Jimmy John’s & Tailheads Souvenirs
AWA Wrestling (1980’s)
All Star Wrestling WCTN-TV
Community Center – Wistful Vista, IL Att: 1,288
Commentators; Lord James Blears & Donna Gagne
Referees; Gary DeRusha & George Gadanski
Special Ring; Fibber McGee & Molly McGee
1. The Gladiator; Skull Crusher Pin over Frankie DeFalco. After gaining points for a brilliant promo, Frankie was unable to handle The Gladiator in the ring. DeFalco was too slow reacting to the veteran and after a missed Thumper (Corner Splash) Frankie was in pain from crashing with his shoulder into the post. The Gladiator used a Guillotine Leg Drop and then a Skull Crusher Pin. 4:51
2. Dino Bravo; Belly to Back Suplex Pin over Terrible Tom Linz. Linz gained an upper hand using a hidden Foreign Object in his fist to perform a Jawbuster. After a Falling Hammer Tom seemed to have the pin but the strong Dino kicked out several times. Back on his feet Dino used an Irish Whip and the Belly to Back Suplex. The fans were on their feet cheering the popular Bravo. 5:19
3. Bambi: Flying Knee Rib Crusher Pin over Luna Vachon. Luna used Eye Rakes and a Kick to the mid-section to gain the advantage. Bambi who is Selina Majors was lying on the canvas when Kuna attempted a Lunasault (Moon) that missed. Bambi performed a Torpedo dive and then the Rib Crusher to gain the Pin. 6:40
4. Rock & Roll Buck Zumhoffe won by DQ over Super Destroyer Mark III. SDM III got frustrated with Zumhoffe’s speed. Buck was able to avoid the Destroyer’s power moves and even caught the big masked man in the chops with a Flying Elobow. Super Destroyer Mark III baied from the ring and returned with a Folded Steel Chair. Referee George Gadanski immediately called for the DQ. SDM III pushed Gadanski aside but it took long enough for Zumhoffe to bail from the ring. 3:53
5. Bobby Duncum with Bobby Heenan won by Count-Out over Earthquake Ferris. Blackjack Lanza wandered to the ring giving Duncum a big advantage. After Ferris used a Corner Splash that had Duncum dazed, Heenan reached in an tripped Ferris. Earthquake bailed from the ring but was greeted by Blackjack Lanza who whipped Ferris into the steps. Ferris and Lanza were both fighting on the ramp when the count ran out and Earthquake was Counted-Out. 7:25
6. Larry ‘The Ax’ Hennig; Elbow Drop Pin over Butcher Vachon. Butcher was jawing with a fan on his way in and was about to chase him when The Ax ran over and stopped Butcher. The fans went wild as the popular Hennig rescued the fan. During the match Butcher used his usual Illegal Chokes, Biting and Face Rakes. OOR Vachon had a sign that he took from a fan and tried to smash it over Hennig’s head. Hennig reversed the move hitting Vachon with the wooden stick part of the sign. As they re-entered the ring Larry hith Butcher with a Running Forearm setting up the Elbow Drop Pin. 6:48
7. Crusher/ Bruiser beat Wild Hoggs (King Harley and J.R.). Crusher; Crusher Claw (Vise Grip) Submission over King Harley. With Referee Gary DeRusha out cold from a body smash, The Hoggs used the only moves they knew; Dirty Doubleteam. Chains, Boot to the Head, biting and smash with a Helmet were all tried at different times. Crusher and Bruiser took the all of the Dirty Doubleteam and turned the match in their favor with veteran knowhow. Crusher whacked J.R. Hogg with his own helmet sending him crashing to the floor OOR. Bruiser used an Atomic Drop on King Harley and Crusher hit him with a Bolo Punch. Crusher hooked in the Vise as Bruiser woke DeRusha to see the Submission. 8:10
Lewis Sweet Shop & Riggs Hardware presents;
AWA Wrestling (1980’s) on WRCN-TV
High School Gym, River City, IA Att: 852
Commentators; Dick Jonckowski & Ron Throngard
Referees; George Gadanski & Gary DeRusha
Ring; Bob Luce
1. Freebird Buddy Roberts; DDT Pin over Tony Leone. Leone started on the fans immediately claiming they give him no respect; “I should pack my trunk and return to Napoli.” This gave the fans fuel for the boos. During the match Tony had a small metal object that he used to poke Buddy in the eyes and cover in his fist for a few punches. Roberts, who is technically superior was able to hook in for a Slingshot Clothesline and close out the match with the DDT. 5:40
2. Asian Assassin Sato; Layback Suplex Pin over John Paul DeMans. DeManns was stunning Saro with High Flying Dropkicks. Sato bailed from the ring and returned during a distraction from Teijo Khan who was near ringside for an interview. Sato re-entered with a Kendo Stick and smashed John Paul as Gary DeRusha was sending Teijo back to the locker area. Sato finished with the Layback Suplex. 3:44
3. Magnificent Mimi; Missile Dropkick Pin over Pocahontas. Pocahontas performed a Rib Crusher that took the breath from Mimi who countered with a Vicious Eye Rake. After OOR Action Mimi used a Tray she set on the Ring Apron to Smash Pocahontas over the head. Mimi finished with the Missile Dropkick. 6:06
4. Chuck ‘Monster’ O’Connor; Reverse Bearhug Submission over Handsome Johnny Starr. During OOR Action Chuck smashed Johnny’s forehead to the Steel Steps. Handsome Johnny was beeding as he re-entered he ring. In a desperate move Starr climbed the ropes for a Suicide Leap. O’Connor caught Johnny in mid-air and turned the move into a Reverse Bearhug. 5:18
5. Destruction Crew (Mean Mike Enos and Wayne ‘The Train’ Bloom) beat Top Guns (Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes). Mike Enos; Scoop Power Bomb over Derrick Dukes. Rice and Dukes had Enos in trouble as they performed several Double Dropkicks. Bloom ran in the ring with a Chair and slammed it over Rice;s head. Enos mustered enough to throw Dukes head first into the corner post. Enos fished with a Scoop Powerbomb. 8:48
6. David Sammartino won by DQ over Killer Mike Moran with Psycho. Killer Mike and psycho make up the team of The Texas Hangmen, two rough dudes who can never be trusted. Kikker had a roll of Coins that he used to try and hit David. The roll broke open and the coins were rolling everywhere. Referee George Gadanski allowed the match to continue; a ‘no harm no foul call.’ David took charge with a Running Clothesline followed by a backward Head Slam that had Moran ready to be pinned. Psycho ran in the ring, pushed Referee Gadanski aside and smashed Sammartino with a Branding Iron. Needless to say the match was called. Chuck O;Connor and Buddy Roberts ran down to pull Psycho off David. 6:25
7. Wahoo McDaniel; War Dance Knee Lifts Pin over Teijo Khan with Sheik Adnan El Kassie. Wahoo gained some points when he interrupted a promotion interview con ducted by Ron Throngard with El Kassie and Khan. During the match Sheik Adnan tried to hit wahoo with a Cosh (Blackjack) but missed and hit Teijo. Wahoo performed a War Dance Chops and Knee Lifts that got the Pin. 7:09
Blue Ox Motel & TJ’s Log Cabin presents;
AWA Wrestling (1980’s) on WFAN-TV Chan 12
The Auditorium – Brainerd, MN Att: 1,326
Commentators; Marty O’Neill & Donna Gagne
Referees; Marty Miller & Stan Mayslack
Ring Marge Gunderson
1. Bulldog Bob Brown; Legdrop Pin over Lifeguard Sonny Rogers. Brown came out to a chorus of boos from the Brainerd fans who are well aware of Bulldogs rough style and disregard for the fans. Sonny was trying to end the match with a Flying Knee Drop but he failed and smashed hard to the canvas. Rogers tried to recover but was put down with a backward Head Slam and pinned with the Legdrop. 3:24
2. Steve Regal; Belly to Back Suplex Pin over Tommy Jammer. Regal was bothered by the fans and spent valuable time jawing with them. Butch Reed, the Bodyguard to Jimmy Garvin came to ringside. Tommy performed a Flying Body Press on Regal and would have had him pinned but Butch broke up the pin. Regal in desperation Punched Tommy in the Throat. Steve finished the match with the Belly to Back Suplex. 5:10
3. Heidi Lee Morgan; Aerial Cross Body Pin over Madusa Miceli. Madusa performed a Gourd Buster that seemed like light’s out But Heidi was able to get her foot on the ropes. Madusa was livid as she was arguing with Referee Marty Miller. Miceli payed no attention to Heidi who performed a perfect Aerial Cross Body. Miller counted 1-2-3. 5:47
4. Yuri Gordienko; Soviet Spike (Piledriver) Pin over Tom ‘Rocky’ Stone. Stone was able to gain a near pin with a Sunset Flip. Yuri countered by Dropping Rocky to the Ropes on his Throat. As Stone was gasping for air Gordienko hit him with a sledgehammer move and then the Soviet Spike. 6:12
5. King Kong Mosca; Brainbuster pin over Bodyguard Butch Reed. Steve Regal wandered to ringside to help The Bodyguard. During OOR Action Reed and Regal should have had the advantage. Regal tried to hit Mosca with a trash can but slammed it to Butch’s head by mistake. Mosca threw Regal into the 2nd Row. King Kong pushed Reed back in the ring and hit him with a Jumping Legdrop. As Butch got back to his feet Mosca used a Brainbuster and then pinned him. 6:39
6. Bruiser Brody; Jumping Knee Drop Pin over texas hangmanPsycho with Texas Hangman Killer. During OOR Action Killer used every method possible to help Psycho gain the advantage. When he hit Brody with a 2 x 4 it looked like curtains for Bruiser. Referee Stan Mayslack’s count seemed slow but was interrupted by Psycho who kept yelling for a faster count. Mayslack in his anger started over. Brody re-entered the ring and was greeted with a Pain game (Swinging Neckbreaker). When Pscho went for the pin Brody, who had a wrench hidden in his hand, used a Smash to the Chops. Briser followed with the Jumping Knee Drop for the Pin. 7:56
7. The Fabulous Ones (Steve Keirn and Stan Lane) won by DQ over the Mad Russians (Boris Zukov and Soldat Ustinov) with Sheik Adan El Kassie. The Fabs were in charge when Keirn used a swinging Neckbreakeron Ustinov and lane had Zukov pinned after a Top Rope Body Press. El Kassie ran in the ring and hit lane with a cosh (Blackjack). Marty Miller called for the bell. 9:48
Clarion Hotel & Kojak’s House of Ribs presents;
NWA/CWF Wrestling
Expo Hall – Tampa, FL Att: 10,418
Commentators; Gordie Solie and Jay Goodley
Referees; Jack Howe & Jimmy McGuire
Ring; Barbara Clary
1. Maya Singh with Luna, The Lock & The Dream; Double Wrist Lock Submission over Mike Fever. The Army of Darkness was busy at ringside buzzing around to keep Fever and Referee Jack Howe off balance. The Dream tripped Mike while The Lock distracted Referee Howe. Luna threw a cup of Soda into Fever’s face allowing singh to hit Fever with a Shoulder Breaker. Maya Singh hooked in the Double Wrist Lock to gain the submission win. 3:23
2. Bob ‘Rusty’ Riddle won by Count-Out over Brad Armstrong. During OOR Action Brad used his speed to gain the advantage. After a Flying Body Press where Rusty smashed hard against the Steel Steps the match seem over as Brad was about to get back in the ring. The Dream wandered to ringside after he bought a Snow Cone from a vendor, the Dream started arguing with Armstrong restarting the count and allowing Riddle to crawl back in the ring. Armstrong was counted out while he was still arguing with The Dream. Brad was angry. His response was to push the Snow Cone into The Dream’s face. 5:06
3. Scott McGhee and Big Pete Austin; Double Count-Out. After the action went OOR, McGhee gained the advantage slamming Austin’s head to the steps and the Guard Rail. Austin was dazed as he stood on the ramp and Scott performed a Dropkick that sent Big Pete into the Orchestra Pit below the ramp. Pete was out cold. Scott McGhee’s timing was a bit shy and he also got counted out. 5:34
4. King Konga; Diving Headbutt Pin over John Boy Ruffin. Ruffin tried to get the upper hand and thought that Konga was lined up so John Boy performed a Cannonball. Konga swas it coming and moved. Ruffin sailed through the ropes and crashed to the floor below. After re-entering the ring Ruffin was hit with a Skull Smasher and the Diving Headbutt. It was Light’s Out. 4:48
5. Cyclone Negro; Jumping Piledriver Pin over Wild Bill Ash with Downtown Bruno. Ash and Bruno were greeted with loud boos that went on and on. Ash who prides himself on being consistent (he always tries to Smash with a Chair) didn’t disappoint. During a distraction Wild Bill entered the ring with a Folded steel Chair. Cylcone Negro, the powerful Venezuelan, avoided the Chairshot and hit Ash with a Flying Skull Crusher. The Jumping Piledriver left the fans cheering. 5:34
6. New York Rockers (Jumping Joe Savoldi and Al Perez) beat The Mister’s of Evil (Mr Ito and Mr. Pogo) with Hiro Matsuda. Savoldi; Flying Body Press Pin over Mr. Pogo. Al Perez performed a Top Rope Dropkick on Mr. Ito so Mr. Pogo entered the ring to rescue his partner. Hiro Matsuda sensing disaster Threw a Fireball but it blinded Pogo by mistake. Savoldi took advantage and used the Flying Body Press to gain the pin. Matsuda complained that Pogo and Savoldi were not the legal wrestler. Referee Jimmy McGuire completely ignored Hiro. 13:48
7. Magnum TA; Belly to Belly Suplex Pin over Jake Roberts with Kevin Sullivan and Abudadein (the Snake Master*). Abudadein was busy distracting Referee Jack Howe while Jake and Kevin Sullivan were cheating; Vicious Double Rope Burns and Thumbscrew to Throat. Sullivan had a Gold Chalice that he uses for his drink. Sullivan tried to hit Magnum in the head but missed and slammed it to Jake’s head. Magnum immediately took advantage by whipping the dazed Roberts to the ropes and performing the Belly to Belly Suplex. 9:52
* Abudadein always came to ringside with a snake or snakes. Jake Roberts was part of the Army of Darkness led by Sullivan and Abudadein. Later in his career Jake would come to ringside with a Snake after being influenced by Abudadein who was called The Snake Master.
8. Florida Title – Captain Redneck (Challenger); Brainbuster Pin over Masked Superstar (Champion) with Percy Pringle. The Masked Superstar used the Ropes to choke out the Captain. After an Eye Rake by the Superstar, Percy threw a Wrench so Superstar could end the match. Captain Redneck intercepted the wrench and hit The Superstar in the chops. Captain immediately followed with a Brainbuster to gain the Pin. Captain Redneck is the NEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW Florida Champion. 9:44
McGuire’s Pub & Another Broken Egg presents;
NWA/Southeastern Wrestling (1980-82)
Civic Center – Pensacola, FL Att: 9,538
Commentators; Rich Landrum & Charlie Pratt
Referees; Frenchy Bernard & Jack Howe
Ring; Jay Goodley
1. Private Jim Nelson; Throat Slam Suplex Pin over Hangman Len Kruger. Kruger used lllegal Chokes and several Eye Rakes to try an gain an advantage but Nelson’s power moves taught by Sgt Slaughter became the deciding factor. A devastating Crucifix Drop was the set up for the Slam Suplex although the Crucifix Drop could have ended the match. 5:40
2. Bugsy McGraw with Oliver Humperdink; The Spash Pin over Mike Jackson. The popular Jackson was able to Daze Bugsy with a Neckbreaker and a Knee drop that cmae close to a pin. After Bugsy kicked out Ollie Humperdink was able to take advantage of a distraction long enough to hit Mike in the head with a bottle. Jackson collapsed to the corner with Ollie holding his legs and Bugsy wasted no time in using The Splash. 4:58
3. A & R Wrecking Crew (Wild Bill Ash and Pat Rose) with Downtown Bruno beat The Rocky’s (Jones and King). Bill Ash; Arkansas Whiplash Pin over Rocky Jones. During OOR Action Ash choked out King on the Guard Rail. Jones trying to fight Rose was being hit with a Tray by Downtown Bruno who also slammed the edge of chair to King’s foot. Back in the ring Rose used a Bulldog on King while Ash finished the match with Whiplash. 6:42
4. The Spoilers (1 & 2) beat South-Sharp (Gorgeous George South and Pretty Boy Larry Sharp. Spoiler 2; Running Slam Pin over South. Sharp was able to perform a Gourd Buster on Spoiler 2 but failed to get the pin. Spoiler 1 setr up the finish with a rope walk Elbow Drop on South who was dazed as Spoiler 2 picked him up for the Running Slam. 6:43
5. Hercules Ayala; Jumping Legdrop Pin over Ali Bey. A Sneak Attack before the match failed and the popular Ayala opened the match with a slam on Bey. Ali was able to get a few Rope Burns and Rub Face into canvas. Ali Bey argued about an attempted pin and Ayala performed a Reverse Piledriver. Hercules finished the match with The Legdrop. 4:24
6. Silver Bullets (Jerry Oates and Kendall Windham) beat Stud Stable (Jimmy Golden and Robert Fuller) with Brenda Britton. The Stud Stable heard some cheers as they stated down the ramp. A group of fans from So. Alabama knew the Stable. Unfortunately for Golden & Fuller the points lost would be enough to eventually cost them the match. Kendall Windham; Bulldog Pin over Jimmy Golden. Fuller used a Loaded Boot to hurt the Bullets several times. When Golden performed a Bucksnort Headbuster on Oates the match seemed over. Windham was able to pull Jerry from the possible pin. In an attempt to distract the Bullets, Brenda on the Ring Apron bent over in her shorts. A youngster in the crowd had a slingshot that he used to hit Brenda in the butt with a Walnut. Her distraction worked on the Stable more than the Bullets. She screamed, The stable looked and Kendall grabbed Golden and performed a Bulldog that was Light’s Out. The Stud Stable protested that the Bullets planted the Slingshot Kid in the audience. 11:56
7. Billy Jack; Full Nelson Submission over King Curtis iaukea with Kevin Sullivan, Abudadein, Luna and The Lock. King Curtis had a Hidden Foreign Object that he used to slam Billy to the ribs. After a Double Thrust to the Throat Billy was left gasping yet somehow recovered. The Dream wandered to the ring and tried to hit Billy with a Helmet (the Dream sometimes wears a helmet). Referee Frenchy Bernard was dazed and laying outside the ring. Luna and The Lock had a Fire Extinguisher and tried to spray Billy. Hercules Ayala ran to the ring to help Billy Jack. Ayala slapped at the Extinguisher hose as he got to ringside. The foam from the Extinguisher hit King Curtis in the face. Kevin Sullivan Threw a Fireball that missed and blinded King Curtis by mistake after Hercules pushed Kevin. Billy Jack hooked in the Full Nelson and Buddy Colt, head of referees, ran down and called the Submission stopping Billy from inflicting serious damage from the powerful hold. 9:16 Charlie Pratt to Rich Landrum; “Have you ever seen anything like that match?” Rich; “Not in this life.”
8. NWA Southeastern TV Title – David Von Erich (Challenger) with J.J. Dillon; Slingshot off the Turnbuckle Pin over Jimmy Garvin (Champion). Dick Slater wandered to ringside to help David. Dillon distracted Referee Jack Howe while Slater used a Leather Belt to choke out Garvin after tripping him. David hooked in The Claw but Jimmy avoided the submission at the last second. Exhausted, Garvin used a Brainbuster that usually gets the pin but he wasn’t at full strength. Von Erich was able to set up the finish with a Running Skull Crusher. The Slingshot got the pin and David Von Erich won the title. David Von Erich is the NEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW TV Champion. 7:56
The Birdcage & Tropical Beach Café presents;
NWA/CWF Wrestling (1980’s)
Convention Center – Miami Beach, FL Att: 9,466
Commentators; Gordie Solie & Barbara Clary
Referees; Buddy Colt & Bill Alphonso Ring; Jay Goodley
1. Jay Youngblood; Flying Tomahawk Pin over ‘The Demon’ Joe Turner. The Demon used his usual rough style to gain an advantage; Rub and Grind Face to the Mat and Knee Drop to Throat. As Turner went for the pin he used the ropes for leverage. Referee Buddy Colt called it off. The Demon was angry but was reluctant to confront Colt who is no nonsense. As Turner was staring at Colt Youngblood hit him with an Ax Handle Stunner and then finished with the Flying Tomahawk. 4:07
2. Jesse Barr; Guillotine Leg Drop Pin over Trent Knight. This match was all Jesse as he used a Vicious Eye Ripper and a Kick to the Face followed by a Flying Skull Crusher that set up the Leg Drop finisher. Jesse who wants a shot at Florida Title said after the match; “I’m heading for the gold that is around the waste of Captain Redneck. The Florida Title will be mine.” 3:25
3. The Super Destroyers with Playboy Gary Hart beat Barbie-Turko (Dave Barbie and Nobleman Joe Turko). The newly formed team of Barbie-Turko looks like it will be the shortest togetherness in history. Dave and Joe came down the aisle arguing who was going to enter the ring first to rip off one of The Destroyer’s masks. Their dream of accomplishing that feat was short lived. Super Destroyer II; Superplex Pin over Nobleman Joe Turko. Super Destroyer I took out Barbie with a Loaded Boot to the Head while SD II was performing a Steel Chair Neckbreaker on Turko. The match would have been shorter in length but Super Destroyer II kept pulling Turko up from the pin so he could inflict more damage. Buddy Colt threatened to call a DQ on The Super Destroyers so the pin was made with the Superplex. 4:12
4. Nikita Koloff with Uncle Ivan and Mike Graham; Double Count-Out. Graham held his own in the ring in fact his speed had Nikita a bit off balance. When the action went OOR Ivan immediatekly hit Mike with a chain that floored Graham and left him bleeding from the forehead. Nikita and Ivan began kicking Mike. Steve Armstrong* and Jay Youngblood ran down the the ring to help Mike. As The Koloff’s, Steve and Jay brawled, Referee Bill Alphonso called for the bell in a Double Count-Out. * Steve is Mike Grahams partner on the tag team The Playboys. 5:51
5. The Spoiler I with Percy Pringle; Rope Walk Elbow Smash Pin over Nelson Royal. Royal used his multiple skills to gain an advantage and after a Flying Forearm Nelson seemed to have the pin. Unfortunately for Royal, Percy Pringle was able to reach The Spoiler’s foot and place it on the rope. The Spoiler performed a Flying Head Butt and then a Walk the Rope Elbow Smash to get the Pin. 5:43
6. Kendall Windham with Jerry Oates Pinned Dirty Dick Slater with J.J. Dillon. During the entrance David Von Erich ambushed Kendall with a Vicious Chairshot that took some serious points away from Kendall’s total. Slater used an Illegal Choke and a Thumbscrew the Throat to add further damage to Kendall. Several pin attempts were stopped when Oates pulled Windham to safety. The was an UNUSUAL FINISH. Windham hooked in for a Bulldog on Dick but Dillon, knowing the end was coming for Slater, tried to hit Kendall with a Bottle. Dillon missed and hit Slater by mistake. Dirty Dick crumbled to the canvas and was Rolled-Up by Kendall. 8:22
7. Barry Windham and Pac Song with Playboy Gary Hart; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action, The Super Destroyers came to ringside to help Pac Song and Gary Hart. Kendall Windham barely in the locker room from the last match ran out with Jay Youngblood to help Barry. The Windham’s and Youngblood maore than held their own OOR. The Windham brothers had been taught well how to use a rough style by their father. Jay needed no help as he used a Flying Tomahawk that sent Destroyer II over the Guard rail. The Count had long passed for the wrestlers. 10:45
8. The Rock and Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) beat The Army of Darkness (Kevin Sullivan and Purple Haze) with Abudadein, Luna, the Lock and The Dream. The Lock tried som Pepper Spray but the move didn’t work and hit Haze in the eyes. The Express whipped Haze and Sullivan into each other. The Dream who is always itching to get into the action had a Shovel that he found under the ring. The Dream swung the shovel and hit Purple Haze in the head. Ricky Morton rolled him up for the pin. 13:47
Old Original Bookbinders & Deep Run Roadhouse presents;
NWA/Mid-Atlantic (1980’s)
Richmond Coliseum – Richmond, VA Att: 13,206
Commentators: Nick Pond & Ray Reeve
Referees; Stu Schartz & Ron West Ring; Bill Harvin
Referees; Sweet Daddy Siki & Dynamite Jack Evans
Ring; Doug Atkins
Note; The scheduled referees; Stu Schartz and Ron West along with ring announcer Bill Harvin failed to make it the show because of a very bad rain storm in the Smoky Mountains (they were coming from Alabama). Sweet Daddy Siki and Dynamite Jack Evans will be the referees. Doug Atlins is the ring announcer. All three are remembered from their past when they were respected grapplers.
1. Rip Morgan with Downtown Bruno; Smash with a Flag Pole Pin over Gene Ligon. Morgan gained points on his total as he came down the aisle and ripped up a sign that a youngster was waving. Rip seemed distracted and came close to getting pinned when the clever Ligon used a Falling Ax handle. Bruno was quick to react and save Rip. When the action went OOR Rip smashed Gene’s head into the Steel Steps drawing blood froma cut on Ligon’s forehead. Back in the ring Bruno gave Morgan the New Zealand Flag that Rip used to Smash Ligon in the head with the Pole. Gene crashed to the canvas. 4:11
2. Brett Wayne pinned Pretty Boy Larry Sharp. The was an UNUSUAL Chart finish. Wayne was using dropkicks and a Flying Press to keep Sharp off balance. Pretty Boy got frustrated, retrieved a Floded Steel Chair and smashed Brett over the head with a Brutal Shot. Brad Armstrong, Brett’s partner on the Southern Express Tag Team ran down tp the ring, slipped under the ropes and performed a DDT on Sharp. Brad placed Brett’s body on Larry. Referee Jack Evans, who was busy talking to someone, saw the pin and jumped in the ring to count. 5:43
3. The Spoiler II; Guillotine Leg Drop Pin over Tommy Lane. Lane used his speed to counter Spoiler II’s moves. When Lane set up Spoiler II for a Bulldog, the masked man Racked Tommy’s eyes then threw him from the ring. As Tommy re-entered the ring, the Spoiler II performed a Backward Head Slam and followed with the Guillotine Leg Drop. 4:27
4. Ray Candy; Side Suplex Pin over Pat Rose with Downtown Bruno. Wild Bill Ash, Rose’s partner on the despicable A & R Wrecking Crew Ream, came to ringside to be with Bruno. Ash pulled a shovel and a hoe from under the ring and at one point hit Candy across the back with the hoe handle. Bruno tried to help by throwing a cup of beer in Candy’s face but he missed and hit Pat. Pat who was about to perform Gourd Buster was hit with a Gut Wrench by Ray. The finishing Side suplex ended the match. 5:06
5. Rotten Ron Starr with Peaches; Blackjack Smash Pin over Art Crews. Starr whose only moves are near illegal performed a Throat Slam to the Ropes. Peaches had a Steel Tray that she used a Crew’s head. Starr pulled out a Blackjack and Slugged Art. Starr then pinned Crews. 3:31
6. Abdullah the Butcher with Sir Oliver Humperdink; Meat Cleaver (Falling Elbow) Pin over Sweet Brown Sugar (Skip Young version). Abdullah heard some cheers as he was introduced. It is not unusual that the Butcher, one of the all time meg-a-stars, is popular in spite of his tactics. In this case points were not deducted as Abdullah is considered neutral for cheering purposes because he seldom if ever hears booing. Sugar performed a Running Knee smash that dazed Abdullah. The Butcher countered by Gouging Sweet’s eyes. Then Abdullah, who picked up a few flashbulbs OOR, ground them in his hand and tried to pour the grounds into Sugar’s eyes. Abdullah used a Moth Ripper and then a Head first Smash to the Post. The Meat cleaver followed for the pin. 8:54
7. NWA Tag Title – The Kernodle’s (Don and Rocky) (Champions) and the Desperado’s (Black Bart and Outlaw Ron Bass) (Challengers) with J.J. Dillon; Double DQ. This was Chaos from the beginning. Bart never let go of his Branding Iron and used it on Rocky’s leg. This left Don to fight off Bart and Bass. Dirty Dick Slater ran to the ringto help The desperados. Ray Candy ran down to help the Kernodles. This was out of control yet David Von Erich came down to help The Desperados and Brett Wayne and Brad Armstrong ran in to aid the Kernodles. It was a mess. Referee Sweet daddy Siki who was ready for action himself called the match but seemed disappointed. The kernodles retain the title. 15:39
8. Ric Flair and Paul Jones with Melissa Ann; Double Count-Out. Jones who has been having an attitude change was greeted with silence while Flair who is coming into his own used his flashy entrance that fans have grown to expect. Jones, who is never to be taken lightly, held his own in a match that seemed destined for a 15 minute draw. The Action went OOR and would not return in the ring. Ric and Paul traded slams to the steps, the Guard rail, fought up the ramp, down the hall and into the Food Court. After tearing apart the Food Court the wrestlers took the action out the doors. The fans sat in the Coliseum watching the action even though the match was long over. Flair and Jones fought across N. 7th St into the lot next to the VCU Medical Center. 13.28
Winston’s Grille & Mama Nora’s presents;
NWA-M/A Wrestling (1980’s)
Dortan Arena – Raleigh, NC Att: 7,528
Commentators; Bob Caudle & leo Voss
Referees; Sonny Fargo & Lucky Roberts
Ring; Billy Powell
1. Flamboyant Eric Embry and Nobleman Joe Turko; Double Count-Out. Turko used his usual Blatant Chokes and a wicked Kick to the Head but he was unable to overcome Embry’s skill in the ring. Turko bailed to try a gain the advantage but it was not to be. The match would have ended after Empby performed a Piledriver on the ramp. Crazy Luke Graham was nearby and started fighting with Eric. The count ran out and the match was declared a double Count-Out. 4:31
2. Ron Shaw won by DQ over Crazy Luke Graham with Percy Pringle. Eric Embry came to ringside and was arguing with Pringle. Luke was bothered by the OOR Argument. As Graham came over Embry threw a Chair in the ring. Graham grabbed the chair and slammed it over Shaw’s head. Referee Lucky Roberts call for the bell. 3:49
3. Downtown Denny Brown won by DQ over Angel of Death with Playboy Gary Hart. Young Denny showed a lot of promise in the ring and after a Torpedo Launcher it looked like curtains for Angel. Hart responded by pulling Angel from a pin. Pac Song came to ringside. Rather than take chances, gary Hart and Pac Song stormed the ring. Along with Angel they beat on Denny until Referee Sonny Fargo pushed them away. Angel took a awing at Sonny and it proved to be a mistake. Angel found out why Sonny’s nickname in his wrestling days was Roughhouse. Playboy Gary Hart and Pac Song helped Andel back to the locker area after Sonny KO’d him with a Roundhouse. 4:45
4. The Castillians (Hercules Ayala and Cyclone Negro) won by DQ over the Mod Squad (Basher & Spike) with J.D. Costello. The Castillians took charge using power moves to wear down the nasty squad. A Body Crusher by Hercules followed by a Guillotine leg Drop by Cyclone on Spike would have had the pin. Basher ran in the ring and slammed a Billy Club to Cyclone’s skull. Spike retrieved a Blackjack and was going to use it but Hercules threw him headfirst to the floor below. Referee Lucky Roberts called for the bell and awarded the match to the Castillians. 8:42
5. Tiger Jeet Singh with Hiro Matsuda; Cobra Clutch Submission over Rocky King. Rocky was able to hool in a DDT but Matsuda broke up the pin attempt. After the action went OOR Singh choked Rocky on the Guard Rail. Back in the ring Tiger used a Grinding Face Claw to weaken King. After the Cobra Clutch was hooked in it was light’s out. 5:18
6. Asian Invasion (Great Kabuki and Kendo Nagasaki) with Oliver Humperdink beat the T men (Tony Anthony and Tommy Lane). Anthony and Lane work well as a team and came close on seveal occasions to gaining a pin. After an Atomic Spike ny Tony and a bain Basher by Tommy on Nagaszki it more than appeared to be over. In fact Sonny Fargo was distracted by Humperdink. Sonny’s count would have reach well beyond three. The Invasion recovered and Kabuki Spit Green Mist to Lane’s face. Nagasaki performed a Samurai Spin Kick and then the pin. 9:04
7. Harley Race; Bridging Cradle Suplex Pin over Bobby “Porkchop” Cash. Cash was able to gain an advantage after a Runaway Cannon that dazed Harley. The Clever race bailed from the ring to waste some time and recover. Back in the ring Harley used a Double Rope Burn and a Vicious Eye Rake that had Porkchop blinded. Race used his finishing Cradle Suplex for the pin. 8:10
8. CAGE MATCH – Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer beat Wildfire Tommy Rich. The match was back and forth with both wrestlers getting bloodied and exhausted. Buzz had his motley Army members outside the cage. Most notably; Kevin Sullivan, Purple Haze, Luna, Lock and the Dream. Referee Lucky Roberts was KO’d in a body smash giving The Army and opening. They stormed the cage, opening the door and beating on Rich. Sawyer climbed the wall, waited for The Army to leave the cage as Lucky Roberts woke and leaped down on Rick who was helpless in the middle of the ring. Sawyey got the pin and exited the door. The Army proudly walked up the aisle to a chorus of boos. Sullivan stopped at the Commentators table to say; “The boos are music to my ears.” 18:47
Frog Hollow Tavern & Bee’s Knees presents;
NWA Wrestling (1980’s)
Augusta Arena - Augusta, GA Att: 8,546
Commentators; Stan Rhodes & Freddie Miller
Referees; Doug Smith & Scappy McGowan
Ring; Tom Miller
1. The Dream (Maniac Mike Davis) with Luna and the Lock; Slingshot Suplex Pin over Dave Barbie. The Suplex was the only legitimate move that the Dream performed. Barbie had a tough start when Maya sing of the Army of Darkness ran out and tripped him on the ramp. Luna and The Lock got into the match with distractions that lead to Eye Gouges and Oven Spray to the face. The Dream used a wicked Kick to the mid-section to set up the Slingshot Suplex Pin. 3:12
2. Tracy Smothers; Jaw Jacker (Diving Back Elbow Drop) Pin over Gorgeous George South. South was trying to hook in the Claw but time and again was frustrated as Tracy was able to counter every attempt. South’s determination may have been an overkill because he got caught with a Tracy Spinning Southern Kick that set up the finishing Jaw Jacker. 5:56
3. The Playboys (Steve Armstrong and Mike Graham beat The Mulkey’s (Bill and Randy). The Mulkey’s had very little in this match although Randy tried to get a pin on Graham while Bill held the Ropes for Leverage. OOR Steve ran over and pulled Bill away. Steve used a Missile Dropkick on Randy that set up Mike for an Olympic Roll-Up. 6:16
4. Ron Slinker with Kevin Sullivan and Maya Singh; Headrammer Pin over Rocky Jones. Rocky had the advantage after a Spinning Neckbreaker then hooking in a Cobra Choke Hold. Maya Sing was able the break up the hold as Kevin Sullivan distracted Referee Scrappy McGowan. Sullivan threw a Fireball that blinded Rocky and Slinker smahed Jones with some Brass Nucks that Singh threw him. A Headrammer finished the match on Rocky who was out cold. Jones was taken out on a stretcher. After the match Sullivan grabbed the microphone from Stan Rhodes; “This is just another day in the life of the Army of Darkness. We are eliminating all the scum from Wrestling,” 4:21
5. Soul Train Jones; Top Rope Drop Kick Pin over Tony Anthony. Jones came to the ring in his colorful Apollo Creed outfit handing out small flags to the fans. Young Tony was able to perform a Bucksnort Blaster (Chokeslam) that he named after his hometown in Tennessee. Unfortunately for Tony J0ones was able to get his foot on the Ropes. Soul Train performed a Flying Elbow before using the Top Rope Drop Kick for the Pin. 4:45
6. The Koloffs (Nikita & Krusher Kruschev) with Ivan beat Art Crews/Len Denton. Nikita; Bearhug submission over Art Crews. Ivan Koloff was able to get in a few slams with the Chain seriously slowing down Crews and Denton. OOR Nikita and Krusher performed Piledrivers on Art and Len. Back in the ring (it’s a wonder that Crews and denton were able to re-enter), Krusher used a Russian Sickle on Denton and Nikita caught Crews in a Bearhug. 6:46
7. Mr. Wrestling II; Belly to Back Suplex Pin over Hangman Bobby Jaggers with Downtown Bruno. Jaggers had a loaded Elbow Pad that he used to his advantage several times. Bobby also used a Headrammer to the Corner Post but couldn’t get a pin. Jaggers used a Reverse Neckbreaker and then a Loaded Elbow Drop buy failed to get the pin. As Bobby argued with referee Doug Smith he was hit with a flying Missile and then a Million $ Kneelift. The Belly to Back Suplex ended the match. 9:51
8. NWA Title – Dusty Rhodes (Challenger); Stardust (Bionic) Elbow Pin over Superstar Graham (Champion) with Kevin Sullivan, Luna & The Lock. This had an UNUSUAL CHART FINISH Sullivan was interfering from the start. Referee McGowan tried to keep an eye on him suspecting foul play in the Slinker/Jones match. Luna and the Lock were able to distract McGowan long enough for Sullivan to help Graham throw Dusty Noggin first to the floor below. While Dusty was down OOR, Maya Singh ran out and hit him with Brass Nucks. Somehow in spite of having lost 500 total points, Dusty recovered enough to re-enter the ring. He was able to perform a Piledriver on Graham and then used a Stardust Elbow to gain the pin as the desperate Kevin Sullivan tried to reach and break it up. Dusty Rhodes is the NEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW NWA Champion.15:07
Station 66 & Hogzilla’s BBQ Pit presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
Kellogg Arena Battle Creek, MI Att: 8412
Commentators; Slick Mick Kartch & Joe Pedicino
Referees; Perry Shad & Jack Mason Ring; Kaye Noble
(Frank Fozo replacement referee)
1. Barry O and Lumberjack Jerry Monti; Double Count-Out. The Lumberjack showed why he got the nickname after bailing OOR. Barry O followed and was greeted with a smash from a piece of lumber. After Monti performed a Head Smash to the Steel Steps Barry recovered enough to use a Headrammer to the Corner Post. Both wrestlers were bleeding as they exchanged S;lams to the Guard Rail. Referee Perry Shad’s count reached 10 and both wrestlers were Counted-Out. 5:13
2. Mad Maxine pinned Velvet McIntyre. Maxine used a Pearl Harbor Attack to gain the early advantage Velvet recovered and wityh a Forearm Smash and a Running Knee downed the Mad German. This match took an UNUSUAL turn. Chainsaw Liz Chase and Bertha Faye were fighting backsrage. Their fighting came into the arena dowen the ramp and to the ring. Chainsaw Liz had a Trash Can in the ring. She pretended to want to hit Bertha but it was a set up to Smash the Trash Can over Velvet’s head. Bertha picked up Mad Maxine and placedher body over Velvet. Referee Jack Mason who was stunned in a body squash woke to see the pin. 6:48
3. The Assassin; Hammerlock Submission over “The Canal St. Kid” Gino Carabello. Gino, who is Frank “Slip Mahoney” Durso’s cousin, Is trying a new image of toughness. Gino entered the ring with a Leather Jacket (Louie’s Sweet Shop printed on the back) and a bent back Pork Pie Hat. Unfortunately he left his talent (if any) in the locker room. The Assassin was all business as he hit Gino with a Double Fist Sledge Hammer. After a Kick to the Head, The Assassin used a grinding Face Claw. The Masked Assassin’s Hammerlock finished the match. 4:06
4. Frank Fozo is replacing Jack Mason. As a referee. Jose Luis Riviera; Falling Elbow Smash Pin over Tiger Chung Lee with Mr. Fuji. Tiger used Karate Chops and a Stomach Claw to have the advantage. The Stomach Claw would have gotten the submission but Jose reached the ropes. Magnificent Don Muraco came to ringside. Chung Lee grabbed Riviera from behind and had him lined up for a punch from Muraco. Riviera ducked and Muraco hit Chung Lee in the Throat full force. As Tiger lay on the canvas holding his throat and shaking in pain, Riviera used a falling Elbow Smash to gain the pin. 4”59
5. Angelo Mosca Jr; Flying Crossbody Pin over Les Thornton. The clever Thonton used some rough moves combined with skill to gain an edge. Mosca was reeling when Thornton threw Angelo Head First OOR to the floor below. Thornton followed Mosca OOR and performed a Falling Knee the the Throat. This looked like curtains for Mosca but somehow he re-entered the ring in time. Angelo mustered enough for several Dropkicks and the the Flying Crossbody for the pin. 5:51
6. TV Title – Dr. D. David Shultz (Champion); Piledriver Pin over Polish Power Ivan Putski. Puski was able to hook in a Full Nelson Suplex early in the match and this wore Dr D. down. After a few dropkicks it seemed tom for a polish hammer but Shultx pulled out a hidden foreign Object that he used for a Slam to the Chops. Sr. D. geot the pin with the Piledriver on Ivan who was for all intensive purposes KO’d. 9:47
7. Junkyard Dog; Atomic Skullcrusher Pin over Ken Patura with Bobby Heenan. The fans chanted “Weasel, Weasel” from the get go and Heenan’s anger showed as this new nickname was taking hold throughout the WWF world. Patura used the Ropes to Choke the Dog and then was given a sharp Object by Heenan and Patura used it to cut and draw blood from Junkyard’s forehead. Heenan tried to interfere again but it proved to be the move that Junkyard needed. With Bobby and Ken conferring JYD ran over and performed a Head Crushing Noggin Knocker. Both Patura and Heenan were seeing stars. JYD used the Atomic Skullcrusher to pin Patura in this fan pleasing match. 8:16
8. British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid) beat Piper-Orndorff with Ace Orton. Dynamite Kid was fighting with Piper OOR during the heat of action. Ace Orton tried to hit Davey Boy with his (Ace’s forearm) Cast. Orton smashed Orndorff in the Skull. Davey Boy performed a Skullcrusher on Orton and then pinned the KO’d Orndorff. Piper and dynamite Kid were tearing up the Food Court by this time. 15:49
The Blue Duck & Old Ebbitt Grille presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
DC Armory – Washington, DC Att: 9,634
Commentators; Angelo Savoldi & Lord Alfred Hayes
Referees; Mike Chioda & Earl Hebner Ring; Susan Sexton
1. Ben Bassarab and A.J. Petruzzi; Double Count-Out. Petruzzi started the match with a Brutal Chairshot that took Bassarab a bit of time to shake off. After the match went OOR Ben took over with a Forearm that sent Petruzzi over the barrier into the crowd. Ben could have gotten back to the ring but he chose to follow petruzzi into the crowd and deliver an Alberta Whiteout (Good Old fashion Beating). 3:41
2. Cowgirl Sue Green and Nasty Kat Laroux; Double Count-Out. Judy Martin came to ringside and that never spells GOOD. Sue used he strength and height advantage to take the advantage. The clever Kat was on the run and bailed from the ring. Sue followed but was up against it as Judy immediately jumped in for a Doubleteam. Susan Sexton the Ring Announcer who is also an excellent wrestler jumped into the Brawl. Sue Green and Sue Sexton fought Nasty Kat and Judy Martin back to the locker area where Kat and Judy ducked in to avoid any more brawling. The count was long gone. 5:28
3. The Hillbillies (Uncle Elmer and Cousin Junior) beat The Moondogs (Rex and Spot). Uncle Elmer; Steamroller Pin over Spot. The Moondogs used their usual moves; Biting, Kicking and Smash with Bone but The Hillbillies kept coming back. With all four wrestlers in the ring, Junior hit Rex with a Mule Kick the Elmer and Junior used a Double Knee Lift to Spot. Uncle Elmer hit Spot with a Steamroller for the pin. The Hillbillies danced to some banjo music to delight the fans. 8:42
4. Tony Garea and Ted Grizzly; Double Count-Out. After the match went OOR Grizzly tried to gab anything not nailed down to use as a weapon. Garea hit Grizzly with a few dropkicks and then a Flying Crossbody that carried them from the ramp into the pit below. Tony was able to re-cover but Grizzly was out cold. The EMT’s made their wat to the pit to put Grizzly on a stretcher. One of the wise guy groups from GW University was chanting; “Let him Stay, Let him Stay.” The combination of Garea’s popularity and Grizzly’s dislike led to other fans joining in. 3:49
5. Hercules Hernandez with Classy Freddie Blassie and David Sammartino; Double DQ. Blassie was on the microphone with Lord Alfred calling David a “Pencil Neck Geek.” David who cn hold his own in the power department got several good shots at Hercules. A Sledgehammer to the chest took Hercules breath away. It looked like curtains for Hernandez after a Skullcrusher. Blassie reacting slid a Steel Chair into the ring and Hercules tried a Head Slam to David but it missed. David got close enough to the ring edge that Blassie used a Smash from a chain the stun David and cut his head. With Blood flowing down, David grabbed the Steel Chair while Hercules grabbed the Chain. Referee Mike Chioda ruled the match Total Chaos and called for a Double DQ. 7:06
6. The Mercenary Luc Porrier with Frenchy Martin; Bulldog Pin over The Unpredictable Johnny Rodz. Johnny was able to gain a near pin after a Diving Head Butt followed by a Guillotine Leg Drop but Frenchy was able to distract Referee Earl Hebner when Manifique Charland came to ringside. Hebner was sending him back to the Locker arena when Frenchy used a Blottle of Wine to hit Rodz over the head. Porrier used an Atomic Spike and had had to hold the KO’s Rodz up for a Bulldog. 6:56
7. The North-South Connection (Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdock) beat The Killer Bees (B. Brian Blair and Jumping Jim Brunzell). Bunzell used High Flying Dropkicks on Murdock that had Dick reeling. Adonis had a Biker Chain that he was trying to use as a weapon to save his partner. Blair saw he Adonis infraction and tried to enter the ring. Referee Mike Chioda was holding Blair back while Adonis reached Brunzell and smashed him with Brass Nucks. Jumping Jim collapsed to the canvas and the groggy Murdock fell on him. Chioda turned to see the pin. 15:02
8. Pedro Morales; Cannonball Pin over Magnificent Don Muraco with Mr. Fuji. Both wrestlers pulled out all the stops in this ugly feud. Armbars, Leglocks, Suplexes and Bodyslams. The longer the match lingered the more Mr. Fuji got nervous. He tried some salt but missed Pedro and then a trip but tripped Muraco instaed. Finally, uncharacteristically, he threw a Fireball. It blinded Muraco and allowed Pedro to use the Cannonball and get the Pin. 13:15
Lou Roc’s Diner & Armsby Abbey presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
The Centrum – Worcester, MA Att: 9,846
Commentators; Gorilla Monsoon & Bruno Sammartino
Referees; Terry Yorkston & Danny Davis Ring; Howard Finkel
1. The Tiger and Tito Senza; No Contest. A Brawl started before either wrestler entered the ring. They exchanged slams to the Steel Steps and whips into the Barrier. The Tiger (who is Bob Bradley) perfrormed a Tiger Leap from the Press Table leaving Senza unable to make it to the ring. Unfortunately for The Tiger, Referee Terry Yorkston called the match No Contest after allowing 4 minutes for the wrestlers to enter the ring. Total time 4:25
2. Judy Martin; Drip Dry Power Bomb Pin over Donna Day. Donna was in command after using a Jumping Leg Drop and then hooking in The Lobster Claw (Boston Crab ). Nasty Kat Laroux came to ringside. She broke up the Lobster Claw just as Judy was ablut to submit. Referee Danny Davis was blind to the interference. Judy used a running Skullcracker after Kat tripped Donna. The Drip Dry Power Bomb followed for the pin. 4:53
3. Matman and da Duke (Robbie Ellis and Pete Doherty) won by Count-Out over Hard Knox (Rusty Brooks and Goldie Rogers). The fans were on their feet for Matman and Da Duke. They are local favorites. Ellis is from Old Port, Maine and Doherty is the Duke of Dorchester, MA. The match eventually went OOR with Goldie and Doherty the legal men. Ellis and Rust were fighting up the ramp and into the Food Court. Goldie and Doherty were near enough to the ring to prevent a count-out by slipping in and out. Pete finally got hold of a Steel Chair and slammed it over Goldie’s head. Pete slipped back in the ring before the count. 10:08
. Wild Samoan Sika; Stomach Vise Submission over Jim Young. Young was able to gain a pin after a Flying Dropkick and a roll-Up. Once again Referee Danny Davis was a bit slow in the count allowing Sika to kick out. The Samoan followed with a Crushing Headbutt and then the painful Stomach Vise. 6:24
5. Hillbilly Jim; Jumping Leg Drop Pin over Iron Mike Sharp. Jim had a great entrance with the fans clapping to his Blue Grass music. Sharp held his own for a while but then tried to use his Loaded Forearm Smash but missed. Jim hit Mike with a Double Forearm Hammer and then the Hogan taught Jumping Legdrop. 5:58
6. Richard “Manifique” Charland with Frenchy Martin and Chief Steve Gatorwolf; Double Count-Out. The popular Chief gained points on his total when he grabbed the microphone from Frenchy who was complaining about the city of Worcester. After the match went OOR, Luc Porrier came to ringside to help Frenchy and Charland against Gatorwolf. Never liking long odds, Hillbilly Jim ran out to help the Chief. The count ran out as more wrestlers came pouring out from the locker area. 7:15
7. Jimmy Snuka; Superfly Leap Pin over Terrible Terry Funk with Jimmy Hart. Jimmy was savagely attacked by Funk and Hart (Branding iron and Megaphone)before the match and although bleeding from a Branding Iron smash he was able to get in the ring and more than willing to give it his all. Terry had the advantage and used Eye Rakes and Rope Burns to remain in charge. Hillbilly Jim wandered to the ring much to the dislike of Jimmy Hart. Hart was complaining to Referee Terry Yorkston when Jim reached in the ring with his Mudlick Pearl (Horsehoe) and hit Funk over the head. Snuka climbed the ropes for the crowd pleasing Superfly Leap. 8:25
8. WWF Tag Team Tile – U.S. Express (Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo) beat Super Powers (Nicolai Volkoff and Iron Sheik) with Classie Freddie Blassie. Rotundo over Volkoff. Iron Sheik came in the ring with Brass Nucks and used them whenever he could. Volkoff caught Rotundo in a Bearhug so The Sheik wanted to use a Body Basher from the Turnbuckle. As he leaped Rotundo slipped out from the Bearhug and Sheik crashed to the canvas. Mike picked up the fallen Brass Nucks and hit Volkoff in the chops. Rotundo and Windham used a Noggin Knocker on Sheik and Volkoff. Windham performed a Bulldog on The Sheik while Rotundo Rolled-Up Volkoff. The U.S. Express retains the WWF Tag Title. 19:26
Tapas 177 and DiBella’s presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
War Memorial Auditorium – Rochester, NY Att: 12,006
Commentators; Vince McMahon & “Mr. TV” Jackie Pallo
Referees; Dick Kroll & Mario Savoldi
Ring; Jill Fontaine
1. Renee Goulet won by Count-Out over Steve Pardee. After the match went OOR The Number One Frenchman took Pardee to school with several slams to the Steel Steps followed by a Gut Wrench. Goulet threw Steve against the Steel Barrier and then up and over. Pardee landed in the 2nd row of fans and was unable to move. After being Counted-Out the EMT’s came to carry Steve from the arena. 3:36
2. Young Stallions (Jim Powers and Paul Roma) beat Diamond Edge (Al and Keithj Diamond. Powers; Running Power Slam Pin over Keith. The Diamond’s had talked this match up on local TV for the past few weeks calling the Stallions the “Baby Foals” because the image of Stallions for Powers and Roma was ridiculous. The Diamond’s tried a sneak attack during the introductions but they missed and both fell through the ropes. After re-entering, only missing the count because the hadn’t rung at the time of the attack, Roma hit Al with a Flying Missile and Powers used the Running Slam to Pin Keith. The Diamond’s complained that Keith wasn’t the legal man. In checking the tapes it turns out that Roma and Al were legal. When questioned, Mario Savoldi said; “Da Guy dare pinned da utter guy. Dat’s it. My decizon stands.” 2:41 (The realistic time was over 20 minutes)
3. The M & M Kid – Mario Mancini won by Count-Out over The Executioner. The Executioner grabbed the microphone from Jill when she announced him at 271 pounds; “I am 217 slim and trim pounds.” The Executioner used a Guillotine Leg Drop on Mario to put him down, it seemed for the count. The Young Stallions were still at ringside for an interview. Paul Roma, who has developed a bit of a hot head attitude was yelling at the Masked Executioner; “Come out and fight a real man.” Rather than take the pin the Executioner bailed from the ring and began brawling with Roma. During the confusion, Powers entered the ring and propped Mancini up against the Turnbuckle. Dick Kroll’s count reached the limit and he declared Mancini winner by Count-Out. 3:48
4. S.D. Jones; Jumping Koko Headbutt Pin over Steve Lombardi. S.D. was awarded extra points on his total after the crowd cheered over and over. Jones, the very popular Philadelphian, took time to wave to all four corners of the arena. Lombardi, on the other hand, was irritated by the attention S.D. was getting. Lombardi, the Brooklyn street brawler, got the early advantage after kicking Jones from the ring. After Jones re-entered Steve used a Falling Knee Crunch but he couldn’t get the pin. S.D. recoved and used a Running Clothesline. As Lombardi was getting to his feet Jones hit him with the Jumping Koko Head Butt (taught to S.D. by Bobo Brazil). It was Light’s Out. 6:21
5. Woman’s Title – Laliani Kai Champion) with Judy Martin; Diving Splash Pin over Wendi Richter. Wendi used a Flying Knee smash and then a Lone Star Sleeper to almost close out the match. Judy Martin took advantage of a distraction, ran in the ring and smashed a tray over Wendi’s head. Wendi was dazed as she leaned against the turnbuckle and Laliani too advantage with the Diving Splash. Laliani Kai retains the Woman’s Title. 7:55
6. Called The Battle of The Maple Leaf - The Rougeau’s (Jacques and Raymond) won by Count-Out over The Hart Foundation (Brett Hart and Jim Neidhart) with Jimmy Hart. The Rougeau’s gained points when they interrupted an TV interview that the Harts and Jimmy were doing with Joe Pedicino. Jimmy Hart, especially, was livid. He tried to hit Jacques with the megaphone by missed and hit a cameraman. During the match the action went OOR. Brett, the legal man was fight up the ramp with Jacque. Neidhart and Raymond, the legal man, were near ringside and eveyually re-entered. When Referee Mario Savoldi call for the bell he riuledthe match to The Rougeau’s because Raymond was in the ring. 13:02
7. “The Natural” Butch Reed pinned Blackjack Mulligan. Reed used some rough moves; Thumbscrew to the Throat and Choke with the Ropes and mulligan countered with equally rough moves; Throat Drop onto the Ropes and a Cranium Cracker. It was Reed who got the last move thatw as a Foreign Ovject Smash to the Chops. Mulligan crashed to the Canvas and Butch Rolled him up for the Pin. 8:10
8. Tito Santana won by DQ over King Kong Bundy with Bobby Heenan. Tito was quick and he confused Bundy although King Kong was able to catch Santana several times and perform some power moves. After Tito performed a devastating Flying Forearm that would have broken most wrester’s jaws, Bundy went down and he was hurt. Heenan needed to save his big man so he jumped in the ring and pushed Referee Mario Savoldi out of the way. Mario called for the bell and then hit Heenan in the chops 10:57
Fenicci’s & Cocoa Beanery presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
Hershey Park Arena – Hershey, PA Att: 7,994
Commentators; Angelo Savoldi & Bill Cardille
Referees; Izzy Moidel & Mike Chioda Ring; Howard Finkel
1. Kerry Brown won by DQ over “The Hood” Rey Fenix. Brown caught Fenix with a Brain Basher that left the hood reeling so he bailed from the ring. Upon re-entering Fenix had a Steel chair. He pushed Referee Izzy Moidel aside and tried to hit Kerry who was able to dodge the smash. Moidel call for the bell. The Hood who was a tag specialist in the Pacific N/W with Brady Boone and Al Madril failed to impress in his initial single competition. 3:53
2. Bertha Faye with Harvey Wippleman; Big Bertha Bomb Pin over Jackie Bradley. Bertha was in charge from the beginning. She caught Jackie with her back turned and performed a Piledriver that left Bradley dazed. After several Illegal Chokes and a Vicious Eye rake, Bertha used the Bomb to gain the pin. After celebrating in the ring Bertha carried Harvey up the aisle in what has become their victory march. 4:12
3. Matt Bourne; Backbreaker Slam Pin over George Wells. Bourne lost points because he failed to get any response from the fans. Swells took advantage and used a Body Splash followed by a Pin attempt. Bourne was able to get his foot on the ropes and avoid the three count. Bourne who is a clever in ring worker used a Running Knee Smash that dazed Wells. This was followed by the Back Breaker Slam. 5:43
4. Leaping Lanny Poffo; Sommersault Drop Pin over Terry Gibbs. During OOR Action the wrestlers exchanged Slams to the Steel Steps and Head Smashes to the Press table. Back in the ring Terry was able to Falling Knee to gain the three count but he was caught with his feet on the Ropes for Leverage so Referee Mikechioda called the pin off. Lanny tried again and again to gain a pin using high flying moves but the veteran Gibbs wouldn’t stay down. Finally Lanny caught Terry with a flying Leg Dropthat put Gibbs down. As he struggled to get to his feet, Poffo caught him with the Sommersault Drop. The time was :02 from a Draw. 9:58
5. The Dream Team (Brutus Beefcake and Greg “Hammer” Valentine) with Luscious Johnny V. beat Soul Train (Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas). Brutus; Running Knee Smash over Rocky. Tony performed a Military Press Slam on Valentine. Rocky was jawing with Johhny V. Brutus and Valentine hit Tony with a Double DDT. Rocky turned to see the action but before he could help Tony, Johnny V hit Rocky in the back of the head with Brass Nucks. Brutus at the same time used a Running Knee Smash to gain the pin. 13:29
6. Intercontinental Title – Dino Bravo (Challenger) with Frenchy Martin; Side Suplex Pin over Corporal Kirshner. Kirshner had points added to his total after chasing Frenchy from the ringside. The Corporal had Dino in dire straits after hooking in the Corporal (Cobra) Clutch. Unfortunately Magnifique Charland ran to the ringside. Of course Frenchy followed. Frency distracted referee Izzy Moidel while Charland broke up the Clutch hold. In the confusion Magnifique hit Kirshner with a Heart Punch and Dino performed a Side Suplex Pin. Referee Izzy Moidel turned to see the pin. Dino Bravo is the NEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW Intercontinental Champion. 8:48
7. George “Animal” Steele and Ted Arcidi; Double Count-Out. Animal used a few standard (for him) rules; Bite Arms and Legs, Rake Eyes and Mouth Ripper. Arcidi bailed from the ring where he found a Storm Drain Pipe under the ring. Steele followed and was hit in the forehead with the Dran Pipe. Animal found a Metal Gutter under the ring and slamed Arcidi with it several times. Animal threw the Gutter on the KO’d Arcidi and went to the Commentators Table when Mr. Tv Jackie Pallo had just ordered a Ezkimo Pie. Steele took the Eskimo Pie and said to Pallo; “Put it on my tab.” Referee Izzy Moidel had counted both wrestlers out long ago. 7:42
8. Macho Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth; Diving Elbow Drop Pin over Ricky Steamboat. This was as expected a back and forth match with several pin attempts that both wrestlers avoided a three count. Ricky was able to use a series of Dropkicks that had Macho dazed. Animal Steele was hanging around ringside and came over to see Miss Elizabeth. Ricky was concerned and distracted by Animal unsure of his intentions. This gave Randy a breather and he dug out an undetected Foreign Object. When Ricky turned around Macho hit him in the Chops. Steamboat was KO’d when Macho Man climbed the turnbuckle for the Diving Elbow. 17:56
Nathan’s Famous & The Shake Shack presents;
WWF Wrestling (1985-86)
Nassau County Coliseum, Uniondale, NY Att: 17,988
Commentators; Gorilla Monsoon & Bruno Sammartino
Referees; Chuck “Popeye” Richards & Danny Davis
Ring; Howard Finkel
1. Charlie Fulton; The Piledriver Pin over Bob Markus. The veteran Fulton was well received by the fans and although he is usually neutral he was the obvious favorite to the Long island crowd. Charlie didn’t disappoint. After a Headrammer to the Corner Post, Fulton performed a Rib Crusher setting up the finishing Piledriver for the pin. 3:36
2. Candi Devine won by Count-Out over Desiree Peterson. In a fairly even match the action went OOR. Candi and Deseree traded throws into the Barrier and got tangled in the TV cords. Referee Danny Davis’ count should have eliminated both wrestlers yet by the time they made it back to the ring he had only reached a 5 count. During re-entry, Candi pushed Desiree’s head with her foot and Desiree lost her footing. Referee Danny Davis called for the bell and a Count-Out. 7:23
3. Swede Hansen; Reverse Neckbreaker Pin over “The Gravedigger” Swede head the cheers from the fans and uncharacteristically smiled as the chants of; “Swede, Swede” were heard. Jerry Adams. The flashy Jerry, who wrestles locally, has bragged all week in the Nassau Post that when he (Jerry) was through with Swede he would be toast. Referee “Popeye” Richards wouldn’t let The Gravedigger in the ring with his Pick and Shovel. The arrogant Adams said; “That’s OK. I don’t need them to take care of business.” Adams did have an opportunity to perform a Rockaway Breaker (Top Rope Dive). Unfortunately he crashed to an empty canvas. Sweede used a Slaughter Creek Corner Stomp before performing the Neckbreaker Pin. 4:04
4. Salvadore Bellomo; DDT Pin over Klondike Mike. Klondike started the match with a Foreign Object attack on Savadore. Bellomo was obviously hurt as the 350 lbs Lumberjack continued his aggression. After a vicious Eye Rake, Mike used a Corner Splash. Klondike went to the well once too often as he could have probably had the pin. Mike performed a Head First Rammer but Sal moved and Mike cashed into the Post. He was out on his feet when Bellomo used a DDT for the pin. 5:47
5. Danny Spivey; Roll-Up Pin over Jesse “Body” Ventura. Jesse had an undetected Foreign Object that he used to his advantage. After a Wicked Kick to the Groing, Jesse choked out Danny. In an UNUSUAL finish, Jesse was arguing with “Popeye” Richards after Richards made Jesse let up on a Choke Hold. Spvey saw an opening and took advantage. With Jesse’s back turned Spivey ran over and used a Roll-Up to pin him. 6:51
6. The Headhunters (Haku and Siva Afi) with Mr. Fuji beat The Brisco’s (Jack and Jerry). Siva Afi’ Top Rope Dropkick over Jack. The Brisco’s used aDouble falling hammer on Haku. Mr. Fuji was close enough to throw some Salt that caught Jack in the eyes. Jerry was jawing with Fuji and haku used a savate Kick on Jerry. Siva Afi came off the top rope with a Dropkick to the blinded jack for the pin. 14:09
7. Alizis Smirnoff with Frenchy Martin won by Count-Out over Missing Link. The Link got a huge ovation adding points to his total. Smirnoff had help in his corner and it would prove to be the difference. In a match that had a Sickle and Russian Hammer by Smirnoff and A Head Butt and a Rib Crusher by Link it failed to have anyone pinned. The end came when Magnifique Charland came to ringside and eventually tripped Link. Link got angry and bailed from the ring. Referee “Popeye” Richards counted slow while Frenchy wanted the count faster but it didn’t matter. Link and Charland fought up the ramp and to the backstage. 8:21
8. WWF Heavyweight Title – Hulk Hogan (Champion) won by DQ over Bob “Ace” Orton with Roddy Piper. Piper tripped Orton by mistake that set up Hogan using a falling Ax handle on Orton. This seemed to take to steam out of Ace who was retreating to the corner after tis. Orton tried to smash Hogan with the Cast (Loaded??). Hogan bounced of the Ropes and had Orton down for the Legdrop. Piper found a 2 x 4 under the ring and ran in to prevent the pin. Referee Danny Davis had no choice but to call the match. Hogan lifted Piper and Body Slammed him onto Ace Orton. The big crowd cheered as loudspeakers blasted with Hogan in the ring; “I am a real American, Fight for the rights of every man, I am a real American, Fight for what’s right – Fight for your life.” Hulk Hogan retains the WWF Heavyweight Title. 11:12
Five Guys & Wines on Vine presents;
ICW-WWA Wrestling (1980-82)
All-Tech Arena Lexington, KY Att: 5,520
Commentators; Liz Hulette & Robert Phillips Sr.
Referees; Sam Diamond & George Hill
Ring; Candy Malloy
1. Kareem Muhammed won by Count-Out over Brad Batten. During OOR Action Elija Akeem ran out and was Doubleteaming with Kareem on Brad. Security was busy backstage calling in the EMT’s after finding Bart Batten KO’d with a dented chair next to him. Meanwhile, Kareem was able to slip back in the ring before the time limit. 5:12
2. N.Y. Doll Troy Graham; Swinging Neckbreaker Pin over Tony “Tiger” Falk. Tony did his usual grand entrance “hotdogging” down the aisle and around the ring, dancing to the music “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” by Rod Stewart. During the match Tony tried a Suicide Leap from the Top Rope. He managed to crash to the canvas. Graham used a skull Smasher to set up the Swinging Neckbreaker Pin. 3:44
3. Manchurian Tapu with Sputnik Monroe won by Count-Out over Rip Tyler. Tyler used a Running Chest Hammer to put Tapu down but he was saved by Sputnik. Tapu was able to kick Tyler from the ring. Rip was Triple Teamed by Tio, who came to help, Tapu and Sputnik. Tio eventually used Asian Mist to the face of Rip as Tapu re-entered the ring. Tyler was blinded OOR while Referee Sam Diamond counted him out. 4:26
4. N.Y. Doll Rick “Dog” McGraw and Colonel Yan Ky; Double Count-Out. During OOR Action in this fairly even match, the Colonel was able to throw Salt to Rick’s Eyes. Somehow, though blinded, McGraw was able to grabbed Yan Ky and perform a Piledriver to the floor. The Colonel was Ko’d while Rick was still blinded as Referee George Hill Counted them out. 7:09
5. Moose Cholak won by DQ over Terry Gibbs. Moose was setting Gibbs up for the MMMMOOOOO-Splash Using an Eye Rake and a Sledgehammer. The frustrated Gibbs bailed from the ring escaping a pin. Terry re-entered the ring with a Folded Steel Chair. Referee Sam Diamond tried to stop Gibbs so terry pushed diamond down. Diamond call for the bell as several wrestlers ran down to break up what was now an out of hand Brawl. 5:52
6. Poffo-Weingeroff (Lanny Poffo and George Weingeroff) won by DQ Devil’s Duo (Doug Vines and Jeff Sword) with Izzy Slapowitz. Poffo and Weingeroff were pumped up by the fans reaction. As a result they had extra points added to their total. The Devil’s Duo had the early advantage using a Foreign Object that they traded back and forth. Vines and Sword used their best moves called Barrrom Brawling that is a Doubleteam. While Weingeroff was getting beat on, Lanny was trying to enter the ring but was held back by Referee George Hill. Just when it looked like curtains for Weingeroff and Lanny they mounted a comeback. Weingeroff performed a Backdrop on Vines and Lanny followed with a Somersault Drop. The pin would have been made but Izzy Slapowitz threw a Fireball. Referee George Hill saw the infraction and called for the bell and the DQ. 10:46
7. Paul Christy; Sunset Flip Pin over Ratamyus. Ratamyus is hated and the crowd was booing and throwing cups. Ratamyus used a Sharp Object to cut Christy. Christy was aloxy pinned after a Spin Kick but Ratamyus was jawing with some fans and lost his advantage. The veteram Christy used a Gut Wrench that keeled Ratamyus over and then the Sunset flip Finish. 8:23
8. ICW-WWA Tag Team Title – The Young Lions (Steve Regal and Spike Huber) beat The Valiant’s ( Luscious Johnny and Gentleman Jerry). Spike Huber; Piledriver Pin over Jerry. The Valiant’s, as expected, pulled out all the stops to gain the advantage. A Hidden Foreign Object was used, Rope Burns, Eye Rakes and Moth Rippers. The Valiant’s failed to get the action OOR where they would have a huge advantage. Eventually the speed of Regal and Huber took over. After Regal used a Flying Dropkick on Johnny that sent him flying from the ring, Steve used the dropkick on Jerry. Huber was waiting to perform the Piledriver. The Young Lions are the ICW-WWATag Team Champions. 12:53
Colby’s & Another Broken Egg presents;
ICW-WWA Wrestling (1980-82)
Owensboro Sports Center – Owensboro, KY Att: 5,412
Commentators; Liz Hulette & Angelo Poffo
Referees; Jim Davis & Emmitt Couch Ring; Vivian St. Lohn
Special Guest; Spaceman Frank Hickey
1. George Weingeroff won by DQ over Barroom Brawler Jeff Sword with Izzy Slapowitz. Izzy was warned by Referee Jim Davis after Davis saw Izzy holding a 2 x 4. Sword tried a few rough moves and resorted to Barroom Brawling io try and gain an edge. Weingeroff used a Backflip and then set up for a Bulldog. Izzy had a Bottle of Jack Daniels that he used to try and hit Weingeroff. Rweferee Davis called for the bell. 6:42
2. The Manchurians (Tio and Tapu) with Sputnik Monroe beat The Ridge Runners (Jim “Hoot” Gibson and Big Boy Williams). The Manchurians used the ropes to choke out Gibson and several eye Rakes to slow down Williams. Sputnik reahed in the ring and tipped Big Boy. Tio Spit Green Mist to Williams face and Tapu hit him with a Thrust Kick for the Pin. 8:12
3. Pez Whatley with Brenda Britton won by Count-Out over Mike Doggendorf. Mike had Pez in trouble and was about to hit him with a Three Point Stance. Rip Rogers came to ringside and was distracting Referee Jim davis. Brenda tried to use hair spray to Mike’s eyes. Mike bailed from the ring. Gary Royal (Pez and Rip’s partner on the Convertible Blonds) ran to ringside. Rip pushed Spaceman Hickey during the confusion. Hickey immediately jumped up and hit Rip upside the head knocking him to the floor. Mike was fighting with Gary on the entrance ramp when the Count-Out bell was rung. Pez and Brenda happily accepted the win. The fans were chanting; “Flea Bag, Flea Bag” referring to Brenda. 4:43
4. Thunderbolt Patterson; K.O. Punch Pin over The Zodiak. The Zodiac gained points on his tital after interrupting an interview by Liz Hulette on Patterson. The Zodiak accused Liz of favoring all the “nice guy” wrestlers causing his raking to drop. The Zodiac didn’t wait for an answer he stormed off to the ring with the extra points added. During the match Patterson used a Skullcrusher to daze The Zodiak and then hit him with the K.O. Punch. 5:08
5. Ox Baker and Bull Bullinski; Double Count-Out. Bullinski somehow was able to get the padding off of the Turnbuckle. After slamming Ox’s head to the exposed Turnbuckle, Bull bailed from the ring. The bleeding Ox followed immediately slamming Bull to the Steel Steps several times. Bullinski was able to escape Ox’s clutches and head up the ramp. Baker ran at Bull and the collision momentum caused both wrestlers to fall into the pit below. Neither was able to make the count. 6:48
6. N.Y. Dolls (Rick “the Dog” McGraw and Troy Graham) beat The Zambaui Express (Kareem Muhammed and Elijah Akeem) with J.J. Dillon. This match looked all but over after the Express threw Rick head forst to the floor below. Graham was being held in the corner by Kareem so that Elijah could hit him with a Body Splash. Somehow Graham movedand Elijah slammed into the Post. Kareem got in the ring and J.J. Dillon threw a cup of Beer intended for Troy but it hit Kareem in the face. Troy immediately used a Swinging Neckbreaker that got the pin. J.J. Dillon was screaming that Kareem was not the legal man but Referee Emmitt Couch walked away from Dillon. 13:34
7. Cowboy Bob Ellis won by DQ over Animal Hamagucci. Ellis used a flying Elbow to nearly get the pin. Animal avoided the pin several times after that; Missile Shot and Double Hammer. When Hammagucci reached for a bag of substance that was in his trunks, Referee Jim Davis called for the bell. Animal pushed Referee Davis down intending to kick him. Cowboy Bob performed an Atomic Spike on Animal much to the fan’s delight. 7:54
8. ICW-WWA Title – Macho Randy Savage with Brenda Britton won by Count-Out over Rugged Ronnie Garvin. Ronnie was on his way to victory after catching Savage in a Sharpshooter. Brenda was able to break up the hold using Spray to the Eyes. Garvin had enough of her interference and chased her up the ramp. Gary Royal, Rip rogers and Pex whatley were waiting. They beat down Garvin at the top od the ramp until Bob Ellis and Thunderbolt Patterson ran to th rescue. The ICW-WWA Title remains vacant. 10:37
Big Woody’s BBQ & Magpie’s presents;
Mid-South-Memphis Wrestling (1980-82)
Family Arena – St. Charles, MO Att: 8,460
Commentators; Jess McGrath & Dickie Steinborn
Referees; Charles Rentrop & Tom Renesto Jr.
Ring; Paul Boesch
1. Hollywood Hippie won by DQ over Jim “Claw” Mitchell. The Hippie had a colorful entrance as usual. This time he carried a street pole with a Hollywood and Vine sign on it. He continued his antics in the ring until Mitchell had enough and attacked. The Hippie had some Foreign Substance that he rubbed in Mitchell’s eyes. The Hippie used the Ropes for Leverage to almost get a pin but was caught by Referee Charles Rentrop. The frustrated Mitchell bailed from the ring and re-entered with the Hollywood and Vine Street sign. Referee Rentrop called for the bell and security to prevent any damage. 4:10
2. Chick Donovan with Jimmy Hart; Figure four Leglock Submission over Don Anderson. The Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart took the microphone; “Chick Donovan is the new Enforcer for the Hart Family.” Fans who always saw Donovan as a rule follower were shocked at the announcement. It didn’t take Donovan long to prove himself as a rulebreaker. A vicious Eye Rake and then a Falling Knee to the Throat was enough to show the fans. After a Running Knee smash Chick went for the pin but pulled Anderson up by the hair several times. After a warning by Referee Tom Renesto Jr., Chick hooked in the Figure Four Leglock for the Submission. 3:36
3. The Convertible Blonds (Rip Rogers and Gary Royal) with Brenda Britton beat the Batten Brothers (Brad and Bart). Gary Royal; Flying Legdrop Pin over Brad Batten. The Battens working together used their speed to gain the edge. A Combination Flying Forearm and Flying Dropkick from the Ropes had Rip in serious trouble. Brenda was able to distract Referee Charles Rentrop while Pez Whatley, who had wandered to the ring, interfered. He used Brass Nucks on Bart while Gary jumped in the ring to fight with Brad. Pez swung at Brad hitting him in the back of the head. Gary performed a Flying leg Drop as Referee Rentrop turned to see the pin. 10:57
4. Chief Thundercloud won by DQ over Dr. Bill Irwin. The Chief was able to use his war Dance Chops to daze and confuse Dr. Bill. Irwin bounced back with a Hidden Sharp Object that left a cut above Thundercloud’s Eye. After bailing from the ring Irwin took advantage of Referee Tom Renesto Jr.’s distraction from some dirt or dust in his eyes. Dr. Bill re-entered with a Loaded Doctor’s Bag. He smashed it over Thundercloud’s back. Referee Renesto Jr. saw the infraction and called for the DQ. As Ring Ammouncer Paul Boesch announced the result, Irwin ran over and performed a Anesthesis (DDT) on Boesch. The EMT’s who were hauling Chief Thundercloud away had to call for a 2nd stretcher to take out Boesch. Local Police were called to arrest Dr. Bill. As they escorted Irwin up the aisle a woman yelled; “You are a disgrace!” Bill answered; “I sure am.” 6:45
We send our best to Paul in the Hospital. Sherri Martel is the Ring Announcer
5. Crusher Broomfield with Jimmy Hart and The Enforcer; Corner Splash pin over Ricky Morton. Broomfield had points added to his total for scaring some youngsters as he entered the ring. His 400 pound size was enough but he growled and shook his chain. After the match stared Morton was able to use his speed and had Broomfiels reeling in confusion. A Dropkick from the Top Roped down the big man. Morton tried to follow up by he was tripped. He was in the corner when Chick used a Learger belt to choke him out. Broomfield immediately hit Morton with the Splash to end the match. 5:18
6. Rick Rood (Rude) with Angel; Diving Kneedrop Pin over Leaping Lanny Poffo. During OOR Action the wrestlers exchanged smashes to the Guard Rail then Poffo threw Rood to the Steel Steps. After re-entering the ring Lanny used a Top Rope Clothesline to put Rood down but Angel was able to beak up the pin. As Lanny got close to the ropes Angel used Oven Cleaner Spray to Poffo’s eyes. Lanny was laying on the canvas screaming in pain when Rood finished the match with the Diving Kneedrop. 7:26
7. Rougeau-Taylor (Jacques Rougeau and Terry Taylor) beat The Bounty Hunters (#1 and #2) with Cashbox Jim Kent. Terry Taylor; Sunset Flip Pin over Bounty Hunter #2. In a back and forth match the Hunters, who need the doubleteaming to stay in the match started losing concentration. Kent tried to interfere but he was unable to get in his dirty tactic. At one point Taylor stole Kent’s Metal Cashbox. Both Bounty Hunters were in the ring so Rougeau and Taylor did the same. In the melee BH #1 was thrown Headfirst to the floor below. Jacque used a Falling Knee crunch on BH #2 and Terry performed a Sunset Flip to get the Pin. 14:46
8. Southern TV Title – Lord Humongous with Downtown Bruno (Challenger); Chokeslam Pin over Jimmy “Boogie” Valiant (Champion). Jimmy used a flying Elbow and a Guillotine Legdrop that would normally get the pin. Referee Tom Renesto Jr. was KO’d from a collision as Jimmy hooked in the pin. Bruno took advantage by entering the ring and hitting Jimmy in the head with a Tire Iron. Lord Humongous used the Chokeslam finish. Lord Humongous is the NEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW Southern TV Champion. 10:49
Hamburger Barn & The Mirage presents;
Mid-South/Houston Wrestling (1980-82)
Vining Arena – Arkadelphia, AR Att: 4,098
Commentators; Boyd Pierce and Frank Dusek
Referees; Tommy Sloan & T.D. Steele Ring; Paul Boesch
1. Randy Colley and Jerry Barber; Double Count-Out. The fans distracted Colley for the get-go. When the action went OOR the ringside fans were throwing cups and pouring soft drinks on Randy. Colley managed to whip Barber into the TV Equipment where Jerry got tangled. Colley was jawing with some fans and used up the time. Referee Tommy Sloan counted both wrestlers out. 3:17
2. Fabulous One Stan Lane and Gypsy Joe; Double Count-Out. Gypsy attacked before the match and not only had points added to his total but he seriously hurt Stan when Lane fell from the ring hurting his shoulder as he landed. The bell rung but from that point on the action was all OOR. Joe had a Sharp Object and cut Stan. Stan mustered enough to use a Myawashi Kick to send Gypsy Joe flying over the Guard Rail. Referee T.D. Steele’s count reached the limit. Lane made no attempt at getting back yo the ring. 4:26
3. Sonny King; Showboat DDT Pin over Rick McCord. King, an expert at cheating, was awarded extra points when his cheating modifier was rolled. It set the pace of the match. Rich had some offense going and he used a Diving Elbow to stun Sonny. King had a small bottle of spray and used Mist in Ric’s eyes. King followed with a Flying Knee Smash and the Showboat DDT that Sonny uses with lots of flair. 4:53
4. The Enforcer won by Count-Out over Superstar Bill Dundee. Sonny King came to ringside. King has been trying to recruit The Enforcer as a partner. Many fans think that Mr. Olympia is The Enforcer’s darker side. Dundee who has an onging feud with King bailed from the ring but was up against The Enforcer and King. King finally grabbed a Flood Lamp and smashed it over Bill’s back. The Enforcer was able to slip back in the ring before the count reached the limit. 6:34
5. The Roughshods (Dream Machine and Mongolian Stomper) won by Count-Out over The Pinnacle Mountain Boys (Ron Sexton amd Mike Boyette). The Mountain Boys put on a show prior to the match. Boyette who loves to “Hotdog” had the fans clapping to “Pancho and Lefty.” Unfortunately for The Pinnacle Boys the match started and mainly belonged to The Roughshods. After the action went OOR Mongolian used a TV cors to choke out Sexton. Dream Machine hit Boyette with a swinging Neckbreaker on the ramp and Stomper used a Thumb to the Throat on Sexron. Sexton was counted out but neither Pinnacle Boy made it back to the ring. 7:23
6. “Hot Stuff” Eddie Gilbert with Missy Hyatt; Throw a fireball Pin over ‘Nightmare’ Speed (Ken Wayne). Speed confused Gilbert as The Nightmare jumped around the ring using aerial tactics; Flying Body Press and Top Rope Dropkicks. With Gilbert hanging on, Missy hit Speed with her Loaded Handbag, that many call The Queen’s Scepter but Missy refers to her handbag with the more elegant Lady in Waiting. The desperate Hot Stuff wasted no time, took advantage of a distraction and Threw a Fireball. The blinded speed was helpless. 8:08
7. Dirty Dutch Mantel; Piledriver Pin over Masked Super Destroyer with Jimmy Hart. The Destroyer used a choke Slam then tried a Chairshot that proved to be a mistake. Dutch reversed the Chairshot and used a 2nd smash as a bonus. Duth was choking the Destroyer with “Shoo Baby”, his whip. Referee Tommy Sloan warned Dutch while Jimmy Hart protested that Mantel should be DQ’d. Dutch performed a Pledriver for the pin. 9:49
8. Jos LeDuc won by DQ over Abdullah the Butcher with Jimmy Hart. As expected The Butcher was off to the races with Dirty Tactics; Smash with a Rock, Slash over Jos’ Eye with a sharp Object and a Smash with Hart’s Megaphone. LeDuc responded with a Double Forearm Hammer and a Knee Drop to the Head that would have kept most opponents down but the Butcher was not most opponents. Abdullah got hold of some flashbulbs and crushed them. He tried to put the crushed material into LeDuc’s eyes. When that didn’t work Abdullah got a Bottle and tried to hit Jos. Referee T.D. Steele had enough and called for the DQ. 8:16
Brooksie’s Barn & The Catfish Cabin presents;
Memphis/Mid-South Wrestling (1980-82)
Oman Arena – Jackson, TN Att: 5,134
Commentators; Lance Russell & Dave Brown
Referees; Jerry Calhoun & Tommy Sloan
Special; Dave Fit Finley Ring; Boyd Pierce
1. Dizzy Bill Smithson; Running Body Slam Pin over David Oswald. Smithson who is a notorious cheater got the early advantage after rolling a cheat modifier. He continued the onslaught from then on. He bit Oswald’s arms and legs when he could hide the infractions. The fans distracted Smithson, who sometimes uses the name Dizzy Golden, who stood in the middle of the ring with a fist raised in a sort of a challenge. Dizzy used a running Body Slam for the pin. 3:51
2. Outlaw Ron Bass; Inverted Suplex Slam Pin over Vinnie Romero. Bass reverted back to the name Outlaw from Cowboy after he attacked his then partner Terry Taylor. Bass had a Texas Belt Buckle that was hidden. He used the Buckle to slam Vinnie in the head several times. Romero climbed the ropes but was less than 100% when he leaped. Bass caught the flying Vinnie in the face with a Boot. After a Texas Gourdbuster, Bass used the Suplex Slam finisher. 3:46
3. The Midnight Express (Norvell Austin and Randy Rose) with Dennis Condrey beat Southern Comfort (Ric McCord and Ed ‘Dizzy’ Hogan). Southern Comfort had some offense going and after Ric used a diving Elbow on Rose and Hogan followed with a Delayed Suplex, Dizzy should have had a pin but Condrey broke up the attempt. Randy ran in the ring and caught McCord, who had just tagged, with a DDT and Norvell up on the ropes followed with a Moonsault for the Pin. 8:11
4. Terrible Terry Funk; Cranium Crusher Pin over Bobby Fulton. Funk who will use any means possible to hurt his opponent was awarded points for Cheating when his cheat modifier was rolled. He came to the ring with a Championship Mid-South Belt although he doesn’t have the title. The Belt came in handy to smash over Bobby’s head. As Fulton recovered he dazed Terry with a Kick to the back of the Head and then a Flying Dropkick. Funk barely kicked out of the pin attempt, grabbed his XXRanch Branding Iron and hit Bobby over the Skull. Terry then locked Fulton’s neck and performed a Cranium Crusher. 7:32
5. Buddy Landell with Jimmy Cornette; Corkscrew Elbow Pin over The Angel, Frank Morrell. The Angel had landell in serious trouble after he (The Angel) hooked in the Brain Claw. Jimmy Cornette was able to reach enough to slam a Tennis racket over the Angel’s head. (Cornette who was a Reed Photographer has been threatened with a lawsuit if he smashed one more Reed Camera during a match. Jimmy’s mother bought him a Tennis Racket that seems loaded with Steel Strings and Lead Casing. Jimmy protects the Tennis Racket because it packs a Huge Whallop). The powerful Angel was out on his feet. Landell ran The Angel’s head into a Steel Chair held by Cornette. Buddy finished with The Corkscrew Elbow. 8:04
6. Cage Match – Billy Robinson from Manchester, England; Pinned and Escape Win over Tony Charles from South Wales. This feud has been building. Charles who has interfered in several of Robinson’s matches has been using a rougher style as of late. This contest was vicious with Grinding Face against the Cage Wall and use of a piece of Barbed Wire that caused gases in both wrestlers. Special Referee Dave Fit Finley (from Ireland) was about to call the match because of too much Blood Flow when Billy climbed the Cage wall and performed a Flying Elbow onto the fallen Tony Charles. Robinson pinned and escaped. Robinson collapsed at Cage-side. Charles was being taken from the cage by the EMT’s. 18:56
7. Bugsy McGraw won by DQ over Kimala with J.J. Dillon. Duillon was on the Ring Apron and tried to hit Bugsy with a Steel Chair. Bugsy grabbed it and slammed it over Kimala’s head. J.J. was panicking so he tried to hit Bugsy with a Whiskey Bottle. Kimala taking the hint also tried to his Bugsy but with a Ceremonial Mask. Referee Tommy Sloan called for the bell. 5:24
8. Southern Tag Title – The Gibson’s (Ricky and Robert) (Challengers) beat House of the Orient (Masa Fuchi and Mr. Onita) (Champions) with Tojo Yammamoto. Tojo was very active using a nerve Hold whenever a Gibson was near the corner. Tojo tried some Asian Dust to the eyes but he missed and hit Mr. Onita. While Tojo was trying tohelp Onita, The Gibson’s used Double Dropkicks and a DDT Doubleteam on Masa Fuchi. Robert, the legal man, pinned Masa Fuchi. The Gibson’s are the NEEEEEWWWWWWWWW Southern Tag Champions. 12:43