'85 Chicago vs '85 TB: TB has a DCR of 2-6, 10-12
Chi has a DCR of 2
REGULAR PLAY: Check the sum of the Blue and Yellow dice and compare it to the opponent's DCR.
-If within range, the offensive drive result will be read from the opponent's team chart under DCR.
Otherwise the offensive drive result is read from the offensive team chart, from their own OFFENSE table.
So......My question is this. Chicago starts a drive, rolls a 6, 4, 6, 5 on the RWBY dice. The 6/4(10) are taken from the game clock. The 6/5 B&Y falls within the DCR of 10-12 next to TB. The way I'm playing and what seems most logical as I learn the game is: On regular plays, if the B&Y sum fall within the range(s) next to each team, the opponent's Defensive Drive Results chart is consulted. So my way is, being there is a 2 beside Chi for the DCR, I consult Chi's offensive drive result. I would use TB's defensive drive result table if the B&Y die sum was 11. Is this correct.
Second, if Chi starts a drive with :40 (3 boxes) left in the first and those 3 were removed, you would still continue with the other 7 in the 2nd quarter.....is this correct? That's how I played it.