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Derek's [mostly 80s] WWF
Derek Kraft
Agricultural Hall
Allentown, PA
Referee = Connie Marker

The big event is the 16-man tournament to crown the inaugural WWF World Heavyweight Champion

WWF Tourney Rd 1: Junkyard Dog v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Jimmy Snuka joined JYD for his entrance, but the pop was short-lived as Mr. Wonderful delivered a Running Clothesline as the bell rang then applied a Crossface Chickenwing and got the early submission. 1 min 5 secs

Special Delivery Jones v Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: SD came out of the gate hot w/ 4 straight moves but Al Kaissey put an end to that when he Tripped him. Jones and Volkoff went back and forth w/ a Jones’ Elbow Drop as the highlight before the Russian caught SD in a Bear Hug and got the pinfall soon after. 8 min 3 secs

Mil Mascaras & Pedro Morales v Don Muraco w/ Mr. Fuji & Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth: this match was filled w/ big names who are expected to do great things in the WWF. Mascaras wowed the crowd from the get go w/ a Monkey Flip, Bow & Arrow, Diving Headbutt Drop and Frankensteiner. The Macho Man was the unwilling recipient of the offensive explosion and quickly tagged out. Fuji pulled Mil out of the ring and Muraco nailed a Knee Drop Backbreaker. Fuji tried to get involved again but Mascaras hit him w/ Chops, pumping up himself and the crowd. Muraco was able to surprise Mascaras and Slam him through a Table. But when he tried a second lift Mil reversed it and Slammed the Hawaiian on the Concrete. Marker counted, 1-2-3…-8-9-Mascaras slid into the ring but Muraco was out. Count-out! 5 min 40 secs

WWF Tourney Rd 1: Jimmy Snuka v Ken Patera w/ Bobby Heenan: Patera had control early after a Turnbuckle Slam and Piledriver but the match turned when it went outside the ring, where Superfly Slammed Patera into the Ring Post. Back inside, Snuka hit a Knee Drop and Multiple Chops. Another Knee Drop nearly resulted in the pin but the Olympian got his foot on the ropes at the last second. A third Knee Drop was the charm as Snuka got the pin at 10 min 9 secs. While Snuka had his hands raised and was celebrating w/ the crowd, Paul Orndorff snuck into the ring and attacked him. President Jack Tunney later announced that the two would face off in round 2 of the tournament.

WWF Tourney Rd 1: Tony Garea v Big John Studd w/ Bobby Heenan: Hulk Hogan grabbed the mic pre-match to taunt his upcoming opponent, Iron Mike Sharpe. Garea had a pin attempt early after a Moonsault but after that it was all Big John Studd. It wasn’t all fair either, as the Brain Gouged Garea’s eyes while Studd distracted the referee, and BJS followed up w/ a devastating Heart Punch. Studd finished this one w/ a Short-Arm Clothesline and pin at 10 min 42 secs. Heenan went 2 for 3 for the night and had to be happy.

WWF Tourney Rd 1: Hulk Hogan v Iron Mike Sharpe: Hogan came out fired up, landing Hulked-Up Punches and a Big Boot. Iron Mike though earned the first pin attempt after a Body Slam. The Hulkster regained control and finished the match with a Bear Hug, earning the submission at 6 min 50 secs. Sharpe doesn’t appear to have allowed the result to settle their friction, and he pummeled Hogan post-match, using his forearm cast to batter the victor until the locker room emptied to stop the beating. 6 min 50 secs
Derek Kraft
The Fieldhouse
Hamburg, PA
Referee = Johnny Shorn

WWF Tourney Rd 1: Tony Atlas v Rowdy Roddy Piper w/ bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton: Piper dominated this one, executing an Atomic Drop, applying a Sleeper and landing a Big Right Hand. He got the submission w/ a Boston Crab. 6 min 39 secs

Tony Garea v Don Muraco w/ Mr. Fuji: Muraco started hot, performing the opening 5 moves of the match, including a Gorilla Press Slam and Small Package. Garea battled back w/ a 2nd Rope Elbow Smash and Running Clothesline. Fuji’s attempt to distract the referee backfired as Muraco was the one who got distracted, allowing Garea to nail a Vertical Suplex. Muraco then KO’d the referee (unclear even on replay whether intentional or not) and took advantage of the situation by applying a series of illegal moves on Garea w/ the help of the devious Fuji (-10 END!!!). A few minutes later Muraco hit the Hawaiian Hammer (Tombstone Piledriver) and got the pin. 8 min 18 secs

WWF Tourney Rd 1: Ivan Putski v Ivan Koloff w/ Captain Lou Albano: Koloff was too busy jawing w/ the crowd to notice the bell, allowing Putski to catch him in a Bear Hug. Things went from bad to worse when Albano accidentally tripped his client. Koloff recovered by Choking Putski w/ a Chain then Threw him Outside the Ring and Slammed him on the Concrete. Back inside, Koloff softened up the Pole w/ an Inverted Backbreaker and Shoulder Smash before laying him out w/ the Russian Sickle. Easy 1-2-3 by Shorn and Koloff moves into the quarterfinals. 6 min 2 secs

The British Bulldogs v The Moondogs: an even bout that started off slow but got going in the 7th minute when Davey Boy Smith performed a Piledriver and Superplex in succession. Spot tagged in and Hit him w/ a Chair before applying an Indian Deathlock. Smith tagged out but before exiting teamed w/ the Dynamite Kid for a Double Delayed Suplex. Spot and Rex combined for a Double Backbreaker Spot then whipped the Kid to the Ropes and set up for a Back Body Drop. He telegraphed the maneuver and the Kid countered w/ a Sunset Flip. Shorn was in perfect positon and counted 1-2-3. Spot shook his bone at the referee and may have had a claim for a quick-count (pin 1-6, rolled 6). 10 min 29 secs

WWF Tourney Rd 1: Tito Santana v Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart: the wrestlers were jawing pre-match and it looked like some fisticuffs were about to result but then President Jack Tunney appeared and intervened, announcing that the winner of this bout would not only advance to the next round, but would also become Intercontinental Champion. With a title on the line these guys gave it everything they had. Santana hit a Mule Kick and Slammed Valentine through a Table. The Hammer landed Knife-Edge Chops, executed a Vertical Suplex and connected w/ a Pointed Elbow to Gut. At the 7 min mark the match was knotted at -2 END. Valentine earned a pin attempt after a Figure 4 and Santana after a Tiger Suplex. The match turned when Hart tossed Brass Knuckles into the ring (Shorn had just received a bump and was dazed), inadvertently striking Valentine in the head. Santana took advantage, battering his opponent while Shorn was leaning against the ropes recovering (-10 END!!!). Santana nearly got a pin after a Dropkick and then again after a Diving Headbutt Drop, but both times Valentine got his foot on the ropes at the last second. Finally, Santana hit a Moonsault, covered, and got the 3-count. Tito Santana is the Intercontinental Champion! 15 min 50 secs

WWF Tourney Rd 1: Sgt. Slaughter v The Iron Sheik w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: the Sheik had a rough start, getting distracted pre-match by a scantily clad ring girl then, after Al Kaissey got into an argument w/ a fan, took away his beer bottle and tossed it into the ring, Slaughter hit Sheik w/ said bottle. A Slaughter Body Slam didn’t help matters for the Iranian. The Iron Sheik got some offense in w/ a pair of Short-Arm Clotheslines and a Vertical Suplex. Then things got weird. Slaughter fell into Shorn, conking heads and making Shorn woozy once again as the Iron Sheik covered. A perplexed Sheik had to be wondering why no count was being made but then went woozy himself when Pedro Morales ran into the ring and KO’d HIM, placing Slaughter on top and sneaking out just as Shorn came to. Shorn saw the cover, scratched his head then did the only reasonable thing, counted 1-2-3. Slaughter wins! 8 min 35 secs
Derek Kraft
Embassy Hall
North Bergen, NJ
referee = Ralph Hamilton

Pedro Morales v The Iron Sheik w/ Adnan Al Kaissey: Morales KO’d the Sheik on MD 2, putting Slaughter on top for the easy pin. The Iranian grabbed the microphone pre-match and upset the crowd and Morales when he ranted, “Iran # 1, USA ptooey, Puerto Rico double ptooey!” This was a fun match. The Iron Sheik used his infamous Loaded Boot. Morales Slammed him on the Concrete. Al Kaissey pummeled Morales while the Sheik distracted Hamilton, feigning an injury. The crowd loved it when Morales delivered Repeated Punches to Face. The Sheik applied a Camel Clutch and Morales hit a Cannonball. Al Kaissey intervened again, tossing a Steel Chain to the Sheik who used it. Morales nearly got the pinfall after a German Suplex but the Sheik kicked out at the last second (pin 1-7, rolled 8). Another Camel Clutch by the Iron Sheik, a Boston Crab by Morales. No quit in either. Morales nailed a Cannonball, cover, count, 1-2-3, Morales wins! Post-match, President Jack Tunney announced that he was so impressed with this match that he decided halfway through it that the winner would become the # 1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, once a champion was crowned. So, Morales will have a title shot! 12 min 57 secs

SD Jones v Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth: Special Delivery hit a Reverse Headbutt early but when he tried another one the Macho Man held up a Vanity given him by Elizabeth. Not long after Savage hit a Scoop Slam and finished Jones w/ the Diving Elbow Drop. Pinfall at 5 min 36 secs

WWF tourney quarterfinals: Jimmy Snuka v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Mr. Wonderful attacked Superfly after the latter’s victory over Ken Patera on MD 1. Here, Orndorff heard the commentators praising him pre-match and got a big head. His head swelled up even more when Snuka bashed it into Heenan’s cranium! Orndorff landed an Atomic Drop and Hip Toss. Snuka hit a Knee Drop then earned a pin attempt w/ a Brain Claw. Orndorff nailed a Piledriver and covered. 1-2-3- Mr. Wonderful wins! ENDs were Snuka -4 and Orndorff -11. 7 min 26 secs

WWF tourney quarterfinals: Intercontinental Champion Tito Santana (non-title match) v Roddy Piper w/ bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton: Santana had a couple of moves early w/ a Mexican Suplex and Mule Kick but Piper had a Suplex of his own and a pair of Running Clotheslines as well as pin attempts w/ a Quick Roll-Up and DDT. Orton tossed a Nightstick to his boss who used it, exhausting the Intercontinental Champion. From there it was all Rowdy Roddy, another DDT, a Piledriver and then a Sleeper. Hamilton called for the bell when Santana didn’t respond. 11 min 49 secs

WWF tourney quarterfinals: Hulk Hogan v Ivan Koloff w/ manager Captain Lou Albano: the Russian had 3 pin attempts (Bridging German Suplex, Sunset Flip, Quick Pin Move) and a sub attempt (Sleeper) early but couldn’t put the Hulkster down. Hulked-Up Punches and a Closed Fist evened the match at -1 END at the 6:30 mark. Hogan exhausted Koloff w/ a Hogan Leg Drop but couldn’t get the 3-count. The second Leg Drop proved a charm though, and Hogan got the pin at 8 min 59 secs.

WWF tourney quarterfinals: Sgt. Slaughter v Big John Studd w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Slaughter wore the big man down w/ a variety of moves, including a Cannonball, DDT and Military Knee to Gut. Studd got in a pair of Short-Armed Clotheslines. Slaughter finished the match w/ 3 Cobra Clutches in the final 2 minutes. Studd submitted at 7 min 36 secs.
Derek Kraft
Civic Center
Glens Falls, NY
referee = Tom Hamilton

Ivan Putski v Ken Patera w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Putski hit a pair of Running Clotheslines early then applied a Sleeper and a little later earned a pin attempt w/ a Powerbomb. Patera caught the Pole w/ a Swinging Neckbreaker before Heenan intervened. Hamilton caught him and disqualified Patera. DQ win for Putski! 4 min 6 secs

Tony Atlas v Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart: Atlas had the advantage early w/ a Running Shoulder Block and Full Nelson. Valentine battled back w/ a Neckbreaker, Body Slam and Figure 4. This one could go either way. Iron Mike Sharpe ensured it went the Hammer’s way when he distracted the referee, allowing Valentine to use a Slapjack (-10 END!!!). A Neckbreaker came immediately after and Valentine got the pinfall. 11 mins 50 secs

The British Bulldogs v The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: Davey Boy Smith complained about the cheap shot that allowed the Sheik to lock in an early Boston Crab. The Iron Sheik surreptitiously pushed Smith into the ref, and Hamilton didn’t like it, disqualifying the Bulldogs! 2 min 20 secs

Mil Mascaras v Don Muraco w/ manager Mr. Fuji: on MD1 Muraco was counted out in a tag team match when Mascaras Slammed him on the Concrete. Here, while waiting in the ring, Mascaras was confronted by a trash-talking Randy Savage, Muraco’s tag team partner. The masked man impressed here, performing a Slingshot Crossbody and Monkey Flip and applying a Surfboard and Bow & Arrow. A Shoulderbreaker was the highlight for the less than Magnificent Muraco. Mascaras got the pin after a Moonsault. 6 min 9 secs

WWF tourney semifinals: Sgt. Slaughter v Roddy Piper w/ bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton: a new wrestler, Ricky Steamboat, appeared ringside to cheer on Slaughter. With a Powerslam, a pair of Cannonballs and a Cobra Clutch, Slaughter was well on his way to victory. But Piper rallied, performing a Fireman’s Carry and Atomic Drop and applying a Boston Crab. Slaughter had pin attempts after a Body Slam, Back Body Drop and Piledriver but Piper held on. A Punch to Groin by Piper was seen by Hamilton, who gave a warning. Slaughter surprised Piper w/ another Piledriver and covered. 1-2-3-Slaughter wins! 11 min 54 secs

WWF tourney semifinals: Hulk Hogan v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: I won’t keep you in suspense here-Hogan won. EVENTUALLY. The story here was Hogan’s utter domination (9 pin/sub attempts to 0) and Mr. Wonderful’s unwillingness to concede (the match went almost 20 minutes). At the 10 min mark ENDs were Hogan +4 and Orndorff -16. Orndorff kicked out of the pin after a Hogan Leg Drop (1-13) and a Stalling Suplex (1-11). Heenan got involved when he moved his client’s foot onto the ropes after another pin attempt. Another Hogan Leg Drop ended this one w/ Hogan finally getting the win at 19 min 55 secs. So it is Slaughter v Hogan for the belt!
Derek Kraft
South Mountain Arena
West Orange, NJ
referee = Charles Robinson

Pedro Morales v Don Muraco w/ manager Mr. Fuji: Mil Mascaras joined Morales for the pre-match promo, boosting the # 1 contender’s confidence. Just as he did against Mascaras on MD 4, Muraco had a tough go in this one. Morales opened w/ 4 consecutive moves before Muraco hit the Asian Spike. Muraco then executed a picture perfect Scoop Slam and covered but the ref got distracted by Fuji, and by the time the ref turned around to make the count Morales had reversed the pin. Muraco got to the ropes, but never got any momentum again. Morales performed a Knee Drop Backbreaker and a pair of Cannonballs, getting the pinfall after the second. 7 min 23 secs

Tony Atlas v Iron Mike Sharpe: on MD 4 Sharpe distracted the ref, allowing Greg Valentine to use a Slapjack on Atlas and get the pin shortly after. This one was all Tony, as he opened w/ a Military Press Slam, hit a Powerbomb and Choke Slam, and got the pin after a second Military Press Slam. Canada’s Greatest Athlete was not happy w/ what he [correctly] perceived as Robinson’s quick-count (pin 1-11, rolled 11), but when you are exhausted after less than 5 minutes, the referee might be the last person to blame. 4 min 10 secs

Junkyard Dog v Ivan Koloff w/ Captain Lou Albano: everyone in the area except poor JYD and the referee, who were distracted by Captain Lou stumbling onto the apron, saw Koloff remove the padding from the turnbuckle, place a Steel Plate on it then replace the padding. He immediately Slammed JYD’s head into it (-15 END!!!). A 2nd Rope Knee Drop, a pair of Hip Tosses and finally a Piledriver gave Koloff the easy pin and victory. 3 min 31 secs

The British Bulldogs v The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: the heels got a cheap DQ victory on MD 4. This was a good one. Volkoff tried a Running Big Boot on the Dynamite Kid in the heel’s corner but the Kid rolled out of the way at the last second and Volkoff KO’d the Sheik, who was out for 5 minutes. Al Kaissey handed Volkoff a Cinderblock and he used it on the Kid. A little while later Al Kaissey knocked Davey Boy Smith in the Knee w/ a Tire Iron! The Iron Sheik then immediately applied a Camel Clutch (DBS broke hold) then hit a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Later, Smith hit a Diving Headbutt and, after the Iron Sheik missed w/ the Tire Iron, the Bulldogs hit a Double Clothesline. Dynamite followed up w/ a Snap Suplex and covered. 1-2-Iron Sheik kicks out just in time (pin 1-7, rolled 8). Smith returned, hit a Leaping Headbutt, covered, and should have had the 3-count but for Al Kaissey, who blatantly broke it up. Robinson gave a warning but let the match continue. Volkoff returned, nailed a Backbreaker, and got the 1-2-3 from Robinson. Later, it was announced that Smith would miss 1 month of action because of the shot to his knee. 20 mins

Mil Mascaras v Randy Savage w/ valet Miss Elizabeth: the Macho Man confronted Mascaras w/ some trashtalk before the latter’s bout on MD 4. Here, the pair were jawing and it looked like it was about to escalate when President Jack Tunney appeared and announced that this would be the 1st of a best of 7 LOSER LEAVES TOWN series! WOW!!! This was another good one. Mascaras performed a Suicide Dive and applied a Surfboard early. Savage connected w/ a Macho High Knee. The action went outside where Elizabeth twice Tripped Mascaras. Mil was able to Slam Savage into the Ring Steps and Body Slam him on the unprotected Concrete. Back inside, Savage earned a pin attempt w/ a Piledriver and Mascaras w/ a Moonsault. Mascaras had a near fall. Mil looked strong w/ a Cross Chop, diving Crossbody and Indian Deathlock. But Savage responded w/ a Gutwrench Suplex, another High Knee and the devastating Diving Elbow Drop. The cover, the count, Savage wins round 1! 15 min 24 secs

WWF tourney final – WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP – Hulk Hogan v Sgt. Slaughter: Hogan did what he had to do here. He landed a Closed Fist early, resulting in some color, then THREE times Raked Slaughter’s Back. Slaughter hit a Power Slam, Chestbreaker and Powerbomb, but it was Hogan who emerged victorious after a Stalling Suplex at 11 min 36 secs. Hulk Hogan is the WWF World Heavyweight Champion!
Derek Kraft
Kiel Auditorium
St. Louis, MO
Referee = Earl Hebner

Tony Garea v Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart: nice opening match for the fans in the Show Me state. Valentine applied a Sharpshooter early and the Mouth of the South cracked Garea in the head w/ his Megaphone. Garea applied an Abdominal Stretch. The Hammer used Numbchucks. Garea Slammed Valentine through the Announcer’s Table. Garea hit a Running Forearm Smash. But it was the finishing Figure 4 of Valentine that ended this one, w/ Garea submitting at 7 min 45 secs.

Ivan Putski v Ken Patera w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Putski won via DQ on MD 4 when Heenan interfered. Here, Patera earned a DQ pt early for a Rear Choke then hit a pair of Swinging Neckbreakers and a Turnbuckle Slam. Putski responded w/ a Backbreakers and Scoop Slam and covered, but Hebner was distracted by Heenan. Putski nailed another Scoop Slam and applied a Headlock. A Superplex by Patera wowed the crowd. A Choke on the Ropes earned a second DQ pt from Hebner. Patera had to be on his best behavior. Heenan couldn’t resist Throwing a Fireball when he thought Hebner was looking the other way, but the referee saw it and disqualified his client. Putski wins again! 11 min 32 secs

The Dynamite Kid v Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: Al Kaissey did a number on Davey Boy Smith’s knee w/ a Tire Iron on MD 5, so the Kid was looking to exact revenge. Volkoff attacked Kid pre-match, surprising him w/ a Russian Backbreaker during his promo. Once in the ring, Volkoff rushed the Dynamite Kid, who moved out of the way at the last second and the Russian rammed his shoulder into the ring post (subtract 1 from control rest of match). The Kid displayed his full arsenal, performing a European Uppercut, Front Dropkick, Snap Suplex, Bridging German Suplex and Diving Headbutt.Volkoff stayed in the match w/ a Gorilla Press Slam and Smash w/ Table. Kid chased Al Kaissey around the ring, finally catching and KOing him for the duration. A Pendulum Backbreaker decided this one, and the Dynamite Kid won via pinfall at 9 min 15 secs.

Mil Mascaras & Pedro Morales v The Moondogs: solid back and forth bout, w/ the faces earning 6 pin/sub attempts and the heels 4. Morales and Mascaras combined for a Double DDT on Spot and got the 1-2-3 from Hebner at 20 min 25 secs.

NON-TITLE MATCH – Intercontinental Champion Tito Santana v The Iron Sheik w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: bad night for Al Kaissey as he is KO’d for the second time, this time after attacking Santana on the apron pre-match and being pushed off. The medical staff stretchered the manager to the back and he received little sympathy from the crowd. The Iron Sheik tried to end this one early w/ a Quick Pin Move w/ a Fist Full of Tights but Santana escaped. Santana hit a pair of Mexican Suplexes then Sheik rolled out of the ring. Snuka made his way down while the Iron Sheik searched under the ring. Sheik reappeared w/ a Pool Cue but Snuka disarmed and used the Cue on him. Soon after, the champion delivered a Flying Forearm Smash and gets the pinfall. 3 min 50 secs

Ricky Steamboat v Roddy Pieper w/ bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton: Piper didn’t like that Steamboat cheered on his opponent, Sgt. Slaughter, on MD 4. Here, while Hebner was frisking Piper for foreign objects pre-match, Orton whacked Steamboat w/ his Forearm Cast. Steamboat gave the crowd something to cheer for early, performing a Body Slam, Arm Drag, Knife-Edge Chops, Head scissor Takedown, 2nd Rope Headbutt and Power Slam. Piper rallied w/ a Piledriver and Sidewalk Slam. Both men were tired. Piper executed a textbook Go-Behind Takedown and Roll-Up. Hebner was perfectly positioned and counted 1-2-3, Piper wins! 8 min 16 secs
Derek Kraft
Bank Street Armory
Fall River, MA
Referee = Jackson James

Ricky Steamboat v Don Muraco w/ manager Mr. Fuji: Muraco and Fuji attempted a sneak attack during Steamboat’s promo, but he was ready, and with help from Ivan Putski easily fought the heels off (-3 END Muraco). In the match itself, the 2 exchanged blows early before the Dragon caught Muraco in a Quick Roll-Up and got the pin. Post-match, a visibly frustrated Muraco challenged Steamboat to a 2 out of 3 falls match, which Ricky accepted. 3 min 26 secs

Special Delivery Jones v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: James got in the way of an Orndorff aerial maneuver and was KO’d for a bit, giving Mr. Wonderful time to do some not-so-wonderful things to SD, including a Knee Drop from the middle turnbuckle while SD was tied up in the ropes (-10 END!!!). The ref came to, Orndorff hit a couple more moves then a Flying Body Press, cover, 3-count. 2 min 41 secs

Dynamite Kid v The Iron Sheik w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: the Kid’s tag partner, Davey Boy Smith, is out of commission for 1 month after having his knee bashed with a Tire Iron by Al Kaissey. Dynamite has vowed to exact revenge on the heels, and he got the pinfall victory on Sheik’s partner, Nikolai Volkoff, on MD 6. The Sheik looked good here, performing a Belly-to-Belly Suplex and Running Clothesline, but the ref put him on a short leash after catching him smash Kid w/ a Steel Chair and Gouge his Eyes. Ever undisciplined, the Iron Sheik applied a Leg Scissors Choke. James checked the application, found it illegal and called for the bell, disqualifying the Iranian. Post-match, the Iron Sheik challenged the Bulldog to a Steel Cage match. The Brit accepted! 4 min 31 secs

Junkyard Dog v Ivan Koloff w/ manager Captain Lou Albano: on MD 5, Koloff defeated JYD after some shenanigans with the turnbuckle. Pre-match, Koloff was seen in the locker room watching tape of their previous encounter and getting inspired (+2 END). It was all Ivan at the beginning here, who performed the opening 6 moves, including using a Steel Chain tossed to him by Albano. JYD battled back with a Body Slam and Go-Behind Takedown and Roll-Up. He tried a Quick Pin Move and even grabbed the Russian’s tights, but Koloff used his savvy to escape. JYD tried the maneuver again, firmly grasping Koloff’s tights, and this time got the 3-count! This rivalry doesn’t seem over. 6 min 15 secs

Jimmy Snuka v Big John Studd w/ manager Bobby Heenan: a good night for Bobby ‘The Brain” Heenan as his clients go 2-0. Studd caught Superfly with a Big Backbreaker right away, then applied a Studd Bear Hug and SQUEEEEEZED. Snuka submitted at 1 min 6 secs.

BEST OF 7 LOSER LEAVES TOWN: Mil Mascaras v Randy Savage w/ valet Miss Elizabeth: Savage leads the series 1-0. This match looked like it was going to be good after a Vertical Suplex by Savage and a Surfboard by Mascaras in the opening minutes. Savage tried to take a shortcut by having his valet throw Brass Knuckles into the ring, but Mascaras intercepted and used them (-10 END!!!). Mascaras dominated the rest of the way, applying another Surfboard and hitting a Moonsault and THREE sets of Cross Chops. Mascaras got the pin on a spent Savage at 6 min 30 secs and evened the series.
Derek Kraft
Middlesex High School Gymnasium
Middlesex, NJ
Referee = John Cone

Tony Garea v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Garea cut Orndorff in the opening minute with an Elbow Smash to Head. Orndorff retaliated with a Hit with Chair. Mr. Wonderful had a couple of Quick Roll-Ups. Garea executed 3 moves in a row before Orndorff regained control with a Running Clothesline. He followed that up with a Piledriver. 1-2-3-Orndorff wins and is now 4-1 overall. 5 min 55 secs

Tony Atlas v Iron Mike Sharpe: on MD 5 Atlas got the early pinfall but it certainly looked like a quick count. Atlas went for the early victory again, this time with a Sleeper but Sharpe escaped. Iron Mike hit a Power Slam and Piledriver before Atlas nailed a Scoop Slam. The hard hitting continued with Sharpe performing a Body Slam and Clothesline. Iron Mike then hit a Piledriver, resulting in the pin. 3 min 42 secs

Intercontinental Champion Tito Santana & Jimmy Snuka v The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: the build up to this one was tremendous. On MD 6, Superfly prevented the Iron Sheik from using a Pool Cue on Santana in a single’s match, and used it on him. Santana went on to victory. Pre-match here, the IC champion slipped while making his entrance, earning some discomfort (-3 END) and groans (-1 heat). The bell rang, Volkoff surprised Santana with a Body Slam. Volkoff covered, Snuka obviously wasn’t concerned enough to try to break up the cover, the referee counted, 1-2-3 (pin 1-3, rolled 1), and the match was over. 38 secs

NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH – winner gets Intercontinental title match on MD 10 – Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart v Roddy Piper w/ bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton: Piper came out of the gate hot, using a Steel Chair Repeatedly to Valentine’s Back, Slamming him through a Table and delivering that same Steel Chair to his Head. Piper had an early pin attempt that was broken up by Hart. Cone wasted no time in banning the Mouth of the South from ringside. The Steel Chair to Head cut Valentine and a minute later a Closed Fist had his forehead gushing. At the 5:30 mark, ENDs were Piper +6 and Valentine -13. Valentine kicked out of a pin attempt after a Fireman’s Carry and got his foot on the ropes just in time on a pin try after yet another Chair Shot. Just as Piper hit an Atomic Drop and covered, Jimmy Hart made his way out from the back to the ramp, and was met by Cowboy Bob. This distracted Cone. By the time he turned around, Valentine had reversed the pin and as Cone started the count used the ropes for leverage. Piper managed to escape. Soon after, Cone caught Orton interfering and kicked him out! Piper hit a Suplex that resulted in a near fall when Valentine kicked out just before the 3 count. Piper didn’t have kitchen sink available, so he grabbed a Whip left by Orton and used that on Valentine, resulting in more blood! A Sleeper hold immediately after resulting in the 1-2-3 and Roddy Piper has earned an IC title shot. ENDs were Piper -2 and Valentine -36 with 3 cuts. 15 min 30 secs

Ivan Putski v Ken Patera w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Putski has won 2 consecutive bouts via DQ against his strongman counterpart. Pre-match, Patera and Heenan introduced a new heel, a true mountain of a man, appropriately named King Kong Bundy. Patera was clearly pumped up and applied a Sleeper and hit a Swinging Neckbreaker early. The Pole responded with a Putsk Backbreaker. Patera through Putski out of the ring, Heenan attacked but Putski fought him off, pumping up himself (+3 END) and the crowd. The spike was short-lived as Pater caught him soon after with a Quick Pin Move and grabbed a Fist Full of Tights for good measure. Cone counted, 1-2-3, Patera wins! 5 min 1 sec

WORLD HEAVWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion Hulk Hogan v Pedro Morales: while waiting in the ring, Hogan was confronted by a trash-talking Rowdy Roddy Piper, who said once he finished with Tito Santana he was coming after him! This match was as good in reality as it looked on paper. It was even until the end. Highlights for Morales included a Cross Body Block, Ram into Turnbuckle and Knee Drop Backbreaker. Hogan has a Running Clothesline, Power Slam and Big Boot. In the 15th minute Morales nailed a Cannon Ball and, after Hogan escaped the pin attempt, landed Repeated Punches to Face. Hogan responded with a Body Slam and Hogan Leg Drop. But it was a Bear Hug and pin by Hogan that allowed him to retain. 17 min 27 secs
Derek Kraft
Mid-Hudson Civic Center
Poughkeepsie, NY
Referee = Mike Chioda

Junkyard Dog v Ivan Koloff w/ manager Captain Lou Albano: the Russian defeated JYD on MD 5 after removing the turnbuckle and JYD got the pin on MD7 when he grabbed a fistful of tights. So the tone was set for this one. Captain Lou tossed a Hammer to his client early who used it (-4 END). After the action went outside, JYD Slammed Koloff onto the Concrete. Lou seemingly had never-ending pockets and pulled out Brass Knuckles, but this time it was JYD who got a hold of them and used them (-10 END). JYD followed up w/ the Thump and then a Headbutt, but could only get a near fall as Koloff grabbed the ropes (pin 1-12, rolled 11 but 6-sided). Koloff rallied with 4 consecutive moves, including a Russian Sickle. Koloff covered and got the quick-count pin (pin 1-9, rolled 9). 8 min 12 secs

Ivan Putski v Ken Patera w/ manager Bobby Heenan: the fourth bout between the strongmen, with Patera being disqualified twice and most recently getting the pinfall after grabbing the Pole’s tights on MD 8. Ken demonstrated his strength early with a Military Press and Power Slam, but earned a DQ pt for a Choke on Ropes. Putski hit a Running Clothesline and Polish Hammer, and nearly got the pin but Patera kicked out just in time (pin 1-7, rolled 8). Chioda missed a Rear Choke by Patera but caught a Kick to Groin. A Hit w/ Chair was ignored but a second Rear Choke was not, and Chioda called for the bell and issued yet another disqualification of Patera. Post-match, President Jack Tunney came on the video screen and seemed about to reverse the result, or at least restart the match, but he was dissuaded by Putski’s friend, Ricky Steamboat. Instead, a Streetfight was scheduled for MD 12.

Sgt. Slaughter v Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: when Volkoff started to sing the Soviet National Anthem, the music was changed to the Beverly Hillbillies theme, giving the crowd a chuckle. Volkoff hit a Stalling Suplex and Hip Toss early. But Slaughter put this one away quickly with a Slaughter Bomb. 4 min 20 secs

2 out of 3 Falls Match – Ricky Steamboat v Don Muraco w/ manager Mr. Fuji: after losing a quick bout to Steamboat on MD 7, Muraco challenged him to this match. He shouldn’t have bothered. The first fall came at the 3:30 mark after Fuji botched an interference attempt, clocking Muraco rather than Steamboat with a Steel Chair. The second came a couple minutes later after a Headscissor Takedown. Easy win for the Dragon and the struggles for the less than Magnificent Muraco continue. 5 min 35 secs

Jimmy Snuka v Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart: Snuka caught the Hammer in a Boston Crab early but Hart broke it up (Chioda then banned him from ringside). Valentine hit a Back Elbow Smash and Vertical Suplex before Hitting Snuka with a Chair. Snuka earned a pin attempt with a Quick Pin Move but this one was all Valentine, who landed a Running Elbow Drop, Knife-Edge Chops and Neckbreaker, earning the pinfall at 8 min 39 secs.

Best of 7 Loser Leaves Town – Mil Mascaras v Randy Savage w/ valet Miss Elizabeth (series tied at 1 win each): Savage took control early with a Macho High Knee, Sleeper and Slam on Concrete, but Mascaras battled back with an Abdominal stretch, Slingshot Crossbody, Running Clothesline and Sit-out Powerbomb. The decisive move was a seemingly innocuous Flying Body Press by the Macho Man. Choida counted 1-2-3 and Savage took the series lead. 12 min 13 secs
Derek Kraft
Match Day 10
Civic Center
Portland, ME
Referee = Jack Doan

SD Jones v Big John Studd w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Special Delivery got some early offense in with a Reverse Headbutt but lost his way after he tried and failed to execute a Scoop Slam. Studd Exhausted Jones with a Bear Hug then finished him off with a Short-Armed Clothesline and pin. Jones falls to 0-4 overall. 4 min 22 secs

Tony Garea v King Kong Bundy w/ manager Bobby Heenan: dominant performance by Bundy (Slam through Announcer’s Table, Bundy Body Slam, Powerbomb) perhaps tarnished by a needless Heenan Eye Gouge. KKB nailed a Bundy Splash and immediately after and covered for the 3-count. Garea is 0-5. 6 min 6 secs

Ricky Steamboat & Ivan Putski v Randy Savage w/ valet Elizabeth and Don Muraco w/ manager Mr. Fuji: Steamboat followed up a Top Rope Body Press on Savage with a double-team Knife-Edge Chops + Polish Power Slam. Muraco tagged in and immediately ate a Samoan Drop. Fuji then inadvertently distracted his client, allowing the Dragon to execute a Flying Body Press. 1-2-3, match over in 3 min 13 secs

INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion Tito Santana v Roddy Piper w/ personal bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton: the challenger took control early with a Piledriver, Neckbreaker and Repeated Punches. A Suplex exhausted Santana, a Sleeper forced him to use his savvy, and a High Knee gave Piper a 4th pin/sub attempt (to 0 for Santana). Doan counted, 1-2-3 and Piper is the new Intercontinental Champion! Post-match, Rowdy Roddy lost it over comments made by the ringside commentator, smashing monitors and threatening the commentator. Tony Garea ran out and challenged the new champion. 13 min 37 secs

Sgt. Slaughter v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Slaughter was seen backstage pre-match watching video of Orndorff and smiling. He must have found some chinks in his armor as he opened the bout with consecutive 2-pt moves, a Back Body Drop and Military Knee to Gut. Orndorff got some offense in with a Piledriver and Flying Body Press. Slaughter earned pin attempts with a Body Slam and Powerbomb. During a Slaughter Body Attack in Corner, Doan took a bump. While the referee recovered, Heenan jumped in the ring and he and Orndorff double-teamed Slaughter. Tony Atlas ran out and made the save, eliciting a cheer from the crowd. That seemed to wake up Doan, who turned around to see Mr. USA pummeling Mr. Wonderful. Doan called for the bell and disqualified Slaughter! 6 mins

STEEL CAGE MATCH: Dynamite Kid v The Iron Sheik w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: this rivalry started with Al Kaissey bashing the knee of Kid’s partner Davey Boy Smith with a Tire Iron on MD 5. Dynamite dominated the opening minutes of this one, landing a European Uppercut and Snap Suplex and after 5 mins ENDs were Kid +7 and Sheik -3. The Iron Sheik had a nice sequence of Body Slam, reversal of Sunset Flip and Bridging German Suplex, earning a pair of pin attempts. Later, he hit a Belly-to-Belly Suplex and Power Slam. The Dynamite Kid exhausted Sheik and earned a pin attempt with a Front Dropkick. The Sheik Rammed Kid’s Head into the Cage and nailed a Reverse Atomic Drop. The match was evening up. The Sheik performed a Gutwrench Suplex and covered, 1-2-3, quick-count by Doan (pin 1-10, rolled 10) but Jimmy crack corn and the Iron Sheik does not care! 14 min 12 secs
Derek Kraft
Match Day 11
The Armory
Waterville, ME
Referee = Chad Patton

Junkyard Dog v Ivan Koloff w/ manager Captain Lou Albano: this one never got underway, as the Iron Sheik attacked JYD on the ramp, eventually clamping on the Camel Clutch. JYD can’t make the match, pre-match count out!

Tony Atlas v Iron Mike Sharpe: or Mr. USA v Canada’s Greatest Athlete! Each has won a match against the other. This was all Tony as he wore down Iron Mike with a Bear Hug, Running Shoulder Block and Full Nelson. A Spinebuster resulted in the pinfall for Atlas. 4 min 34 secs

Pedro Morales v Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart: one-sided affair with Morales hitting single point moves until the end, when a Cannon Ball finished off the Hammer. 6 min 36 secs

Sgt. Slaughter v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Orndorff got the cheap DQ win over Slaughter on MD 10. Early in the match here, a group of attractive females in the front row started to flirt with Slaughter, causing him to be distracted (subtract 1 from his control remainder of match!!!). This was a good match. Orndorff earned pin attempts with a pair of Power Slams. Slaughter battled aback with a Military Knee to Gut and Back Body Drop, then earned a pin attempt of his own with a Stomp. Orndorff followed up an impressive Gutwrench Backbreaker with a third Power Slam, which proved to be the charm as he got the 3-count. Post-match, Heenan and Orndorff went up to the ladies in the front row and it became clear that they had planted them there. 12 min 49 secs

Best of 7 Loser Leaves Town – Mil Mascaras v Randy Savage w/ valet Miss Elizabeth (Savage leads 2-1): back and forth bout with a lot of action and each man earning 4 pins/sub attempts. Mascaras applied a Surfboard early. Savage hit a Macho High Knee and Running Clothesline. Mascaras had a sweet sequence of Moonsault, Monkey Flip and Bear Hug. The Macho Man responded with a run of his own, a pair of Vertical Suplexes and Diving Elbow Drop. Mascaras got out of the cover. Mascaras landed a Flying Bodyblock and Savage applied a Blatant Choke. The decisive move was a Diving Crossbody by Mascaras. Patton counted, 1-2-3, and the series was tied at 2. 12 min 40 secs

NON-TITLE MATCH – World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan v Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: Iron Mike Sharpe (who has had his run ins with Hogan) and Don Muraco attacked the champion during his pre-match interview, pummeling him (-10 END). So the match started with Volkoff well ahead. Hogan hit a bunch of moves, including a Body Slam and Big Boot. But Al Kaissey gave his client back the advantage by beating Hogan with a Steel Chair outside the ring while Volkoff distracted Patton. Hogan responded by beating Volkoff with the same Chair! Al Kaissey threw a Fireball, allowing Volkoff to apply a Bear Hug. Hogan hit a Hogan Leg Drop but Volkoff escaped the pin. Then came Hulked- Up Punches, a cover and a pin. Post-match, Muraco and Sharpe attacked Hogan again. Hogan landed a Big Boot on Muraco but Sharpe got him with this Forearm Cast. 9 min 45 secs
Derek Kraft
Match Day 12
Civic Arena
Pittsburgh, PA
Referee = Justin King

Junkyard Dog v The Iron Sheik w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: the Iron Sheik spoiled JYD’s scheduled bout with Ivan Koloff on MD 10 when he put him in the Camel Clutch on the entrance ramp. Here, Tito Santana and Jimmy Snuka joined JYD for his entrance, possibly to ensure against pre-match shenanigans. The match itself was excellent and hard-hitting. Early on the Sheik landed a Short-Arm Clothesline and Slammed JYD on the Concrete and JYD had a Sidewalk Slam and Power Slam. Outside the ring each Slammed the other through a Table. JYD exhausted Sheik with a Headbutt. The Iron Sheik had a near fall (pin 1-10, rolled 11) after a Body Slam. The match was tied at -10 END at the 11:30 mark. JYD then hit 6 of the final 7 moves, including a Shoulder Block and his finisher, the Thump. The cover, count, 1-2-3, JYD wins! Another One Bites the …Iron Sheik preps his foot and delivers a Loaded Boot to JYD’s backside post-match! 14 min 47 secs

SD Jones v Don Muraco w/ manager Mr. Fuji: Fuji botched interference early, clocking Muraco with a chair (-8 END). Fuji made up for his mistake by distracting the ref, allowing Muraco to execute a Quick Roll-Up and get the near fall (pin 1-11, rolled 3 but 6 6-sided). Jones responded with a pair of Body Slams and an Elbow Drop and got the pinfall and his first WWF victory! 6 min 38 secs

NON-TITLE MATCH – Tony Garea v Intercontinental Champion Roddy Piper w/ personal bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton: Garea challenged Piper on MD 10 after the latter went off on the ringside commentator. Garea put up a fight here. During the champion’s entrance, a child held up an “I Love Tony” sign, and Piper earned the ire of the crowd when he tore it up. Piper started hot, hitting Repeated Punches, using a Nightstick tossed to him by Orton and cutting Garea open with a Closed Fist. Orton got caught trying to pass the Nightstick a second time and King banished him from ringside. Garea applied an Abdominal Stretch but Piper dragged him to the the ropes. Garea had a pin attempt after an Octopus Hold but again Piper escaped. Piper rallied with an Atomic Drop, another Closed Fist that burst Gare’a forehead open and a Neckbreaker. A Sleeper spelled the end for Garea, and Piper got the pinfall at 12 min 15 secs.

Jimmy Snuka & Tito Santana v The Moondogs: Rex had an early Power Slam and Spot earned a pin attempt with a Powerbomb, but otherwise this match was all Snuka/Santana. They teamed for a Double Atomic Drop and Dropkick/Knee Drop combo. Snuka hit a Flying Body Splash and applied a Brain Claw. Santana performed a Diving Headbutt Drop and got the pin after an Elbow Smash. 10 min 52 secs

STREETFIGHT - Ivan Putski v Ken Patera w/ manager Bobby Heenan: the match didn’t go as long as you would hope a Streetfight would but it had its moments. Patera set up a table outside at the outset but it was he who went through a minute later when Putski Clotheslined him over the Top Rope. Patera pulled out Brass Knuckles and connected with Putski’s shoulder. King got KO’d and had to be replaced by Bruno Lauer. Patera caught Putski in a Choke on Ropes. Ivan executed a Putski Backbreaker. Patera hit a Stalling Suplex. But it was a Powerbomb by Putski that got the 3-count. 5 min 26 secs

NON-TITLE MATCH – World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan v Iron Mike Sharpe: Hogan defeated Sharpe on MD 1 only for Sharpe to attack him post-match. Then on MD 11 when Hogan faced Nikolai Volkoff, Sharpe attacked him both pre- and post-match. Hogan needed to settle the score. This match, surprisingly, did NOT disappoint. Sharpe set the tone from the opening bell when he Kicked Hogan in the Groin, earning a DQ pt. Back and forth the match went and at the 8:30 mark it was deadlocked at -2 END. Iron Mike Whacked Hogan with a Light Tube then minutes later earned a 2nd DQ pt when Lauer caught him Hitting Hogan with a Steel Chair, resulting in some color. Sharpe executed a DDT then set up for his finisher, but Hogan countered then rallied. Powerbomb, Body Slam and finally the vaunted Hogan Leg Drop. 1-2-3, Hogan wins! But what a fight put up by Iron Mike Sharpe. 17 min 12 secs
Hi Derek, Love following this replay. Have you stopped posting?

Derek K
Hey Alan! Haven’t been on here in a while. Yes, I stopped playing but am getting the itch again. I’ve been obsessed with SOM basketball. And busy working. Will restart this fed up soon. Thanks for encouragement.
Derek K
Here are my triple threat rules, in case anyone is interested. I forget who it was who suggested to roll one die/different colors for each wrestler but thank you. That got me going

Triple Threat Rules

(1) Use either the Tag Team charts or the hold charts that I created
(2) Assign a 6-sided die (different color for each) to each wrestler. Roll the dice for control with the Highest then rolling again and hitting a move on the Lowest
(a) normal control rules apply in that ties favor the last wrestler in control, and disfavor the last wrestler who had the move performed on him
(i) a wrestler who performed the last move would win a tie for the Highest and control again. She would also win a tie for the Lowest, and NOT have the move made against her. The wrestler who had the last move made against him would lose both the tie for Highest & Lowest
(b) if a double-team move is the last move and there is a tie among the double-teamers, then the wrestler who joined the double-team, and NOT the wrestler who last won the control roll, will be considered the wrestler in control and win the tie(s)
(3) When a wrestler is thrown out of the ring:
(a) he is automatically Out of Commission for at least the next control roll and cannot participate in a double-team move or break up a pin/sub
(b) if the wrestler thrown out of the ring had 3 or more straight moves against him prior to being thrown out, he is Out of Commission for 2 control rolls
(c) if the wrestler thrown out of the ring is exhausted, he is Out of Commission for 3 control rolls (but this can only happen 1x per wrestler)
(e) if 2 wrestlers are outside the ring then the 3d automatically goes out and hits move on last out.
(4) Pin/Submission break-ups
(a) each wrestler gets 1 automatic break-up that is used at the very first opportunity.
(b) each wrestler gets 1 automatic roll out of the ring to avoid a pin attempt. This is used at the very 1st opportunity AFTER the auto break-up above.
(i) this roll out of the ring option does NOT occur for a submission attempt or quick pin move or similar pin move
(ii) the thrown out the ring rules above apply to a wrestler who rolls out of the ring
(iii) a wrestler CANNOT roll out of the ring on a set-up move (bolded 2-pt move)
(c) each wrestler must use her Savvy at the next pin/opportunity after auto break-up and auto roll out of the ring are used
(d) each wrestler has 3 pin/sub break-up chances. These break-up chances must be used at the first opportunity after the auto break-up, roll out the ring and savvy. Use the Tag rating modified as follows:
(i) if the wrestler is NOT tired, + 5
(ii) if the wrestler is tired but NOT exhausted, + 3
(iii) if the wrestler is exhausted, + 1
(d) a wrestler that is Out of Commission CANNOT break up any pins/submissions.
(5) Double-team moves
(a) When the result of the 20-sided die has a double-team reference then the wrestler in control + the wrestler left out execute a double-team move against the low guy. Ignore all DQ references. Use the Non-Standard Tag Team DT Moves chart if you are using my chart.
(b) If a pin attempt is authorized immediately after a double-team move (the wrestler is exhausted and the move is worth 2+ pts), the 2 wrestlers who performed the double-team compete against each other for a maximum of 3 control rolls/moves
(i) the 1st wrestler in this battle to execute a move worth 2 or more points goes for the pin on the double-teamed wrestler
(ii) if after 3 control rolls there is no 2 point or greater move then the pin opportunity is lost
(iii) if a pin attempt is allowed normal break-up rules apply except that the break-up wrestler is also modified -2 in addition to the other modification
(iv) the double-teamed wrestler being pinned has a modification of -1, -2 or -3, depending on how many moves the other two had in their battle. If it took only 1 move then the modification is -1. If 2 moves then -2 and if 3 moves then -3
(v) a wrestler who earns a pin/sub attempt in this battle may try to pin/sub that wrestler first ONLY where a pin is expressly authorized (finishing move for example) but not a 2+ pt move that does not specify a pin/sub. The original wrestler who was double-teamed CANNOT break up this pin/sub
Derek K
WWF Match Day 14
The Spectrum
Philadelphia, PA
Referee = Tim Fuller

Pedro Morales v Ken Patera w/ manager Bobby Heenan: the two behemoths in Heenan’s stable, Studd and Bundy, let Fuller pre-match know how they would like to see the match going (increase Patera’s END by 5). To no avail, as Morales dominated the proceedings, featuring a Knee Drop Backbreaker, Sleeper Hold, Repeated Punches to Face and a Cannonball. Morales pinned Patera at 9 min 39 secs.

Tito Santana v Iron Mike Sharpe: Santana performed much of his repertoire, a Diving Clothesline, Tiger Suplex, Dropkick, Mexican Suplex and Figure 4 Leglock before Canada’s Greatest Athlete demonstrated any offense. Iron Mike then hit a Stalling Suplex followed by a Forearm Smash with Cast that gave him a pin attempt. Santana kicked out then used a Forearm of his own, his of a Flying Smash variety, covered and got the 3-count. 5 min 42 secs

Special Delivery Jones v King Kong Bundy w/ manager Bobby Heenan: the best you can say for Jones is that he persevered (he kicked out of both a 1-13 and 1-16 pin attempt). You could also say he failed to perform a single move and, after being the victim of a Uranage, Running Knee Smash, Slam through Announcer’s Table, Hit w/ Chair and a pair of Atlantic City Avalanches, will not be walking upright for a few days. KKB pinned SD at 6 min 35 secs.

Ivan Putski & Ricky Steamboat v The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: the Magnificent Muraco interrupted the faces’ pre-match interview to promote his own upcoming match against Sergeant Slaughter. The highlight of the match itself was probably the sequence of Volkoff connecting with a Front Kick on Steamboat, the heels teaming for a Power Slam and Leg Drop combo then Volkoff lifting the Dragon for an impressive Stalling Suplex. Putski came in and hit a few moves before the Moondogs showed up and beat everyone down. Fuller had no choice but to declare a No Contest. 7 min 31 secs

Sergeant Slaughter v Don Muraco w/ manager Mr. Fuji: Tony Garea took the microphone from Muraco pre-match and delivered some smacktalk to Ivan Koloff, his opponent on MD 15. Slaughter controlled this one from the outset, hitting a Chestbreaker, Cannonball, DDT and Running Clothesline, among other maneuvers. Slaughter got the pinfall after a Military Knee to Gut. Commissioner Vince McMahon, the young Vince, appeared, said Slaughter cheated and seemed to be about to reverse the result, but a Body Slam by Morales changed his mind. 7 min 59 secs

WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Champion Hulk Hogan v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Hogan came into the match with a record of 7-0 and Mr. Wonderful at 6-1, with his only loss to Hogan in the inaugural tournament. Pre-match, the at least equally muscular Tony Atlas waited ringside to stare down Orndorff (-3 END). The challenger had the advantage early after Heenan Tripped Hogan. Orndorff hit a Knee Drop and got a Quick Roll-Up after Heenan distracted the champion. Hogan reached for the ropes just in the nick of time (rolled a 1 20-sided but 6 6-sided, Hogan almost lost the belt!!!!). The Hulkster recovered and wore Orndorff down with a variety of moves including a Stalling Suplex and Body Slam. Hogan led in END 0 to 11 when he nailed the vaunted Hogan Leg Drop. He covered, Fuller counted quickly (pin 1-9, rolled 9) and Hogan was declared the victor. Mr. Wonderful neither liked the result nor Atlas’s pre-match shenanigans if this commentator can read lips. 9 min 15 secs
Derek K
Match Day 15
Civic Center
Wheeling, WV
Referee = Brad Robinson

Junkyard Dog v Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: JYD dominated early with a Snap Suplex, Headbutt and The Thump. Al Kaissey tried to turn the match when he handed a Lit Cigar to Volkoff, who used it on JYD’s arm. OUCH! Undeterred, JYD hit his finisher again, Robinson counted 1-2-3, and JYD was victorious. 6 min 15 secs

Tony Garea v Ivan Koloff w/ manager Captain Lou Albano: Garea’s calling out of Koloff on MD 14 didn’t look so good here. Koloff controlled this one the entire way, with highlights including an Inverted Backbreaker, Shoulder Smash and Russian Sickle. Koloff pinned Garea at 7 min 9 secs. Post-match, Garea cut a brilliant promo, saying he was battered and bruised and down but not out, and if Koloff wanted to fight, how about a Streetfight!

Dynamite Kid v Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart: the Hammer had the advantage early after a Neckbreaker, Knife-Edge Chops and Powerbomb. Iron Mike Sharpe entered the ring and DDT’d the Kid. The heels proceeded to pummel him, earning the DQ from Robinson. Later, it was announced that the Dynamite Kid suffered a back injury and would miss 2 weeks of action.

Tony Atlas & Sgt. Slaughter v Big John Studd & Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: on MD 13 the heels were DQ’d when they attacked Slaughter after the opening bell then on MD 14 Atlas distracted Orndorff before his championship opportunity. This one was looking good after Slaughter landed a Closed Fist and cut Orndorff, the heels teamed for a Blatant Choke, Slaughter hit Mr. Wonderful with a Chair Shot, and Studd executed a Body Slam. But then it all went awry when Atlas, perhaps underestimating Studd’s girth, lifted his opponent and botched a Powerbomb. Robinson stopped the match and paramedics rushed out from the back. Big John Studd suffered a neck injury that will force him to take 4 months off. You might not like him, but I am sure you wish him well in his recovery. 5 min 58 secs

Jimmy Snuka v The Iron Sheik w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: highlights included Snuka smashing Sheik w/ a Chair outside the ring, the Sheik performing a Reverse Atomic Drop and Body Slam, Volkoff interfering by grabbing Snuka from behind but then getting hit by a Sheik Elbow Smash intended for Snuka and a Snuka Missile Dropkick. Superfly earned the submission when he applied a second Brain Claw. 13 min 44 secs

Best of 7 Loser Leaves Town – Mil Mascaras v Randy Savage w/ valet Miss Elizabeth (Savage leads 3-2): the Macho Man became incensed by comments made by the ringside commentators re: the beautiful Elizabeth (+1 heat, +3 END). Mascaras got off to a hot start, performing a Monkey Flip and applying a Surfboard. Savage earned a DQ pt when he was caught executing a Blatant Choke. Mascaras applied an Abdominal Stretch and earned pin attempts after a Moonsault and Tiger Suplex. The Macho Man was caught cheating again when he bashed Mascaras with a Hammer. Savage had a sweet sequence of Flying Body Press, Macho High Knee and a pair of Piledrivers. Savage took a risk and poked Mascaras in the eye but Robinson missed it. Mascaras hit a Diving Crossbody, evening the match at -11 END each. Savage got distracted by Elizabeth which allowed Mascaras to catch him in a Quick Roll-Up. Savage kicked out but Mil followed up with a Cross Chop and covered. 1-2-3, Mascaras wins, and this series will go to a 7th match! 18 min 32 secs
Derek K
Crap, I forgot to post MD 13, so this is out of order. Sorry!

Match Day 13
The Ice Mine
Connellsville, PA
Referee = Bruno Lauer

Ricky Steamboat v Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart: this was a fun bout dominated by Steamboat, who had 8 pin/sub attempts to 0 for Valentine. Slow counts by Lauer allowed the Hammer to kick out of pin attempts after a Head Scissor Takedown and 2nd Rope Headbutt, and Lauer missed Hart pulling Valentine to the ropes after a Diving Headbutt Drop. Steamboat got the pin after hitting his finisher, a Jumping Judo Chop. Steamboat improved to 3-1 in singles competition and Valentine fell to 3-4. 15 min 54 secs

Jimmy Snuka v Nikolai Volkoff w/ Adnan Al Kaissey: both wrestlers entered this match 1-3 in singles competition. Superfly soared here, hitting a Diving Headbutt Drop, Flying Body Splash and Tiger Suplex. Pinfall at 4 min 32 secs

Sgt. Slaughter & Tony Atlas v Paul Orndorff & Big John Studd w/ manager Bobby Heenan: on MD 10 Atlas got involved in the Slaughter/Orndorff match after a Heenan double-team. Here, the bell rang and Studd and Heenan immediately attacked Slaughter while Orndorff distracted Lauer. Atlast physically turned the referee around Lauer couldn’t ignore the assault, calling for the bell and DQing the heels. 33 secs

INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP – Ivan Putski v Champion Roddy Piper w/ personal bodyguard Cowboy Bob Orton: Putski was beaming with confidence pre-match as President Jack Tunney told him backstage that he liked his progress and had his eye on him. Putski’s smile was gone after taking a Running Clothesline and a pair of Whacks w/ a Nightstick, unseen by Lauer. Piper earned pin attempts with a DDT and a pair of Sleepers Holds. He exhausted Putski with a Samoan Drop. He used the Nightstick again but this time was caught and warned by Lauer. Putski applied a Full Nelson but Piper broke the hold. Putski followed it up soon after with a powerful Bear Hug but Piper used his savvy to get out. The champion applied another pair of Sleepers and this time Lauer called for the bell when Putski went to sleep. 10 mins

Junkyard Dog v Ivan Koloff w/ manager Captain Lou Albano: Koloff leads this feud 3-1 with chicanery prevalent in every bout. Here, Koloff heard the ringside commentators praising him pre-match and got overconfident (-3 END). Lauer caught Albano trying to pass a Chain and banned him from ringside. JYD went to work with 3 straight moves, including a Running Clothesline, but was caught in a Quick Pin Move by Koloff. Lauer counted, Koloff pulled the tights, 1-2-3, Koloff wins! 2 min 34 secs

Best of 7 Loser Leaves Town – Mil Mascaras v Randy Savage w/ valet Miss Elizabeth (tied 2-2): Savage had the advantage early with a Gutwrench Backbreaker, Gutwrench Suplex and Diving Double Axe Handle. Mascaras earned a DQ pt when he hit the Macho Man with a Steel Chair, but while arguing with the ref Mascaras was caught by a Savage Flying Body Press. A quick-count by Lauer (pin was 1-4 but modification +2 and roll was a 5) gave Savage the win in a pivotal match. 4 min 43 secs
Derek K
Match Day 16
Maple Leaf Garden
Toronto, Ontario
Referee = Tom Foley

Tony Atlas v Paul Orndorff w/ manager Bobby Heenan: things reached a boiling point on MD 15 when Atlas mistimed a Powerbomb and injured Big John Studd. Here, Sgt. Slaughter joined his partner ringside and stayed for the match, distressing Mr. Wonderful (-3 END). As for the match itself, Ordorff came out of the gate hot, catching Atlas right away with a Small Package then softening him up with a Stalling Suplex and Atomic Drop. Atlas had a Quick Roll-Up then caught Orndorff with a Headbutt. Orndorff grabbed an Etch-a-Sketch from a young fun and destroyed it over Mr. USA’s back. Orndorff hit a Piledrver and Knee Drop and earned a near fall. Heenan inadvertently distracted his client, allowing Atlas to apply a Bear Hug. Orndorff escaped and Hit Atlas with a Chair while Heenan and Slaughter occupied the attention of Foley. Orndorff covered, Foley turned around, 1-2-3, Orndorff wins . 7 min 55 secs

Tito Santana v Iron Mike Sharpe: rematch from MD 14, which Tito won. Here, Sharpe connected with both his opponent and the referee when he swung his cast, knocking Santana out and stunning Foley. In the interim, JYD snuck into the ring and knocked out Sharpe, placing the unconscious Santana on top of him. JYD skedaddled, Foley came to, surmised the situation and did the only reasonable thing, counted 1-2-3 and raised Santana’s limp arm in victory. 2 min 23 secs

Ivan Putski v Don Muraco w/ manager Mr. Fuji: on MD 14 Muraco interrupted Putski and Steamboat’s interview to promote his own bout. Muraco performed a Scoop Slam early but it was Putski who showed his muscle as he hit a Polish Power Slam, Putski Backbreaker and Exploder Suplex. Muraco earned a pair of pin attempts with a Quick Roll-Up and Flying Body Press. Putski applied a Boston Crab then impressed with a Vertica Suplex. He covered, Foley counted 1-2-3 and Putski won! 7 min 14 secs

The Moondogs v The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: on MD 13 the Moondogs stormed the ring and pummeled both the Sheik and Vokoff and their opponents. Wrestling fans would NOT be disappointed in this one. The first highlight was the Iron Sheik coming in on a hot tag and performing a 7-pt sequence of Exploder Suplex, Body Slam and Belly-to-Belly Suplex. The crowd loved it when Rex Whacked Volkoff with a Bone. Volkoff overpowered Spot for a couple minutes with a Full Nelson Slam, Backbreaker, Body Slam, Atomic Drop and Gutwrench Backbreaker. He had 3 pin attempts in there but Spot got out of each. Rex returned, Whacked Volkoff again with the Bone, nailed a Piledriver and covered but Sheik broke it up, and applied a Backbreaker Hold. This time, the Sheik was met by Spot, Rex squeezed, Volkoff squealed and eventually submitted. Moondogs win! 24 min 41 secs

Pedro Morales v King Kong Bundy w/ manager Bobby Heenan: KKB and Studd intimidated the referee before Morales’s bout with Ken Patera on MD 14. This one got a little crazy. Morales used a Hip Toss and a Pair of Ram KKB’s Head into Turnbuckles to take an early lead. Bundy hit a Reverse Atomic Drop and Power Slam. Morales applied a Boston Crab and, honestly, it was a funny sight. Heenan rolled out some Thumbtacks onto the mat and Bundy Body Slammed Morales directly on them. Morales then grabbed the box of tacks from Heenan, spread a few out himself, and Hip Tossed Bundy onto them! The ref missed all that but did warn Bundy after a Blatant Choke. Morales landed a Rotating Punch to Stomach (again, pretty funny to witness), covered and got the 3-count on the exhausted behemoth. NOW is when things got weird. President Jack Tunney appeared and reversed the results of the bout, disqualifying Morales for using Thumbtacks INTENTIONALLY. Morales vehemently complained but apparently there was no evidence that Bundy was aware that Heenan spread Thumbtacks when he Body Slammed Morales. If you think that is a bunch of horse manure you would be in the majority of fans in attendance.

INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Ricky Steamboat v Int’l Champion Roddy Piper w/ bodyguard Bob Orton: Steamboat offered a pre-match handshake and was met with a Piledriver (-5 END). Piper weakened the challenger with another Piledriver and an Indian Deathlock. Orton passed Piper a Fan’s Oxygen Tank which champion introduced to the Dragon’s back. Orton tried it again a minute later but Steamboat took it and used it on Piper. Steamboat hit a Top Rope Body Press. Piper applied an STF. Steamboat followed up an Arm Drag with a Jumping Judo Chop. Steamboat landed Knife-Edge Chops on the exhausted champion and covered, 1-2-near fall as Piper kicked out (pin 1-8, rolled 9). Piper executed an Atomic Drop and soon after applied the Sleeper. Steamboat fought but couldn’t overcome his exhaustion and Roddy’s grip. The ref called for the bell at 13 min 54 secs when Steamboat was rendered unconscious. ENDs were Piper -13 and Steamboat -17. Those Canadian dollars bought some good wrestling this evening.
Derek K
Match Day 17
Embassy Hall
North Bergen, NJ
referee = Connie Marker

STREETFIGHT: Tony Garea v Ivan Koloff w/ manager Captain Lou Albano: after losing on MD 15, Garea challenged Koloff to this bout. This was a good one. The first extracurricular was Koloff shooting a Fire Extinguisher into Garea’s Face. Then Captain Lou tried to pass an object to his client but Marker took it away. The heels argued, correctly, that this was a Streetfight and that objects were legal. Garea took advantage of the situation to set up some Steel Chairs outside the ring. Garea nailed a 2nd Rope Elbow Smash and Diving Crossbody and earned the match’s first pin attempt. Koloff applied a Bear Hug then tossed Garea through the ropes. Once outside, Koloff gained control and Body Slammed Garea through the Steel Chairs. The match went into the audience when Koloff Body Slammed Garea over the Guard Rail. Koloff performed a Powerbomb onto the Catering Table and a Spear into the Equipment and Garea Slammed Koloff’s Head into the Aisle Steps. I know I wouldn’t have been able to make it back to the ring but these two warriors managed. Garea tried to get a submission out of Koloff with an Octopus Hold but Koloff used his savvy to escape. Garea had a near fall after a Diving Headbutt Drop (pin 1-14, rolled 13 but 6 6-sided). The Russian rallied with a Shoulder Smash, Hip Toss and Russian Sickle. The cover, the count, 1-2-3, Koloff wins! 11 min 51 secs of non-stop action

SD Jones v The Iron Sheik w/ manager Adnan Al Kaissey: the Sheik pummeled Jones with his Loaded Boot during Jones’s pre-match interview (-6 END). A Short-Arm Clothesline and Camel Clutch finisher was all the Sheik needed as Jones submitted at 1 min 23 secs. The Commissioner tried to reverse the result but was prevented by a Nikolai Volkoff Body Slam.

Junkyard Dog v Iron Mike Sharpe: on MD 16 Sharpe was about to pin Tito Santana after some shenanigans with his Cast, but JYD KO’d Iron Mike and placed Santana atop him for the cover. Here, the Iron Sheik and Volkoff attacked JYD during his entrance (-3 END). Tony Garea helped chase them away and a future tag team match was scheduled. In the match proper, both men showed some strength early with JYD performing a Suplex and Sharpe a Power Slam. Sharpe earned a pin attempt after a Forearm Smash with Cast and a DQ point after Throwing Salt in JYD’s face. Sharpe followed up a Piledriver with another Forearm Smash with Cast and this time, got the 3-count for the upset victory! Post-match, Sharpe was approached by Captain Lou Albano who offered to represent him. Sharpe accepted! 7 min 59 secs

Ivan Putski & Ricky Steamboat v The Moondogs: on MD 13 the Moondogs stormed the ring and beat up both Putski and Steamboat and their opponents. Here, Steamboat performed a Moonsault and Diving Headbutt Drop early, Rex applied Backbreaker and Spot applied a Bear Hug. Spot earned a DQ pt for a Rear Choke. Putski executed a Scoop Slam and Hit with Chair (no DQ pt). Steamboat cut Rex with an Elbow Smash to Head. Steamboat earned a pin attempt with a Flying Body Press. Spot received a second warning for a Kick to Groin then less than a minute later was caught Raking Steamboat’s Back. Marker immediately called for the bell and disqualified the Moondogs. 11 min 3 secs

Tito Santana v Greg Valentine w/ manager Jimmy Hart: Santana connected with a Running Clothesline and then a Dropkick. Valentine landed a Pointed Elbow to Gut, earned the first pin attempt with a Quick Roll-Up and nailed a Neckbreaker. A Santana Running Crossbody evened the match at -2 END at the 7:30 mark. The Hammer dominated the rest of the way, cutting Santana’s forehead with a Closed Fist, earning a DQ pt with a Hit with Chair and finally, getting the pinfall after a Belly-to-Back Suplex. 13 min 6 secs

NON-TITLE MATCH: World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan v Ken Patera w/ manager Bobby Heenan: Hogan didn’t get his usual reception (-1 heat). Kinda cool seeing Patera deliver a Piledriver and Swinging Neckbreaker on the champ. But Hulkamania ran wild as Hogan landed a Running Clothesline and Hogan Leg Drop, which resulted in the 1-2-3. 5 min 2 secs
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