from the ring with hopes of a Count-Out. Peterson reentered the ring and made pardue pay the price. Desiree used a Top Rope Clothesline and then a Falling Knee Crunch to set up the finish. 6:59

5. WWF TV Title – Iron Mike Sharp (Champion) won by Count-Out over Danny Spivey (Challenger). Spivey had a near pin after performing a Corkscrew Dive but Referee Chad Patton missed a few “would- be” counts as he was out of view. Later OOR Iron Mike used his Loaded Forearm to send Spivey over the Guard Rail into the first row. Spivey was unable to make the count. Iron Mike Sharp retains the WWE TV Title. 7:02

6. The Brisco’s (Jack and Jerry) and The North-South Connection (Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdock); Double Count-Out. This was a Pier 6 Brawl from the get-go and it was just a question of how long it would take for Referee Dave Hebner to call the match. The teams used chairs, tables, Fire extinguisher, trays, Cups of soda and whatever while OOR. Hebner didn’t have to call a No Contest because the wrestlers paid little attention to the count. 10:14

7. David Sammartino with Bruno pinned Dino Bravo with Frenchy Martin. Frenchy missed with a Wine Bottle Smash (De Chaunac) and hit Dino by mistake. Frenchy tried to rectify to errant hit by using a Gong-Bell attempt. Bruno ran over and reversed the Gong-Bell Smash. Both Dino, in ring, and Frenchy, OOR, were out cold. David easily pinned Dino. 8:53

8. Jesse “The Body” Ventura; Brainbuster Pin over Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka. Jesse ambushed Superfly in the pre-match using a chair that cost Jimmy too many points from his total for the eventual finish. Ventura used a microphone to smash Jimmy over the head and then a Heart Punch that set up the finish. 10:52
The Log Cabin and The White Mt. Hotel presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
Civic Center – Manchester, NH Att: 9,854

Commentators; Lord Alfred Hays & Mr. TV Jackie Pallo
Referees; Chuck “Popeye” Richards & Dick Kroll Ring; Velvet McIntyre

1. “The Natural” Butch Reed; Double Underhook Suplex Pin over Pete Doherty “The Duke of Dorchester.” The Duke used his usual comical antics during the pre-match that irritated Butch. Reed threw The Duke head first to the concrete OOR. After that the Duke was pretty much helpless. Butch used a corkscrew Splash to set up the finisher. 4:02

2. Rick “Quickdraw” McGraw; Piledriver Pin over Matman Robbie Ellis. Robbie tried to gain an advantage by using hidden illegal chokes and eye gouges but Ric was able to counter with a Top Rope Head Roller after a Forearm Smash to the Chops. This set up Ellis for the Piledriver finisher. 4:35

3. Barry O won by DQ over Brutus Beefcake with Luscious Johnny Valiant. Barry was able to mount some offense and had a near pin after performing a Driving Lariat. Brutus had a Hidden Foreign Object that he used to set up the end with a smash to the stomach. Unfortunately for Brutus Johnny Valiant tried to add to the ending by burning Barry with his cigar but burned Referee Chuck “Popeye” Richards by mistake. Richards immediately called for the bell. 4:12

4. Bull Nakano; Driving Guillotine Legdrop Pin over Kaye Noble. Bull set up the end with a Wicked Kick to the Stomach and a Skull Smasher. 6:27

5. The Headhunters (Haku and Siva Afi) with Mr. Fuji beat Young Stallions (Jim Powers and Paul Roma). Haku; Savate Kick Pin over Roma. While Roma and Siva Afi were in the ring, Haku and Mr. Fuji threw Jim Powers head first into the steel rail busting his head open. Roma with an advantage in the ring used a Flying Gutbuster on Siva Afi who was saved when Mr. Fuji used Salt to the Eyes. Siva Afi tagged out to Haku and Haku a falling Knee to Throat to set up the ending. 11:36

6. Rocky Johnson; Johnson Shuffle (3 Jabs & a KO Punch) Pin over Dr. D Davis Shultz without Luscious Johnny Valiant. As soon as Johnny V showed up to the ring with Dr D, Chuck Richards sent him back to the locker area. During OOR Action Dr D was thrown against the Guard Rail and had trouble making the count. As Shultz reentered the ring he was greeted by a Flying DropKick and the the Shuffle. 9:10

7. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff with Rowdy Roddy Piper pinned Uncle Elmer with Hillbilly Jim. Piper snuck over to the Hillbilly Corner and smashed a chair over Jim’s head. Piper tool the Mudlick Pearl Horseshoe. During a distraction Roddy used the Pearl for a Smash to Uncle Elmer’s forehead. The big Hillbilly crashed to the canvas and was pinned by Orndorff. Cousin Junior ran to the ring to help and smashed Piper with a bucket. Hillbilly Jim who was back on his feet used a boot the the face of Orndorff as he left the ring. This became a Pier 6 Brawl OOR. 10:13

8. Intercontinental Title – Ken Patura (Champion) with Bobby Heenan; Full Nelson Submission over Junkyard Dog (Challenger). Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy came to ringside. They were taunting Patura saying he didn’t belong in the Heenan Family because he cost them 5the match against Soul Train a week ago. Patura argued back turning his back to JYD who, confused, failed to take advantage. JYD turned and made a “what’s going on” motion to Referee Chuck “Popeye” Richards and the commentators. As he turned and Richards was distracted by Bobby Heenan Big John Studd reached in the ring and slugged JYD upside the head. Patura hooked in the Full Nelson and Lord Alfred Hays had to throw in a towel and save the KO’d JYD. The Family left together laughing. Ken Patura retains the Intercontinental Title. 9:12
Flo’s Hot Dogs and The Huron Brewery presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
Cobo Arena – Detroit, MI Att: 12,068

Commentators; Joe Pedicino and Chuck Marlow
Referees; Jack Mason and Perry Shad Ring; Howard Finkel

1. Mr. X pinned S.D. Special Delivery Jones. The match was all S.D. as he used a Runaway Cannon to all but put Mr. X away. Mr. X was slipped a Blackjack, by Goldie Rogers who was being interviewed for Canadian TV. As S.D. was setting up for a Piledriver, Goldie distracted Referee Jack Mason and Mr. X slugged Jones with the Blackjack. 3:21

2. King Kong Bundy with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan; Atlantic City Avalanche Pin over Ted Grizzly. Bundy used a Falling Elbow to the Throat to set up the pin and then called for a 5 count on Grizzley who actually appeared to kick out. The 780 lbs total for the two wrestlers (Grizzly 320 and Bundy 460) was not a record but was certainly a Heavy Heavyweight match. 5:41

3. Jack Brisco; Figure Four Leglock Submission over Frenchy Martin. Brisco got a huge ovation when introduced in honor of his great career. During the match Frenchy was able to mount an offense that culminated with a Loaded Falling Knee to the Throat. Jack was able to kick out at 2 ½ and then used a skull Smasher to put Frenchy in La La land before applying the dreaded submission hold. 5:08

4. Wendi Richter won by DQ over Bertha Faye with Harvey Whippleman. After using a Facebuster on Bertha Wendi hooked in the Lone Star Sleeper. Bertha was unable to wiggle out and rather than see Big Bertha crumble to the canvas, Harvey Whippleman jumped on Referee Perry Shad. Shad immediately called for the bell. 6:09

5. Angelo Mosca Jr.; Flying Crossbody Pin over Charlie Fulton. Charlie came close to pinning Angelo with a Piledriver but the wily Angelo was able to kick out. Mosca Jr. used a running Skull Cracker to daze Charlie who was hit by the Crossbody as he got to his feet. 5:15

6. The U.S. Express (Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo) won by Count-Out over Super Powers (Nikolai Volkoff and the Iron Sheik) with Classy Freddie Blassie. Blassie couldn’t help but get involved in the match and used his cane several times to whack Windham and Rotundo costing valuable points. The Match inevitably poured OOR. This became a mess with chairs and a Gong-Bell used as weapons. Volkoff took a Chairshot over the skull as he was trying to smash Rotundo but the move got reversed. Blassie had a can of Spray Paint and tried to hit Windam in the eyes but missed and got the Sheik. Windham used a Cement Headcracker on the Sheik who was the legal man. Referee Danny Davis who lost memory of the count had to start over and had no choice but to count out The Sheik while Windham and Rotundo stood in the ring. (Danny Davis was substituting for Perry Shad who hurt his knee when Harvey Whippleman jumped on him). 18:55

7. Magnificent Don Muraco with Mr. Fuji; Reverse Piledriver Pin over Pedro Morales. Morales was in control and had a near pin after he used a Falling Head Slam on Muraco. Muraco whipped Pedro to the ropes and Mr. Fuji pulled the ropes down causing Morales to fall Noggin First to the concrete floor. After Pedro re-entered the ring Muraco used the ropes to choke him out and Mr. Fuji threw a cup of Sake into Pedro’s eyes. This set up the finish. 10:36

8. WWF Title – Ricky Steamboat (Challenger); Diving Crossbody Pin over The Missing Link (Champion) with Bobby “Brain” Heenan. During OOR Action King Kong Bundy came out to help Link. Link had Ricky lined up for a Bundy Smash when Ricky reversed the hold on the floor. As Bundy used a falling Elbow his full smash hit The Missing Link. Heenan and Bundy pushed Link back in the ring but the dazed Link was hit with Falling Face Wrecker. OOR Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo came to stop Bundy from interfering and used a Doubleteam DDT on King Kong. The shocked Heenan didn’t know what to do as he watched his champion get pinned in the ring. Ricky Steamboat is the NEEEEEWWWWWWWW WWF Champion. 14:56
Stan’s Philly Cheesesteak and Whitman Paper presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
The Spectrum – Philadelphia, PA Att: 17,412

Commentators; Angelo Savoldi & Chuck “Popeye” Richards
Referees; Fred Atkins & Terry Yorkston Ring; Donna Day

1. Bob Markus won by DQ over “Mercenary” Luc Porrier. Porrier was out to prove himself for the Philly Crowd as he kicked Markus to the ribs and then to the head. Luc had a Swagger Stick that he used to whack Markus in the head. As Fred Atkins tried to break up the massacre Porrier pushed him down to the canvas and continued to pummel Markus. 2:41

2. “Manifique” Richard Charland with Frenchy Martin and Tito Senza; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action Charland and Frenchy used a Doubleteam Chairshot to KO Senza. Unfortunately for Manifique he tripped off the steel steps as he tried tp re-enter the ring. Referee Terry Yotkston’s count reached 10 before either wrestler could recover. 5:04

3. Rene Goulet; Brain Claw Submission over Keith Diamond. Rene used a “Walk the Ropes” Elbow Smash and then a Brainbuster to set Keith up for the pin. 4:35

4. Judy Martin with Leilani Kai won by Count-Out over Heidi Lee Morgan. Leilani was interfering from the beginning which was part of the strategy. Heidi Lee got very irritated and had more than enough when Leilani shoved a Philly Cheesesteak in her face. Heidi Lee ran after Leilani Kai while Judy stood in the ring and too the win. 6:29

5. The Executioner; Guillotine Legdrop Pin over George Wells. After Being Introduced at 271 lbs, The Executioner grabbed the microphone and yelled 217 to a shocked Donna day. The Executioner then threw George Wells face first OOR. George who was blinded by blood from a serious gash in his forehead re-entered the ring and tried to mount an offense. He was able to use a Body Slash to get a near pin but the veteran Executioner hooked in for a Brainbuster and then finished the match. 6:48

6. Tony Atlas pinned Hercules with Classy Freddie Blassie. As Atlas gained an advantage Classy Freddie tried to trip Tony but tripped Hercules by mistake. Alas gave Freddie a Headbutt that sent him flying off the ring apron. As Hercules got to his feet Tony greeyed him with a Backward Head Slam and the pin. 7:36

7. “Macho” Man Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth; Diving Elbow Drop Pin over George “Animal” Steele. Animal has Macho Man running for his life as Steele was biting Randy and Smashing him to the Guard Rail OOR. Back in the ring he used a Grinding Face Claw. Savage was saved when Miss Elizabeth flirtled with George and Steele show emotion. Steele taken by Miss Elizabeth turned his back on Randy who smashed Animal in the back of the head with Brass Nucks. George crumbled to the canvas. Macho Man used his finisher on the KO’d Steele as the fans let out a chorus of loud boos. 11:51

8. WWF Tag Title – The Killer Bees (B. Brian Blair and Jumping Jim Brunzell) (Champions) won by DQ over The Dream Team (Greg “Hammer” Valentine and Brutus Beefcake) (Challengers) with Luscious Johnny V. Jumping Jim used a Top Rope Flying Elbow Smash on Brutus. Johnny V sensing a loss entered the ring and smashed Brunzell with a Trash Can over his back. Referee Terry Yorkston called for the bell. The Killer Bees retain the WWF Tag Title 14:34
Nathan’s Famous and Gibby’s Landing presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
Madison Square Garden – New York City Att: 20,128

Commentators; Gorilla Monsoon & Bruno Sammartino
Referees; Mario Savoldi & Dick Kroll Ring; Howard Finkel

1. Jerry Brisco; Figure Four Leglock Submission over Goldie Rogers. The fans gave Goldie a rousing chorus of boos. Rogers then tried to gain an upper hand by attacking Jerry with a folded steel chair intended to bash Brisco in the leg with the top edge. Jerry counted when he stepped aside and Goldie fell through the ropes to the floor. Jerry caught Goldie in a Half Nelson and then turned it into a suplex to set up the finish. 3:42

2. Salvatore Bellomo pinned Tiger Chung Lee with Mr. Fuji. Salvatore got a gift horse when Mr. Fuji threw salt but hit Tiger Chung in the eyes by mistake. Fuji was trying to avoid being seen by Referee Dick Kroll who has DQ’d Fuji quite often in the past. 4:56

3. Big John Studd with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and Cousin Junior with Hillbilly Jim; Double Count-Out. This became a Pier 6 Brawl OOR. Jim hit Studd in the head with the Mudlick Pearl (Horseshoe). Studd crashed to the floor. The Missing Link and King Kong Bundy ran out to help Heenan and Uncle Elmer ran out to help the Hillbilly Stable. The count had long passed as the wrestlers fought to the backstage. 7:15

4. Ted Arcidi with Mr. Fuji and Steve Gatorwolf; Double Count-Out. Steve smashed Arcidi with a chair OOR. Tiger Chung Lee ran out to help Fuji and Arcidi and Sal Bellomo ran out to help Steve. Referee Dick Kroll’s count reached 10 with both wrestlers OOR. 5:41

5. WWF Woman’s Title – Candy Devine (Champion) and Leilani Kai (Challenger) with Judy Martin; Double DQ. Mad Maxine, up to no good, came to ringside followed by Wendi Richter who knew that Cady needed protection. As Judy and Maxine stormed the ring Wendi followed. Heidi Lee morgan ran out to help Candy and Wendi. Referee Mario Savoldi called the match as total Chaos prevailed. Candy Devine retains the WWF Woman’s Title. 6:21

6. British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid) beat Piper-Orndorff ( Roddy and Mr. Wonderful). Piper-Orndorff heard some cheering as they entered the ring and it cost this heel team some points. Tito Santana was at the commentator’s table waiting for a promotional TV spot. Both Piper and Orndorff were distracted by Tito’s presence. Ordorff even started a verbal argument with Santana that resulted in Piper trying to get in his two cents claiming the Tito win in Hershey, PA was a fluke. With Piper’s back turned Davey Boy Smith ran over and used a Roll-Up. 13:46

7. Ivan Putski; Polish Hammer Pin over Bob “Ace” Orton with Paul Orndorff. Orndoff still seething from the loss kept arguing with Santana. Mr. Wonderful doesn’t know how to let a sleeping dog lay. Orndorff had a milkshake that he tried to use in Putski’s face but hit Orton by mistake. Piper now at ringside again tried to warn Orndorff that he was aiming at the wrong wrestler. 11:28

8. Hulk Hogan; Running Jumping Leg Drop Pin over Terrible Terry Funk with Jimmy Hart. Terry chased Howard Finkel from the ring adding points to his total. Funk seemed to have an advantage after smashing his XX Branding Iron to Hulks head causing a gash and blood. Terry tried to get Hulk OOR where Funk would definitely be in his element by Hulk would not get suckered. Hulk grabbed Jimmy Hart’s megaphone and hit Jimmy who was on the ring apron. Hart went fling to the floor. A big Body Slam set up Terry to be finished with the Leg Drop by Hogan. 11:15
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