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Pre-Super Bowl Era Champions Yearbook?
Jerry L
I would like to see a yearbook much like the All-Time Super Bowl Greats Yearbook, but for the teams that won the AFL or NFL Championship prior to '66. Chicago Cardinals, Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Houston Oilers, San Diego Chargers, etc. This way, if we bought both yearbooks, we could truly settle it on the imaginary field of our tabletops as to who the undisputed GREATEST TEAM EVER in history ACTUALLY IS!!! It is not these teams' faults that they won it all prior to the current format, they could only play what their schedule dictated. But I know for sure some of them would have given the SB teams fits if the stats are all marginalized for cross-era play like the Super Bowl Team Yearbook is!
Jerry L
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Jerry L wrote:

I would like to see a yearbook much like the All-Time Super Bowl Greats Yearbook, but for the teams that won the AFL or NFL Championship prior to '66. Chicago Cardinals, Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Houston Oilers, San Diego Chargers, etc. This way, if we bought both yearbooks, we could truly settle it on the imaginary field of our tabletops as to who the undisputed GREATEST TEAM EVER in history ACTUALLY IS!!! It is not these teams' faults that they won it all prior to the current format, they could only play what their schedule dictated. But I know for sure some of them would have given the SB teams fits if the stats are all marginalized for cross-era play like the Super Bowl Team Yearbook is!

When I get the time, I'll see if I can't make this happen. Patience is the key though, as I am WAY, WAY behind at the moment.
Jerry L
I appreciate you considering and getting behind the idea of it happening when you're not so weighed down.
Thank you for your time and courtesy as always.
Jerry L
Hi Jeff, you said in June 2019:
"When I get the time, I'll see if I can't make this happen. Patience is the key though, as I am WAY, WAY behind at the moment."

Since it has been awhile, I was wondering if you were going to still try to get the GWD team to put together an All-Time AFL/NFL Championship Teams Book like the All-Time Super Bowl Teams Book (marginalized for cross-era play)? I really think it would be a great addition to the Game Winning Drive catalog. I know many fans of the game could make good use of it against the Super Bowl teams. Thank you so very much for your time and consideration once again Smile
Edited by Jerry L on 01/27/2021

I passed along your request, so they do know you're still interested in the set. Unfortunately, the "WAY, WAY behind" comment above still applies, just a huge backlog of new releases that are in the pipeline. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but more patience may be required!

Jerry L
That is extremely unfortunate to still be so swamped over a year and a half later. However, I will still hold a candle of hope to see this elusive GWD addition someday, regardless of wait time. I know Jeff will do his best since he said he'd try his best. Thank you for notifying the team of interest again, Dave. I do appreciate all that you and everyone have done. Hopefully they can get out from under the pile soon and back to a bit more normalcy, even in these unprecedented times. Cheers!
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