I've noticed that some players only have triple chances in column 3 and can get them only against the worst pitchers. This new innovation will give each player that has a triple chance in column 3 the ability to hit a triple against any pitcher.
The attached spreadsheet works like this: You type in the player's column 3 numbers (with the + or * symbols) and the chances for each type of hit- single, single with *, single with +, double or triple is automatically displayed.
During the game, when a column 3 roll results in a hit, you reroll the 2 dice and use the ranges to determine the final result.
Admittedly, there are some limitations. It will not work with the new park effects and cards that have + pr * symbols on a double or triple result. Future versions could be designed that will solve these limitations.
This idea will not alter the expected results off the batter cards, but will redistribute the type of hits from column 3.